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Oct 21st 2022
1/What’s happening in #Iran is #cia attempt to finish up the end stage of its long-stablished criminal plot [destruction of 7states/potential danger to Israel], in which cia-based9/11 terrorist-attack was the best excuse to initiate its enduring bloody business. ImageImageImageImage
2/#Civil_War is the key factor to start the invasion, that’s the reason of cia support to its pawns [al-Hendi Khomeini loyalists who attacked US Embassy=reformists=green movement] in their lengthy war on Leadership Seat against the current leader,..
3/ nonstop crisis &intentional murder of innocent kids/girls to stir up people.
Meanwhile, warmongers’ #Ukrainian puppet through a bunch of disinformation ridiculously accused Iran as the source of #Russia missiles-drones/a FAKE propaganda..
Read 14 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
#Bengaluru_Burning: #Unleashing #Sadak2

There are Hindus defending this guy called Naveen who purportedly posted a slanderous post against the Prophet of one religion, because someone from that religion posted an obnoxious message against Gods of his religion.
Let me place a rough statistic here. There are no less than 5,000 Pages on Facebook and no less than 2 Million Facebook accounts posting obnoxious stuff against Hindus, Hindu Gods and India. There are Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Indians in these groups.
By chance, if you report these posts or accounts to Facebook Community Standards, you will be politely told, "The post and account does not go against FCS. Hence you are advised to block XYZ to stop seeing content from them."
Read 15 tweets

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