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This hub is for threads chronicling the #BLM movement after the murder of #GeorgeFloyd.

First, the original thread following the #GeorgeFloydProtests and subsequent developments:
A related thread featuring videos about racism and police brutality, particularly from the #GeorgeFloydProtests :
A small thread looking at the "Suburban Lifestyle Dream" dog whistle Trump employed during the 2020 election.
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1/ The latest, and how itā€™s related to #GeorgeFloyd : Freed slaves founded this town. Their descendants fear postal cuts threaten voting rightsā€¦
2/ During #GeorgeFloydProtests in #Minneapolis I met his aunt, Angela Harrelson, who explained how her family's land in North Carolina was stolen from them.ā€¦
3/ I listened to the podcast "Unfinished: Deep South" about lynching and land theft from Black familiesā€¦
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only local press investigates #RWNJ infiltration of protests over #GeorgeFloyd's murderā€¦
Even after a detailed case was made to national #journalists that right-wing reactionaries have been perpetrating violence and property destruction.ā€¦
another neo #Fascist found to perpetrate crime during #GeorgeFloydProtestsā€¦
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NEW: Leveraging close ties to Twitter, Dataminr helped law enforcement agencies digitally monitor the protests following the killing of George Floyd, tipping off police to social media posts with the latest whereabouts and actions of demonstrators. #BLM
Twitter, up until recently a longtime investor in Dataminr alongside the CIA, provides the company with full access to a content stream known as the ā€œfirehoseā€ ā€” one that lets Dataminr, recently valued at over $1.8 billion, scan every public tweet as soon as its author hits send.
Based on interviews, public records requests, and company documents reviewed by The Intercept, Dataminr continues to enable what is essentially surveillance by U.S. law enforcement entities, contradicting earlier assurances to the contrary.
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One of America's greatest journalists & editors was Les Payne who, tragically, died last year. For as long as I had the pleasure of working with & knowing Les he worked on a definitive biography of #MalcolmX & finished the draft. His fabulous daughter, Tami, completed it.
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Payne's bio will blow minds: he methodically over decades interviewed Malcolm's childhood & jail assocs, political & IslamicNation cohorts & family to gather fresh insights into his life & murder. Indispensable. #BLM #GeorgeFloydProtests
The book comes out in September, but buzz is already building, as the publisher allows sneak previews. What seemed radical about #MalcolmX in the 1960s appears prophetic & deep in light of #BLM in 2020. Here's a flavor of advance reviews. Image
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June 16, 2020.

There is one new case of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan to report on June 16, 2020, bringing the provincial total to 684. The new case is in the Saskatoon region. #skpoli #COVID19 #yxe
The Phase 4 Re-Open Saskatchewan plan is June 22. Activities scheduled for the first part of Phase 4 of the plan to re-open the province can get underway, including: child and youth day camps; outdoor pools and splash pads; and outdoor sports and activities. #skpoli #COVID19
BUT "No handshakes. No high fives" says premier @PremierScottMoe #COVID19 #skpoli
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Today hundreds of activists in the #GeorgeFloydProtests managed to block both sides of 395 (5 lanes southbound, 4 lanes northbound) to protest police violence.

Some actually got out of their vehicles to participate, but one car was blocked by police as it tried to get through.
One woman argued with protesters, hoping to get by.

They explained it would take 8 minutes (the amount of time it took for George Floyd to be killed.)

"What about black on black crime?" she asked.

"What about shut the fuck up," they told her.
The protesters eventually left, allowing traffic to flow.

"The reason we must continue is that the entire world is watching Washington D.C.," said one participant. "If we stop now, we're saying that those people that died, that they died in vein."
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@just_security publishes "Statement of Homeland and National Security Leaders"

including former cabinet members and senior officials from Republican and Democratic administrations

#GeorgeFloydProtests #CountryAboveParty #BlackLivesMatterā€¦
2. The 23 homeland and nat'l security leaders signing the statement:

Michael Chertoff
P.J. Crowley (@PJCrowley)
Jane Harman
Michael Hayden (@GenMhayden
David Heyman
Brian Michael Jenkins (@BrianMJenkins)
Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem)
Cathy Lanier
Michael Leiter (@MikeLeiter)
3. Leaders continued:

James Loy
Alejandro Mayorkas
John McLaughlin (@jmclaughlinSAIS)
Lisa Monaco
Matt Olsen
John Pistole (@PresPistole)
Daniel Prieto
Tom Ridge
Robert N Rose
Suzanne Spaulding (@SpauldingSez)
Jessica Stern (@JessicaEStern)
Miles Taylor
William Webster
Evan Wolff
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Today has been packed, back2back with virtual meetings. The theme running through all of them is deep concern about soaring #COVID19 rates in 21 States and likely impacts on the #pandemic of spread in #GeorgeFloydProtests and next week's #Trump rally in Tulsa. Image
Causes for concern include #Florida
MOREā€¦ Image
Causes for concern include #Arizona -- where 80% of ICU beds in hospitals are now full.ā€¦ Image
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1/5 Steven Carrillo ambushed & killed Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller, critically injured another deputy, & threw pipe bombs at police June 6th.

He also scrawled extremist mottos "Boog", "I became unreasonable", & "stop the duopoly" in BLOOD on the hood of a car.ā€¦
2/5 Carrillo, a former Air Force sergeant, is also linked to a federal officer killing in Oakland & charged with 19 felonies.

"Boog" refers to a growing far right white supremacist "boogaloo" movement to start a civil war based on race.ā€¦ via @mercnews
3/5 "I became unreasonable" & "stop the duopoly" are common boogaloo mottos, the first based on a quote from Marvin Heemeyer, an anti-government extremist who bulldozed 13 buildings in Granby, Colorado, called "Killdozer" by extremists.ā€¦
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Dispatches from the Prairies.
A Thread.
1/ In their own words, a few Black people on the Prairies reflect on what #BlackLivesMatter and this historical moment mean to them.
2/ Amara Brown, 14, from Yorkton, Sask.
"Well for me, I think the BLM movement is amazing. I see this as a change on the right direction. If people are protesting and screaming for equality, others may do the same." #BlackLivesMatter #skpoli Image
3/ (...) "In the end, people may become more comfortable with talking about racism or racial inequality or simply bringing up the protests. No one at my school ever talks about that, and even my best friends donā€™t bring up the protests." - Amara Brown #BlackLivesMatter #canpoli
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.@IndyMayorJoe: Indy will further loosen #coronavirus restrictions next Friday, one week behind the rest of the state.
Worship services can host congregations at 75% capacity. That's different from state orders, which exempt houses of worship from 250-person cap on mass gatherings.
Masks will be required at the City-County Building. They'll be available at the front desk for those who don't have their own.
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Dispersal orders from police officers are supposed to include clear directives. Officers just shouted at us, "Move!" When I asked "Where do we go?" they did not respond. @PENamerica saying they need to give clear instructions about where to go. #journalism #GeorgeFloydProtests
Thanks @AttorneyNora for specific advice on how to effectively cover protests/police. She urged journalists - including citizen journalists and freelancers - to reach out if they have questions. "Know your rights and know what to do if they get violated." #Journalismisnotacrime
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1/ I spoke with @AOC @MarkTakano and @RepChuyGarcia who are proposing a ban on police use of tear gas after #GeorgeFloydProtestsā€¦
2/@MnDPS_MSP fired tear gas and rubber bullets at me and pepper sprayed my colleague @Carolyn_Cole during a peaceful protest. They have yet to contact us or confirm that they are investigating.ā€¦
3/The proposed ban on tear gas (part one): ImageImageImageImage
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1/ The powerful #GeorgeFloydProtests are *alreadyĀ changing* how cities are thinking about policing all across the country. This thread lists what #BlackLivesMatter and the protests have already achieved since late May. Please let me know if I've missed anything.
2/ Mayor Bill de Blasio on Sunday vowed to cut an unspecified amount from the New York Police Departmentā€™s $6 billion budget and redirect it toward youth and other social programs.Āā€¦
3/ In Albany, NY State lawmakers on Monday began passing a wide-ranging package of bills targeting police misconduct, including a ban on the use of chokeholds, repeal of a statute that has hid the disciplinary records of police officers from public view.Āā€¦
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1) Breaking: #AlQaeda Central, aiming for resurgence, seeks to compete with #ISIS' media in new issue of "One Ummah" magazine in English. The issue gives timely mention of America's current tumult: #COVID19, #GeorgeFloydProtests, political & economic turmoil, and more.
2) This new issue comes just weeks after last issue of AQ's One Ummah, released May 22 in Arabic. Like this new issue, May's One Ummah made timely reference to FBI investigation of Pensacola attack. Today's issue reinforces this fast production capability.
3) Capitalizing on racial inequity protests throughout the US, #AlQaeda picked up its long-running thread on racism towards blacks, promoting Malcolm X & disparaging Dems & Reps like. Blames Biden, Pelosi, Clintons, McConnell, Trump & others for injustice.ā€¦
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The latest: #GeorgeFloyd #Houston memorial reminds friends what they survivedā€¦
2/ Friends talked about #GeorgeFloyd and his time at Yates High Image
3/ #GeorgeFloyd was a football (tight end) and basketball player (forward) Image
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After a week of #GeorgeFloydProtests Democrat leadership from the House/Senate will roll out their package of #policereform bills this morning. Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer and members of the Congressional Black Caucus will address reporters in a few min #NexstarDC Image
Lawmakers lining up, preparing to speak about #policereform package. Waiting on leadership #NexstarDC Image
Rep. Karen Bass, chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, leads off on #policeReform Package #NexstarDC
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I'm calling on @MayorJenny to de-militarize police; restrict use of excessive or deadly force; increase accountability in police union contracts; give subpoena powers to independent oversight boards; redirect PD $ to community-based alternatives. #blacklivesmatter #georgefloyd
I asked the Mayor directly in a meeting with legislators last week about the violence being instigated by the police, and her response to me was dismissive. Now I am asking her publicly through this letter to take action. #blacklivesmatter #georgefloyd
If the Mayor fails to respond adequately to this public request, I will be joining the chorus of voices calling on her to resign. #blacklivesmatter #georgefloydprotests
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Dispatches from the Prairies.
A thread
1/ A little over a week ago, I tweeted some of my experiences as a Black woman on the Prairies. I have been Black on the Prairies for 20 years. Here, blackness is considered foreign, an oddity in the landscape, at best a question mark.
Although the black presence dates from more than a 100 years ago, with the first black pioneers migrating from the U.S. in search of a better life, Black bodies, Black histories, Black Life, Black experiences are mostly unaccounted for here.
Simply put, blackness is often marked with silence and absence from the public discourse. So, it has been quite a few couple of weeks to see hundreds of Black people from across the province along with people from other communities on the streets chanting #BlackLivesMatter
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Dispatches from the Prairies.
A thread
1/ Today Prince Albert held its first #BlackLivesMatter rally. Hundreds were in attendance.
Last time I was in Prince Albert, I spent the day at the Saskatchewan Penitentiary. I was reporting on life behind bars. #skpoli #canpoli
2/ The Saskatchewan Penitentiary is a federal prison, where 60% of the inmates are Indigenous. Thatā€™s twice the national average. A large number of the protesters at the #BlackLivesMatter rally in PA were Indigenous. #skpoli #canpoli
Today, the @fsinations issued a statement in support of #BlackLivesMatter, while asking for "sweeping changes in the criminal justice system". Keep in mind, the #GeorgeFloydProtests are about anti-Black racism and police violence. #canpoli #skpoli
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2/Hereā€™s the video Santiago Guachamin filmed of looters shooting at his business #Minneapolis
3/I spoke with Santiago Guachamin - a guardsman - last week as National Guard troops and a fire truck arrived to put out a nearby blaze #Minneapolis Image
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A thread on #PoliceFreeSchools.

Every parent or educator who has ever said the words, ā€œ#BlckLivesMatterā€ should work to get cops out of schools.

This school year has many cases cops harming kids: 1) a cop assaulted a girl for taking an extra milk.ā€¦
In Florida this school year, a cop traumatized a 6-year-old girl when he handcuffed, arrested, & forced her into his squad car.

Then he took her to the youth jail, took her mug shot & fingerprinted her, all for a temper tantrum.

In Chicago this school year, police punched a girl and threw her down stairs in her school. Then lied about doing it. The video revealed the truth.

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Some #Minneapolis teachers are losing their jobs this week, amid #GeorgeFloydProtests and #COVID19 - including those at schools in neighborhood looted and burned.
Many of those I spoke with in #Minneapolis during #GeorgeFloydProtests said equity was their goal, not just in policing, but also in housing, employment and education.
Story to come tomorrow @latimes Image
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