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Tutorial thread Blender 3-D Population Density👥📊🗺️Maps through @KonturInc using #QGIS and #Blender....#esri users you can follow along too because it can be done in your software too #gischat #thread #geospatial ImageImageImageImage
So I would divide this tutorial into four parts
1. Data Gathering(with @KonturInc )
2. QGIS(Black map and Color Map)
3. Rendering in Blender(No geometry nodes)
4. QGIS or other softwares (final touches)
So @KonturInc is a really good geospatial data provider together with risk management solution provider who deal with a lot of things as shown in link below But we will focus today on Their wonderful population data
Read 26 tweets
Tutorial thread Blender 3-D Maps🏔️🗺️🧵: In this tutorial I'm going to show how you can also create 3-D Maps like the one shown below. Using #QGIS and #Blender....#esri users you can follow along too because it can be done in your software too #gischat #thread #geospatial ImageImageImageImage
So I would divide this tutorial into four parts
1. Data Gathering(with @OpenTopography ) or DIVA
2. QGIS(Black map and Color Map)
3. Rendering in Blender(No geometry nodes)
4. QGIS or other softwares (final touches)
1. In data gathering I normally use @OpenTopography to download the DEM required for blending/rendering .....the 90m and 30m and 10m are key consideration when downloading dem for instance in small area 30m works well but in large areas 90m works best....
Read 24 tweets
Do you want to learn how to create Voronoi polygons in @qgis ? You have a dataset of cellular towers locations in a city, and you want to create Voronoi polygons to visualize the coverage areas of each tower.Follow this step-by-step guide. #gischat
1- Prepare your data:

Import your cellular towers locations dataset as a point layer in QGIS.

Make sure your point layer has a unique identifier for each tower.
2-Create Voronoi polygons:

Go to "Vector" > "Geometry Tools" > "Voronoi Polygons".

Select your point layer as the "Input layer".

Choose an appropriate name and location for your output Voronoi polygon layer.

Click "Run" to generate the Voronoi polygons.
Read 7 tweets
Compressed image formats are a great way to reduce file size without sacrificing image quality. There are several compressed image formats that are commonly used in GIS (Geographic Information System) applications. #gischat #geospatial #gis
ECW (Enhanced Compression Wavelet) is a proprietary compressed image format developed by ERDAS. It's commonly used for compressing large raster images, such as satellite imagery and aerial photography. ECW files can be handled by software ArcGIS, Global Mapper, and ERDAS Imagine.
MrSID (Multiresolution Seamless Image Database): LizardTech's proprietary format that is similar to ECW. It's commonly used for compressing large raster images and can be handled by software such as ArcGIS and Global Mapper.
Read 10 tweets
Here is a more comprehensive list of plugins for land use and land cover (LULC) analysis in QGIS. The selection of plugins depends on the specific research question and the type of data available. #gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis #QGIS
Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP): This plugin provides a user-friendly interface for supervised and unsupervised classification of remote sensing images. It includes a wide range of classification algorithms.#gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis #QGIS Image
Land Cover Classification System (LCCS): This plugin allows users to classify land cover based on a standardized classification system developed by the FAO. It includes a set of rules and guidelines for classifying land cover.#gischat #geospatial #GIS #LULCanalysis #QGIS Image
Read 10 tweets
Here is a selection of the *coolest* 3D maps, visuals, and map-like worlds from the past months you don't want to miss. Wonderful dynamic, interactive, static, creative or artistic visuals PART 3. #Dataviz #3dMap #GIS #3D #Cartography #GISchat 1/20🧵
spatial_occasions | @spatial_occasions mesmerizing and stunning visualization of the flight networks on the Globe. Just perfect. Made in #Blender3D. #B3d #3DMap #GeometryNodes #Dataviz 2/🧵
Terence Fostodon's | @researchremora perfect mix of 3D and 2D with a brilliant style. Ultra productive 3D map maker, worth every follow! Made in #rstats with #rayshader. 3/🧵
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Remote sensing (RS) software tools can help you analyze and interpret satellite or airborne data. If you're on a tight budget, don't worry - there are plenty of great free options out there!#gischat #geospatial
#QGIS is a powerful and user-friendly open-source #GIS software that includes RS tools. You can use it to visualize, analyze, and process your RS data. It supports a wide range of file formats and has an active community.#gischat #geospatial…
Sentinel Application Platform is a free, multi-platform tool for processing and analyzing data from various RS sensors, including Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-3. It includes a user-friendly GUI and a powerful toolbox. @esa #gischat…
Read 7 tweets
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms have revolutionized spatial analysis, providing new insights into geographic data. Here's a list of popular ML algorithms used in #geospatial #DataScience
#DataScience #MachineLearning #SpatialAnalysis #gischat
K-means clustering is a popular unsupervised ML algorithm used for clustering and segmentation of spatial data. It's used to identify spatial patterns, group similar geographic features, and create thematic maps.
Random Forests is a supervised ML algorithm used for classification and regression tasks in Geospatial Data Science. It's used to predict land use, soil properties, and other geographic variables.
Read 7 tweets
The large #wildfires in #Chile are spreading quickly across large areas of non-native plantations of radiata pine and eucalyptus, many of them planted by foreigners during a dictatorship. These maps show recent MODIS heat detections on top of mapping of plantations (purple). 1/x
Over 3 million acres of plantations were established in this region in the 80s and 90s. As seen in the American West, during severe weather, conifer tree farms burn like the sun. Even-aged forestry is turning out to be an ecological disaster, all over the globe. 2/x Source: Patagon Journal
The @FSC_IC has certified over 3M acres of Chilean plantations as being 'sustainably managed'. But as in the USA, they failed to imagine the potential scale of wildfire losses in managed forests. Wildfire is a structural problem in tree farms, not easily mitigated. 3/x
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Tutorial Thread🧵 on how to create Climate maps using R Language specifically ClimateR🌧️🌤️ package created by Mike Johnson...In this tutorial I'm going to use The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦#gischat #cartography #GIS #geospatial #Remotesensing #dataviz #R #rspatial #mapping
So At first Climate R is package created specifically to deal with climate illustration ......So in order to get it working you have to Have Remote package already and you have to Install Using the codes below. Codes for installing Climate R
So after that were going prepare the Tempreture illustration in which they are three ways of illustrating Mean Tempreture(One map),Annual Tempreture(Mutiple Maps) and Monthly Tempreture.
Read 21 tweets
Behind the scenes of the Submarine Cable Network globe. Only the viewport animation within #blender3d.
#gischat #dataviz #b3d 1/🧵
⬆️ behind the scenes of the original Globe animation of the Maritime Cable Network. #gis #dataviz #b3d 3/🧵
Read 3 tweets
Do you love 3D maps, worlds & visualisations? Here are 24 world creators, mapmakers, or visuals I've come across recently. Brilliant and creative minds using many different tools! PART 1 #dataviz #GISchat #3dmaps #map #gis #3d 1/🧵
Steven Kay | @stevefaeembra creates many original and cool #3dmaps such as this great visualisation of Windturbines in the British Isles. Follow him! #Blender3D and #QGis are his tools. #SDGs #Wind #b3d 2/🧵
Neil Southall | @neilcfd1 creates fantastic #3dmaps such as this hypnotising animation of #LiDAR data of Copenhagen. He uses #rstats and #rayshader in wonderful ways. #rspatial 3/🧵
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Interested in public transit 🚌🚅⛴️ data and software development? Check out the gtfs_manager project, a prototype desktop application written in #rustlang by @maxunsted, to explore and even edit your GTFS files 🎉 A short thread... Image
The project is now at MVP prototype stage and is looking for people to test it out, provide feedback, and get involved. See post on @rustlang Reddit here:… for details.
The code underlying the project is #OpenSource and can be found on @github. It's in many ways a @foss4g + #gischat project but focus is on user experience. Check the video there + install with:
cargo install --git…
Read 5 tweets
Here is a selection of the *coolest* 3D maps and map-like worlds I've seen on Twitter in the past months. Wonderful dynamic, interactive, static, creative or artistic visuals. #Dataviz #3dMap #GIS #3D #Cartography #GISchat 1/23🧵⬇️
Thomas Kole | @ThomasKoleTA 's stunning realistic 3D model of Tenochtitlan capital of the Aztec Empire (now Mexico City) made in #blender using #geometrynodes. Stunning water, clouds & details. #b3d #CDMX 2/23 🧵
Craig Taylor | @CraigTaylorViz 's mesmerizing ship data animation of the Gulf of Mexico. Made in #Cinema4D, with pleasant colours and satisfyingly well-made animation and light reflections. As always impressive work. 3/23 #3dmaps
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Australia is wider than the moon #gischat
Reno, Nevada is farther west than Los Angeles, California. #gischat
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по просьбам трудящихся, тредик про SQL (postgres/postgis), разберём ваши вопросы и что-нибудь поломаем, погнали:
начинать нужно с азов. самый короткий запрос - ";". ломает людям мониторинги, потому что нагрузку создаёт, а текста не имеет. Image
в запросе обычно нужны какие-нибудь ключевые слова, которые бы что-нибудь вернули. из базы данных получать таблицы помогает запрос select. Image
Read 31 tweets
Timelapse of Hunga Tonga #volcano eruption on Jan 15 2022. Created using the #streamlit web app 👇

Location: 20.536°S 175.382°W
Time: 03:00-07:00 UTC
Satellite: GOES-17 CMI Full Disk

#EarthEngine #geemap #eochat #gischat #dataviz
Night view
A closer look
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Happy New Year🎆 You can now create sea surface temperature timelapse with a colorbar using the #streamlit web app in <60 seconds 👇


#EarthEngine #geemap #eochat #gischat #oceancolor #dataviz #geospatial
Here is a demo using the @streamlit web app for creating ocean color timelapse with #MODIS Aqua data @chris_harrod

Keep in mind that you can create timelapse by selecting a yearly, quarterly, weekly, or daily frequency
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Another open-source geospatial analysis platform is coming soon. Exciting time 🤩📣👇

The ESA-NASA Joint Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP)

#opensource #geospatial #gischat #remotesensing #nasa #esa #geopython
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Check it out! It's an end-of-year Spatial Analytics + Data seminar bonanza! #SAD2020 is rounding out the year with a little something for everyone: neighbourhood change, mobility, social networks, python, and differential privacy! Details in thread below—please share!
Happening today (now!): text analysis and neighborhood change!

@DrDelmelle on “The Language of Neighborhood Change and Development”. Missing out? You’ll be able to catch the recording later #SAD2020
Next up in Spatial Analytics + Data seminar series (Nov 17) we host Laura Alessandretti (@lau_retti) on "The Scales of Human Mobility" #SAD2020 #poptwitter #gischat…
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I might be the last one on the population flag map bandwagon, but I’m pleased with the result! Thanks to @StatCan_eng @StatCan_fra for providing nearly *half a million* polygons to select from.

#cartography #gischat #QGIS #canada @CanadianGIS @GANSorg

(Details in the thread.)
Over the last couple of weeks people have been posting their population flag maps, so I thought I’d try my hand at creating one for Canada. I figured that with detailed census data, I might even be able to include a reasonable facsimile of the maple leaf.
So I went to download the boundary file of Canada’s 56,589 dissemination areas, the smallest geographic area for which full census data is provided. That’s when I discovered that Statistics Canada also provides a 'dissemination block' boundary file.
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1/x This morning I woke up to see viral maps incorrectly comparing the damage area of the Beirut explosion to London and New York. I have corrected the maps with a little thread to explain my corrections. img 1. tweet with my notes. img 2-4. my new maps.
2/x The original map looks like it was made by the @DailyMailUK It's a pretty clear map... except for the fact there is no scale or distance indicated on it. (Thank you #gischat sleuths that helped me find the original).…
3/x A curious and well intentioned person used an online tool that slaps circles onto google maps, but none of the maps show any distances or scale. And the google maps are, of course, projected in Web Mercator, which does NOT show distance equally across different latitudes.
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I get a lot of questions about my @locatepress book Discover QGIS 3.x. There is a lot - it's 402 pages with 32 lab exercises. To begin 2020 I'll be launching the #30DaysofDiscoverQGIS3x thread highlighting things you can learn/teach with this workbook! Stay tuned! #gischat #QGIS
@locatepress This workbook has 5 sections: 1) Intro to Geospatial Technology, 2) Spatial Analysis, 3) Data Acquisition and Mgmt, 4) Cartography and 5) Advanced Data Visualization. It can be purchased as an ebook or paperback at #30DaysofDiscoverQGIS3x
@locatepress There is a New Years sliding scale sale on all ebooks at Starting today the discount will be 50% using the code: newyears

The discount steps down each day by 5%. Get in early!

Sale starts midnight EST Dec 30.

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#Data2Information: A Tale of #OpsDashboard Development

A tweet series about being presented with a need and a dataset and then turning that data into information in the form of a dynamic dashboard using @ArcGISOnline (with my added thoughts).
I have been configuring quite a few #OpsDashboards - @ArcGISApps lately so I thought I would chronicle my most recent experience as I assume others find themselves facing the same challenges/opportunities (or I atleast hope I'm not the only one).
I received a forwarded email saying "Any ideas on something cool?" FYI - this is the type of email I love to get because it's basically an ask with free reign of creativity (while being budget conscience of course).
Read 24 tweets

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