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May 27th 2023
7 Simple Life Hacks for You! A twitter thread...

Here are simple tips to improve your #life and feel the difference. Here’s how you can do it: Image
1) Prioritize Your Health

It doesn’t take time to stay #healthy, wealthy, and wise. Unfortunately, we don’t pay much attention to our personal well-being.

You should know that no work is more important than your #health. Whatever you do make sure it doesn’t affect your health.
Here’s what I do:

Every morning, I practice #yoga for my mental and physical well-being. In addition, I always make sure that my daily diet includes leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. Because I believe health is wealth.

Read 13 tweets
Jul 4th 2022
@NPR is doing its annual reading and tweeting of the #DeclarationOfIndependence. 246 years ago a group of men felt it so important that they risked everything to defy a King & start a path for a democratic republic. Today we’re seeing those values attacked by the stolen #SCOTUS
The #AntiDemocraticParty of the GOP passing laws & ideas to circumnavigate the will of #Americans. On this #IndependenceDay2022, it is time to not celebrate what happened 246 years ago, but to honor it by standing up for our #FellowAmericans ensuring that #Rights and #Freedoms
Are actually for all of us. #Autonomy is a #Right. Not being shot because you look dangerous or are frightened or just went to school #Right. Loving yourself & having your ability to have your own family is a #Right. #Healthcare is a #HumanRight (#AbortionIsHealthcare)
Read 7 tweets
Nov 19th 2020
This is going to be one of my most important threads.

On Oct 24 2020 we analyzed the Rockefeller Foundation "Message Handbook - #Covid19 Testing & #Tracing, Sept 2020".

This thread examines the #UN [Share] Verified Guide to COVID-19 #Vaccine Communications (released Nov 18). Image
Before we begin, we need to understand who/what [Share] Verified is. Self-described as "the biggest team the world has ever seen" Verified is #Purpose PR firm (sister org of #Avaaz) partnered w/ #UN, #Luminate (#Omidyar) & #Ikea. Image
[Share] Verified "Collaborators" include #WorldBank, #Facebook, #Twitter, #TikTok, etc.…

"Verified works with the support of #Luminate, #IKEA Foundation & UN Foundation & partners all over the world." ImageImageImageImage
Read 41 tweets
Oct 28th 2020
I now know why my colleague mentioned @Rufusmay to me.

I love the way he proposes telling stories, and being creative, playful and vulnerable as a way of bringing our whole selves to our work.

Highlights below...

2:00 2:35

"Until you or a relative experience it, it's another world [...] If you're sectioned you lose your rights, and things get done to you...

...I think it really changed my life."

On the influence of experiencing involuntary treatment on his career.

2:35 - 3:05

"When I managed to return to education I thought, "I want to make a difference" and go back into the #mentalhealth system and promote a more listening approach...

...I didn't feel I'd been listened to."

Read 21 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
I am proud of the Abaddon team. Here’s why. We have managed to put together a wonderful team of veteran sci fi rockstars as well as incredibly powerhouse women and people of colour. Pete and I didn’t have agents when all this began.
I’d long given up trying to
“Break through” as they say, and had committed myself to education, but education kept pushing me away and I didn’t understand.
But it was a sign all along.
Now I know why I am here.
My purpose has never felt so clear.
I am in the world to change the world.
I’m here to inspire 7 billion people to become the best version of themselves possible by creating things that truly matter, giving back, loving and encouraging others to do the same.
#leavenormalbehind with me.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 13th 2020
As we learn to cope with the realities & the pause that #COVID19 presents us, I’m reminded of the power of being still. It’s an odd thing to do these days but there’s beauty in it. Like the musical notation of the fermata which adds beauty to the song and provides time for pause.
The trick is to make the most of the pause and enjoy the moment of being still. We may need to pause from gathering big but there is no requirement for social distancing to keep us apart. When we look back on this extra time we have been given, will we remember binge watching,…
… spending time on social media or wasting time? Maybe we need to use this gift of time to do something extraordinary. Like spending more time with family, friends and loved ones. Or doing something for those people if it’s not possible to do something with those people.
Read 12 tweets
May 5th 2018
Saturdays are the hardest when you’re single. Sometimes it takes until 5:30 to shower & get out.

I drag myself to “my coffee shop.” I like having places that are mine. I don’t have a house or a husband but at least I have the tan couch at my coffee shop.

Right now the baristas know me as the girl who spilled fancy toast with sticky honey all over everything, but maybe someday they’ll know my name and order. A girl can #hope.

What I really #hope is that one of these baristas will think that I’m pretty and read interesting books and that the way I kick off my sandals and curl up on my tan couch is cute enough to get to know.
Read 22 tweets

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