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When more than 95% of the broadband users are on Mobile then any disruption to Mobile services will definitely impact the overall Internet services in the country. #Pakistan #KeepitOn Image
As per IIJ’s Internet Health Report, these are the top 5 ASNs in the country.… Image
@CloudflareRadar reported the drop in services in the country on Tuesday. Image
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#India imposed by far the highest number of #InternetShutdowns in the world in 2022. As per reports #KeepItOn 'Weapons of Control, Shields of Impunity' says "we are not convinced #Indian authorities have embarked on the path towards positive, sustained change....
....with regard to digital rights". #India implemented at least 84 shutdowns in 2022, the most of any country for the 5tg consecutive year.
Internet access in #IIOJK was disrupted at least 49 times including a string of 16 back to back orders for...
3 day long curfew -style shutdowns in Jan and Feb 2022. In India, in 2021 and 2022, around 58% and 80% of all shutdowns respectively were in #IIOJK.
#RSS #MOdi #Hindutva @ashoswai @priyankagandhi @RahulGandhi
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Russia lost $21.5 billion dollars for internet shutdowns in 2022, that have lasted 7,407 hours and affected 113 million people.…
#KeepItOn #internetshutdowns
This puts Russia way ahead of the other countries on the list. Iran came in second with an estimated $730 million in losses, followed by Kazakhstan with a comparatively modest $410 million.
Overall, the economic cost of internet shutdowns in 2022 is up a whooping 323% from 2021.
Read 4 tweets
#WhatsApp has rolled out proxy support for users all over the world to help users to communicate during an internet shutdown.…
#censorship #internetshutdowns #keepiton
Internet is a key enabler of many fundamental rights, including freedom of speech and expression. It has also been instrumental in flourishing the economy, expanding education, expanding/ facilitating, emergency services and dispersal of e-governance initiatives.
The previous decade has witnessed an exponential increase in internet shutdowns in India with a total count of 690, out of which 110 had been implemented in the year 2021. The year 2022 saw 75 shutdowns.…
#InternetShutdowns #KeepItOn #REPORT
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#LetTheNetWork presents to you its #Report:"Internet Shutdowns In India 2022".
An attempt to fully understand the frequency, extent and impact of #InternetShutdowns in India in 2022.…
#Internet #keepiton #democracy #BREAKING
The year 2022 has seen 75 shutdowns till the publication of this report. The previous decade has witnessed an exponential increase in internet shutdowns in India with a total count of 690, out of which 110 had been implemented in the year 2021.
The negative impact of the same cannot be measured in monetary terms alone, but through focusing on the flagrant infringement of fundamental rights, along with restricted access to essential services, bringing the lives of millions across the nation to a virtual standstill.
Read 10 tweets
@SFLCin is launching a #Report to help understand the intensity, extent, and impact of internet shutdowns in #India for the year 2022.
#keepiton #InternetShutdowns #Exclusive
In the year 2022 Indian government snapped internet service across various states 75 times.
81.3% of restrictions were placed upon mobile internet services and for 13.3% no information was available.
While 5.3% restrictions were both for broadband and mobile internet services.
This Report is a continuation of’s efforts against arbitrary internet shutdowns. In addition to understanding the law which sanctions internet shutdowns and the issues which arise within it.
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#InternetShutdowns violate fundamental human rights and Ethiopian authorities must restore internet access in Tigray. We have repeatedly called for an immediate end to this shutdown, which has been ongoing for the past 2 years, throughout our participation at #IGF2022.
Tech and social media platforms must address legitimate concerns such as misinformation and hateful content, to fulfill their obligation to respect human rights, keep people safe as they come back online, and prevent authorities from attempting to justify any kind of disruptions.
Over 6 million people in Tigray have been cut off from the internet since Nov 2020, making it difficult for journalists and human rights defenders to document violations, leading to impunity with regards to the crimes committed in the region. #ReconnectTigray
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How can we talk about governance & internet access where #InternetShutdowns are being used as a tool for genocide?

This year’s @intgovforum is taking place in Ethiopia, a country that continues to weaponize internet shutdowns against the people in #Tigray 🧵 #IGF2022 Protesters hold Tigrayan flags and signs, with a bigger one
For years, the Ethiopian government has relied on its dominance as a telecom & internet provider to cut groups out of the web, and hide war crimes and #HumanRights violations.
Since 2020, it has engineered the longest continuous internet shutdown in the world, keeping Tigrayans isolated in the middle of a war that has cost their livelihood and lives. #KeepItOn
Read 24 tweets
ኣብ ትግራይ ብዛዕባ ዘሎ ኩነታት ትፈልጥ(ጢ) ዶ?

ዘይትፈልጥ(ጢ) እንተኮይንካ(ኪ) ምኽንያቱ መንግስቲ ኮነ ኢሉ ኢንተርኔት ብምዕፃዉ እዪ ዝኸውን። #IGF2022
ብዘይ ናይ ኢንተርኔት ግልጋሎት ኣብ ትግራይን ካልኦት ክፋላት ኢትዮጵያን ዝርከቡ ህዝቢታት ምስ ስድራቤታቶም ፈተውቶምን ክራኸቡ ኣይከኣሉን። ብዛዕባ እዚ ብተወሳኺ ንምፍላጥ ነዚ ዝስዕብ ጠውቅ(ቂ)። ⬇️… #KeepItOn
ነዚ ኣብ ከይዲ ዘሎ ናይ ኢንተርኔት ምዕፃው ንኹንን። ከምኡ እውን ሕብረት ኣፍሪካ እቲ ኣብ ትግራይን ካልኦት ክፋላት ኢትዮጵያን ዘሎ ናይ ግልጋሎት ምቁራፅ መፍትሒ ንኽግበሮ ኣብ ልዕሊ መንግስቲ ፅዕንቶ ንከሕድር ንፅውዕ።…
Read 5 tweets
Lisez notre rapport annuel #KeepItOn! 🌍

Le rapport couvre les coupures délibérées d’internet par des gouvernements en 2021 — la montée de l'autoritarisme numérique et de la censure dans le monde.

Principales conclusions ci-dessous ⬇️ #InternetBloqué… Image
En 2021, les autorités ont délibérément coupé l'accès à internet à 182 reprises dans 34 pays.

On observe une résurgence spectaculaire de l’utilisation de cet outil de répression alors que 159 coupures d'internet ont été enregistrées dans 29 pays en 2020.
Les gouvernements bloquent délibérément l’accès à internet avec l’objectif commun de réduire au silence militants, journalistes et citoyens ordinaires.

Cela se produit généralement lors d’événements nationaux clés ou en période de conflit politique.
Read 6 tweets
Last Month, the #SupremeCourt issued a notice to @GoI_MeitY on account of a PIL filed by @SFLCin challenging #InternetShutdowns imposed to prevent cheating in exams in Indian states.
The next hearing in the case will take place tomorrow.
Here’s everything you need to know: (1/n)
@SFLCin had filed a writ petition under Article 32 of the Constitution against the States of #ArunachalPradesh, #Rajasthan, #Gujarat and #WestBengal, challenging the arbitrary imposition of #InternetShutdowns during examinations.
The state of #Assam is impleaded as well. (2/n)
A total of 12 instances of exam-related #internetShutdowns were documented at @SFLCin's internet shutdowns tracker -
There have been 3 more shutdowns, 2 in Assam and 1 in WB, after the petition was filed, bringing the total number to 15.
#KeepItOn (3/n)
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There has been significant attention to Iran's internet blackouts.

Time to dig into what's happening inside Iran, and whether outsiders can help. What I found was surprisingly chaotic, nightmarish.

An ongoing thread. #MahsaAmini #IranProtests2022 #مهسا_امینی #OpIran #KeepitOn
Overall, as many have noted, Iran has essentially been under an Internet curfew since September 21 (until possibly yesterday).

Every afternoon around 4pm local time until midnight, traffic from Iran would drop precipitously, across the board.

The first finding: despite heavy investments in censorship, Iran still does not seem to have a central, single kill switch.

Instead, each ISP seems to have their own tactics for cutting off access. The Telecommunication Company of Iran (TCI) then is a fallback for censorship. ImageImageImageImage
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Gunshots are heard in videos of Zahedan protests, where protesters apparently tried to storm a police station. Local sources say several worshippers have been killed or wounded on Friday noon.

#BREAKING Videos obtained by @IranIntl show the Islamic Republic has violently cracked down on the protests of Zahedan citizens who demanded accountability for a a local police commander accused of raping a 15-year-old girl.

@IranIntl Choppers are flying over the protesters in Zahedan and gunshots are heard in videos sent to @IranIntl on Friday, Sep. 30.

Read 8 tweets

Big win for digital rights!
Supreme Court issued a notice to @GoI_MeitY today on account of a PIL filed by @SFLCin challenging the imposition of #InternetShutdowns to prevent cheating in exams in several Indian states.

#LetTheNetWork #DigitalRights
@SFLCin had filed a writ petition under Article 32 of the Constitution against the States of #ArunachalPradesh, #Rajasthan, #Gujarat and #WestBengal, challenging the arbitrary imposition of #InternetShutdowns during examinations.
The state of #Assam was impleaded as well.
The Union has been directed to file its reply within 3 weeks. The next hearing will take place after 4 weeks. @GoI_MeitY

#SupremeCourt #InternetShutdowns
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@SFLCin's writ petition challenging arbitrary internet shutdowns during examinations is being taken up in the Supreme Court of India.
#InternetShutdowns #keepiton #SupremeCourtOfIndia
The Writ Petition is being argued by Ms. @vrindagrover who is assisted by the, Adv., Prasanna S (AoR), Shoutik Banerjee, Swati Arya & Yuvraj Singh Rathore.
Lawyers from @SFLCin: @MishiChoudhary (Founder,, @PrasanthTweets (Legal Director), @RadhikaJhalani (Volunteer Legal Counsel) , Mythili Srinivasamurthy (Volunteer Legal Counsel), Arjun Adrian D’Souza (Volunteer Legal Counsel).
Read 5 tweets
Government-run internet outages are picking up pace around the world. In 2021, there were 182 shutdowns in 34 countries. #India, largely Jammu and Kashmir, plunged into digital darkness more times than any other country last year.

The increasing use of the kill switch underlines a deepening global trend towards digital authoritarianism, as governments use access to the internet as a weapon against their own people. #InternetShutdowns have also become a modern canary in the coal mine.

India leads total shutdowns globally. In 2021, the world’s largest democracy shut off its internet 106 times – more than the rest of the world combined. Hardest-hit was the region of Jammu and Kashmir, which was subject to 85 shutdowns.

Read 7 tweets
@SFLCin had filed a writ petition in the Supreme Court of India in April 2022 challenging various Indian State governments imposing arbitrary internet shutdowns during examinations.
#InternetShutdowns #KeepItOn #SupremeCourt #DigitalDarkness
The petition filed under #Article32 of the Indian Constitution challenges the states of #ArunachalPradesh, #Rajasthan, #Gujarat and #WestBengal.
We have impleaded the State of #Assam as a party through an Intervention Application filed recently.
#InternetShutdowns #LetTheNetWork
According to @Top10VPN‘s ‘The Global Cost of Internet Shutdowns 2021’ report, India faced a loss of $582.8 Million to its economy due to internet shutdowns imposed by the government.…

#InternetShutdowns #Economy #India
Read 6 tweets
@SFLCin had filed a writ petition in the Supreme Court of India in April of this year challenging various Indian State governments imposing arbitrary internet shutdowns during examinations.
#InternetShutdowns #keepiton #BREAKING Image
The petition filed under #Article32 of the Indian Constitution challenges the states of #ArunachalPradesh, #Rajasthan, #Gujarat and #WestBengal. We have impleaded State of #Assam as a party through an Intervention Application filed this week.
The petition is yet to come up.
We will be sharing more details regarding the petition once it is listed.
We are committed to defend your digital freedoms and to #LetTheNetWork.
Read 13 tweets
This year, authorities have subjected thousands of people across MENA to internet shutdowns during national exams. #KeepItOn

Sudan, Algeria, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq all followed the same script played out repeatedly in recent years — here's what happened:…
🇸🇩In Sudan, authorities have grown accustomed to using this tool of oppression, and telcos complied with the officials’ orders to disconnect people.

The internet was shut down on each exam day from 8:00 am — 11:00 am local time.

🇩🇿In Algeria, despite promises to put an end to this practice, authorities blocked specific websites and applications, making 2022 the seventh year in a row they have interfered with the internet during exams.…
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#KeepItOn: @CMOfficeAssam announced internet suspensions in Assam to prevent cheating in exams.

🧵on our representation to the Hon’ble CM asking:
👉to refrain from suspending internet, and
👉consider less intrusive means to conduct the exams

The Issue:
The Government of Assam intends to suspend mobile internet services for 4 hours each on Aug 21 and Aug 28 to ensure ‘smooth conduct of government exams’. As of now, a copy of the suspension order (if there is one) has not been published. (2/5)…
In our representation, we highlighted the issues with this shutdown as:
1⃣Internet can only be suspended for a public emergency or public safety threat
2⃣West Bengal HC has already held that internet can't be suspended to prevent cheating in exams
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Frequent high-speed internet shutdowns, cuts in telephone communication, curfews and the safety of employees are some of the things affecting small businesses in Kashmir.

#Kashmir #LetTheNetWork…
SMEs that focus on e-commerce and rely on online platforms for marketing and advertising face crippling difficulties because of the frequent internet cuts, especially when high-speed internet connections are suspended.

#InternetShutdown #KeepItOn
This leads to a huge decline in sales. Many have even had to change their business model to survive. This has been a problem for the people of Kashmir since 2012 when the first recorded #InternetShutdown happened.
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On 25 May 2022, an internet shutdown that lasted for about 7 days was imposed in #Konaseema district of #AndhraPradesh. @SFLCin filed an application under the RTI Act, 2005 on 26 May 2022, to seek information related to the shutdown. (1/7)
Acc to the order provided by the government of Andhra Pradesh in their reply, suspension of the internet was issued to prevent disruption of public order. The reply also clearly reflects that there was no end date for the internet shutdown. (2/7)
#InternetShutdowns #KeepItOn
The reply states that the order was not duly published as per the guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court in Anuradha Bhasin Vs Union of India. However, no reasons were provided for this non-compliance. (3/7)

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On August 4, 2019, the government suspended landline, mobile and internet services in Kashmir. The internet shutdown lasted 552 days, until February 6, 2021, making it among the longest communications blackouts ever imposed in a democracy.
During most of the shutdown, the internet could only be used in a government-run centre, and internet access was only permitted for some government-approved websites, excluding many social media sites.

#Kashmir #InternetShutdowns #KeepItOn
Access to 4G was only restored after 552 days of partial or no internet access, greatly hindering journalists’ ability to access and share information for months.
The communication shutdown resulted in severe restrictions on press freedom.

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Hi @AishaYesufu, thanks for this initiative.

Here are 10 key priorities for the #CitizensAgendaDocument in a proposed order of importance.

These are all goals that have been achieved in one country or the other, so #ItsPOssible

I'll also add some simple measures of success 🧵
1. Strengthen the security infrastructure with a focus on protecting citizens, not just "catching thieves"

Nigerians should be able to do land travel from one geopolitical zone to the other without fear of attack (by bandits) or harassment (by police).

#CitizensAgendaDocument #SecureNorth#EndSARS
2. Fix electricity.

Nigerians should be guaranteed 24-hour electricity, not XYZ megawatt generation.

#CitizensAgendaDocument #LightUpNigeria #ImagineNigeria
"We're not gonna promise 20 or 30 megawatts. We will pu
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