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Jun 19th 2023
I think women have had quite enough of old white bloke's opinions on the coverage of rape and what rape complainants should do to act like the perfect victim.

Far too many men speaking tonight - grossly insensitive.

Far too many women are so over hearing from you.

If anybody involved with this program had a hint of self-awareness they'd stop and ponder whether it should be researched and presented by women.

It's insulting to see what is predominantly an issue that affects and traumatises women, presented by a bunch of blokes

And if anybody is interested on the issue of paid agitators on twitter - watch the avalanche of morons appear here out of nowhere.

They don't follow me, they'll have no connection to me but they'll suddenly pop up like trapped turds.
Read 3 tweets
Mar 12th 2022
@ggreenwald Yesterday, I could listen to @OksanaBoyko_RT's 2014 interview on #YouTube with former Australian PM #MalcolmFraser. Today, I can't. His sagacity and courage are sorely needed.#censored #NATO #insiders #LNL #RNBreakfast #mediawatch #abc730 #4corners @phbarratt
@OksanaBoyko_RT @phbarratt In 2015, a year after the coup in Kiev, Tom Switzer, from @RadioNational's #BetweenTheLines, wrote about Malcolm Fraser's views on #NATO, the #US, Russia, Ukraine, Crimea.
Wise observations, still.
@CISOZ @LowyInstitute @RodgerShanahan…
@OksanaBoyko_RT @phbarratt @RadioNational @CISOZ @LowyInstitute @RodgerShanahan Last week, anticipating #Youtube would censor RT, which would mean @OksanaBoyko_RT's #WorldsApartRT interview would be unavailable, I transcribed it.

Until the full interview is once again available, I'll tweet some of what the former prime minister said.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 23rd 2021
Canada has no "national popular vote". It's an American idea for their flawed presidential election process. We don't directly elect our PM. Here the PM is the leader of the party with the most seats. A thread to explain. 1/
#MediaWatch #Elxn44 #Cdnpoli #Onpoli #Topoli #Toronto
American presidents are elected via archaic Electoral College system. Complicated but it basically gives states voting rights, not people. Last few GOP presidents won office but lost based on how many voted directly for them - the "popular" vote. Not relevant to our system. 2/
The other American scheme that is critical to know when weaponizing the "popular" vote, is America has a political duopoly, just two parties from inception. In this election Canada had 4 significant parties (LPC/CPC/NDP/BQ) and 2 lesser ones (Greens/PPC). So in America, 3/
Read 13 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
ANGER IN CANBERRA: #March4Justice arrives at Parliament’s doorstep as rage seeps through the media. #MediaWatch #auspol

More #MediaBites below:👇1/4
‘Welcome to Con Air’: Nine parrots Home Affairs minister and slugs deported prisoners as ‘trash’ #MediaBites 2/4
NT News apologises after printing a racist reader comment. #MediaBites 3/4
Read 4 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
Fascinating #MediaWatch tonight about the bots and trolls artificially driving up anti-Andrews sentiment (#DictatorDan) on social media. If you missed it, please watch it. Gives a great understanding of why there are a lot less critics of Andrews than it seems.
#MediaWatch reported that many of the same accounts artificially driving up anti-Andrews sentiment were the same accounts falsely spreading #ArsonEmergency during the bushfire crisis early this year. Nasty disinformation campaigns from very nasty people.
There is a very distinct possibility that there are people in Australia paying to undermine Australian democracy. Those people may have potential links to the Liberal Party (as covered last week).
Read 3 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
Great reporting on The Age and Channel 9 poll manipulation stories on #MediaWatch tonight. Thank you everyone who commented and shared and helped exposed this. MAJOR shout out to @MelbPTUser whose forensic tracking, tracing, charting and analytics pieced this together 🙏🙏
Read 4 tweets
Jul 8th 2019
A judge has ruled media are liable for defamatory comments on their Facebook Pages. The decision hinges on suggestion *all* comments can be hidden & premoderated. THEY CAN NOT BE. I'll explain why not, how Fbk comments work… and tell you a secret about FB comments. A THREAD
The only thing I'm trying to explain here is what is technically possible in managing Fbk comments. I'm not arguing they shouldn't be managed, or that media should get a free pass. This potentially affects any business in the world with a Facebook Page, and Fbk is responsible
First, the full text of the ruling is here Key assertion is that it's possible to "block all comments totally", "hide all comments" in a way that "no comments could ever be made or seen" or "forbid all comments by others" on a Fbk Pg. IT'S NOT POSSIBLE
Read 36 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
Oh #MediaWatch is trending, there's a happy surprise. I just watched their special report on the unending "bias" attacks on the ABC. It's quite even-handed and informative.…
It'll surprise no one, I'm sure, but I support the ABC remaining a strong, independent, uniquely Australian voice that is held in the public trust. #MediaWatch. I'm not Aussie, but the ABC was my first window into the country, from 10,000 miles away.
36AUD/year is a bargain for what the ABC offers. Its storied "bias" is really just a reflection of how ostentatiously right wing so much of the rest of the Australian media landscape is, which highlights the need for an independent outlet all the more.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 2nd 2018
@neighbour_s @4corners @FergusonNews @abcnews @KeriPhillips3 @PhillipAdams_1 @GeraldineDoogue @RNBreakfast @zdaniel @LisaMillar #4corners #abcnews #TheDrum #qanda #mediawatch #Russia #RNBreakfast
Will #4corners present James Clapper as credible? He supported bogus intelligence that led to Iraq war.
Is trusting Clapper a lazy way of showing contempt for Trump?…
@neighbour_s @4corners @FergusonNews @abcnews @KeriPhillips3 @PhillipAdams_1 @GeraldineDoogue @RNBreakfast @zdaniel @LisaMillar #4corners #Russia
'Mainstream liberals who despise Trump and yearn to drive him from office hold up Clapper as a man of unquestioned authority, integrity and patriotism — but no such qualities are available these days.'…
Read 18 tweets

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