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Welcome to another week of daily threads on Europe's war. Updated throughout the day (and night) every single day.

It's Day 481 of #Russia's illegal full invasion of #Ukraine.

To review Sunday's thread, click here.
I tempted fate by saying I was hoping for sleep. Soon enough alarms were sounding in the south of #Ukraine.

Suspected cruise missiles launched from #Russia's Black Sea Fleet, and #Odesa has reported explosions. Hopefully it's just air defence.

Good news is just coming in from #Odesa (RU: #Odessa) where it seems to be quiet now.

There were reported to be three targets - all three may have been shot down. I'm not hearing of damage yet.
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Day 480 of the war. #Russia defending stubbornly with reinforced lines in the areas of #Ukraine they stole.

But I think the real push, with most forces, is yet to come. Here's another daily thread. There's been one every day, but I do need support pls!
Yesterday's thread can be found on the link below, click and scroll if you missed anything.

Loads of nice photos and videos in Saturday's thread and how there seems to have been a #Russia-#Africa plot to deny missile strikes, but Russia's MoD messed up!

Who doesn't like a bit of alliteration? And here are some sweet Sunday sounds to start your day.

Less than 20km north of #Henichesk in #Kherson region there was a big explosion, then many, many more in the village of #Rykove as #Russia's weapon/ammo store there went up in smoke!
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#Odesa, crazy bastards are going to be overloading hospitals in few days 🤬
And they brought their kids, and elderly 🤬💨🖕🏻
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The start of meteorological summer. It's also the start of the 17th month which has seen war in #Ukraine.
It's Day 463 of #Russia's illegal war and Thursday is another day which has started with murder in #Kyiv.

All the important news and analysis in one thread, starts here:
First, a quick reminder that you can access all yesterday's developments in #Ukraine in this link to the start of Wednesday's thread⬇️

Thanks to all my followers, boosters, story suggesters and financial supporters (see my profile for the link)

1/ Attack on #Kyiv

The first day of summer is Children's Day in #Ukraine. Yesterday schools closed for the summer.
In the first few hours of this special day, an 11 year old child was killed, murdered by #Russia's missiles, along with two adults in their 30s.

#StopRussia ImageImage
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Day 462 of #Europe's war, the last day of May.

Mercifully a quiet morning so far this Wednesday in #Ukraine

This is my 462nd daily thread.
All the info you need about #Russia's attack in one handy thread, updated throughout the day.

You can support me with a coffee (see bio)🙏
If you happen to have missed all yesterday's news, put the kettle on and prepare for a long read!

Here's the link for yesterday's thread on what happened in #Ukraine and #Russia.

The biggest event overnight happened in #Russia's #Krasnodar region.

Drones hit the Afipsky Oil Refinery and a fire soon took hold, although it's since been extinguished; no-one was hurt.

About 150km from the front, that's less fuel helping Russia kill Ukrainians.
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¿Cuáles son las peculiaridades de Gagauzia y qué consecuencias pueden tener unas elecciones allí para 🇺🇦 y 🇲🇩? UkraineWorld preguntó a Sergiy Gerasymchuk, Director del Programa de Iniciativas Regionales y Vecindad del "Prisma Ucraniano". Puntos clave, #UkraineWorldAnalysis 1/15 Foto: https://romaniabreaki...
Territorial Autónoma de Gagauzia, o simplemente Gagauzia) se estableció en Moldavia a principios de la década de 1990. También tienen comunidades en la parte suroeste de la región de Odesa. 2/15
La orientación política de Gagauzia es claramente prorrusa. Los sentimientos de la población están moldeados principalmente por las narrativas y los medios de comunicación rusos, lo que se ve facilitado por el hecho de que la población es mayoritariamente rusoparlante. 3/15
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¿Cómo podrían afectar las elecciones presidenciales en Turquía a #Ucrania, a la diplomacia en torno a la guerra, y a la región en general? Para averiguarlo, hablamos con Yuliya Tarasiuk, profesora adjunta en la Universidad Nacional Mechnikov de #Odesa. 1/10
#EleccionesTurcas Foto de https://besacenter....
Dado que las plataformas electorales de Erdoğan y Kılıçdaroğlu se centran principalmente en los asuntos internos (el sistema político del país, la regulación de la economía, los refugiados, etc.) las cuestiones de política exterior no tienen un papel central en la campaña. 2/10
Además, las visiones de política exterior de ambos candidatos no difieren mucho (salvo que la retórica de Kılıçdaroğlu es más pro-occidental). Por lo cual, en el caso de que salga elegida una nueva admin., es poco probable que la política turca respecto la guerra cambie. 3/10
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Hello and welcome along again to another daily thread covering #Russia's war on #Ukraine.

Sunday is Day 452 since the full invasion began.
All the news coming up throughout the day and if you want to support me please click here:
Yesterday proved quite a busy news day and expanded to bring news of mass protests in both Serbia and Georgia.

Zelenskyy in Japan, Lavrov's family fleeing, the UN negotiating with war criminals, and bad news from Bakhmut. It's all here⬇️

This morning @ZelenskyyUa seemed to confirm that #Russia is in full control of #Bakhmut, saying "it's a pity, it's a tragedy, but for today Bakhmut is only in our hearts."

But later the #Ukraine President's Office later "clarified" they were still holding a position in the town.
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Good evening/morning - it's Day 451 of #Russia's illegal and inhumane war.

#Ukraine is under attack again tonight with attack drones currently threatening large parts of the country.

All the details, throughout the day (and night) each and every day, in one handy thread.
If you missed yesterday's news, including F-16s for #Ukraine, plenty of sabotage attacks in #Russia, plus related news from #Cyprus #Georgia and #SouthAfrica... then catch up here with a click and a scroll:

#StopRussia #SaveUkraine
A reminder multiple drones threaten #Kyiv tonight

Regional Gov Serhii Popko says fire atop a multi-storey building, caused by debris from a falling UAV, is around 80 sq m.
There may be victims

Bits of drones have fallen on several streets in Darnytskyi & Solomyanskyi districts
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#Russia conducted another large-scale missile strike across #Ukraine on the night of May 17 to 18, targeting #Kyiv for the ninth time since the beginning of May.
2/ Ukrainian officials reported that Russian forces launched 22 Kh-101/555 air-launched cruise missiles, six Kalibr sea-launched cruise missiles from Black Sea vessels, and two Iskander-K ground-launched cruise missiles at #Kyiv, #Odesa, and #Mykolaiv cities.
3/ Ukrainian Commander in Chief General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi reported that Ukrainian forces destroyed 29 cruise missiles, two Shahed-136/131 drones, and two reconnaissance drones.
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Another small milestone in Europe's war.

Today is Day 450 of #Russia's unprovoked and illegal invasion of its neighbour.

This is the start of Friday's daily thread. Already another day of missile attacks.

For Thursday's news, click and scroll here:
The night attack by #Russia started with drones and ended with more cruise missiles.

Only 3 of the 6 missiles fired from the Black Sea were intercepted according to #Ukraine and there were hits in #KryvyiRih

16 more drones were shot down. Image
In #KryvyiRih a 64-year-old woman was seriously injured.

A private business was hit. An administration building and workshops were severely damaged by the blast and subsequent fires.
Another man received slight injuries but did not go to hospital.

#RussiaIsATerroristState ImageImageImageImage
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Welcome to Thursday. It's Day 449 of Europe's war.

All the news and analysis from #Ukraine and #Russia in one place. Click and scroll throughout the day, and if you want to check back on what you missed yesterday, here's the link:


Another night, another attack on #Kyiv.

It's the 9th multi-missile assault on #Ukraine's capital this month but local officials reort all objects were shot down.

#Darnytskyi, #Dnipro and #Desnyan districts saw falling debris (such as these photos) but no injuries reported: Image

#Ukraine's air defence says #Russia probably used cruise missiles of the X-101/555 type for this morning's attack on '#Kyiv.

Reconaissance drones were spotted over the capital just before the missiles were launched.

Here's a clip of a reporter in Darnytskyi district
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Welcome along to the daily thread for Day 440 of the war in #Ukraine

More deadly missile attacks launched in the early hours this morning by #Russia on what is supposed to be one of the sacred days in the calendar, 9 May.
#Russia has no victory to celebrate.

All the news here⬇️
It was another busy day yesterday, a lot of news from the battlefields of #Ukraine and beyond too.

For a catch up on anything you missed on Monday, click and scroll down from this link:

So during the night #Russia launched no fewer than 25 Cruise missiles - but #Ukraine's air defences managed to shoot down 23 of them.

In the first wave 8 Kalibrs were fired from Black Sea ships. Then at 4am 17 Kh-101/555s were fired by ships over the Caspian Sea. Image
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Day 439 of the war. #Russia's war on its peaceful neighbour.

That neighbour, #Ukraine, continues to be under attack as Monday 8 May begins.

Here's another daily thread with all you need to know about what's happening.
Catch up on yesterday's news here⬇️
#Kyiv - at the end of yesterday's thread, just before midnight UK time, I showed video of a car on fire after drone wreckage fell on it after being shot down.

Now Mayor of the capital, @Vitaliy_Klychko has confirmed there are injuries, four in total in two different incidents. Image
Two of the injured in #Kyiv have been hospitalised.

Another explosion is reported in the capital now too.

#StopRussia #UkraineUnderAttack
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Hello again and thanks for reading, this is Thursday's #RussiaUkraineWar thread.

It's Day 435 since #Russia launched its full invasion.

I am still recovering from yesterday - what a day. Relive it here:
Some breaking news, we are learning about repeated explosions in #Zaporizhzhia this morning.

S-300 anti aircraft missiles again being used by #Russia to attack civilians, but monitoring groups say one exploded just after launch, before it crossed the frontline.

It's noisy.
The weather has improved in #Ukraine. But though the ground may be drying out a little on the frontline, conditions are still incredibly tough.

Here's the only viable route for #Ukraine to/from #Khromove (then beyond to #ChasivYar)

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Before I go to bed at nearly light please see just how Russia was caught funding and staffing these fake separatist movements and attacks, including Odesa. They admit it.

First review this conversation of Putin advisor Sergey Glazyev where he discusses creating false flags in
#Kharkiv, #Crimea, #Odesa and #Donbas and funding fake separatists movements and staging riots.
Then review collection of emails from Putin advisor Vladislav Surkov, who supplied death squads and shooters to hunt Maidan protestors and conduct hybrid warfare using fake Russian separatists…
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Augenzeugenbericht über das, was in #Odesa am 01./2.05.2014 wirklich geschah.

Freunde, es gab Gestern schon sehr viel und wird heute noch mehr #RussiaIsANaziState-Propaganda geben, die behaupten, dass das #Odesa-Massaker, das sie 2014 selbst inszeniert haben, um eine falsche…… ImageImage

Jetzt bin ich (Die Autorin Anm. von mir) offline, weil meine geistige Gesundheit es nicht erträgt, wenn Russland unsere Opfer, die sie getötet haben, als Menschen vorführt, die sie rächen und betrauern wollen. Das ist so obszön, dass ich fürchte, ich……
OTD im Jahr 2014 hat wohl die @CIA
"#Pro_Russen", die ganz und gar nicht dem #GRU angehörten, dazu gebracht, Benzinbomben zu zünden, die sie unschuldig in ein Odesaer Regierungsgebäude gebracht und vom Dach geworfen hatten, um friedlich den #Imperialismus zu verhindern. ImageImage
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Nine years ago, #RussiaIsANaziState attacked Jews of #Odesa.

Simon Wiesenthal became our map. On 24 February, full scale #RussiaIsANaziState invasion began that included targeting Jews, killing Holocaust survivors, destroying #Holocaust memorials and using Russian
Protocols of Zion propaganda again for another #Holocaust. Except Odesa Jews were ready. It will take lifetime #RussiaIsANaziState does not have to understand what we did to stop them. #RussiaIsANaziState is collapsing. We ensured it.

You Rashists are never killing Jews again.
Not another pogrom Image
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Friends, there will be much #RussiaIsANaziState propaganda today claiming that #Odesa massacre they staged in 2014 to try to create fake separatist movement here was Odesa Nazis attacking Russian speakers. I give you very short response since I was there that day
1. It’s was Russian Nazis transported to Odesa, led by Russian Anton Raevsky Image
2. They admitted this was staged provocation to create same false flag as in Donbas and Crimea Image
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Day 433 is upon us.
The 433rd day of #Russia's 3-4 plan to take #Kyiv and all of #Ukraine within 10 days.
#EATP Everything According To Plan!

Tuesday's news will appear in this thread, updated in real time; yesterday's news can be found here:

First incredibly sad news that two volunteers from #Canada have been killed at the front.

Kyle Porter, 27, of Calgary, + 21yo Cole Zelenco of Ontario were both serving with Ukraine's International Legion.

They gave their lives for freedom. RIP…
Here's the British daily intel update (I attached the document today!)

Seems London is playing catch-up with last week's news I brought you at the time.
#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia Image
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"#Russia has failed to achieve its objectives. An independent #Ukraine endures" @DeptofDefense Asst Sec Celeste Wallander tells HASC
"Although #Russia's conventional military capabilities are diminished, Russia continues to present serious risk" per @DeptofDefense's Wallander

" it retains capabilities in nuclear, #cyber, information operations, counterspace & undersea warfare"
"Russia remains an acute threat" warns @DeptofDefense's Wallander
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It's Day 421 of #Russia's full invasion and this is the war news thread for Thursday 20 April.

Yesterday saw a late night scare for residents in #Kyiv, while Russia attacked #Kherson, #Zapoprizhzhia, #Odesa and #Donetsk regions.
Review it all here⬇️

#Russia's daily losses continue to creep up.

670 more soldiers losing their lives needlessly and at some point today the 185,000th troop will be killed in #Ukraine fighting a non-existent cause for a regime in Moscow as sick as Hitler's Nazis.

Fuel tanks destroyed high again. Image
Overnight #Russia launched another drone attack, this time in the #Dnipropetrovsk region.

All six attack UAVs were shot down.

So far at least relatively few reports of attacks on population centres today.
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Hello again and welcome to the daily #RussiaUkraineWar 🧵for Wednesday 19 April.

Today marks the end of 60 weeks of fighting since the invasion. Day 420.

Feel free to reply to any post to try to beat the Twitter algorithm and buy me a coffee if you enjoy my work (see profile)
As usual, here's a link to the start of yesterday's thread as I know many like to catch up on what they missed.

Tuesday ended with a bang in #Russia as a drone hit an army registration office.
Also attacks in #Kherson + #Zaporizhzhia and much more:

Very disturbing article here showing the extent of #Russia's spying on pretty much all of us.

Seems pretty much all embassies are just used as centres of espionage.

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It's Tuesday and also Day 412 of #Russia's illegal war, welcome to my daily🧵

So far today it's very quiet in terms of news. But there was quite a lot happening yesterday. If you missed anything, take a quick scroll through Monday's thread here.

The daily losses published by #Ukraine show that #Russia has now lost a total of 600 aircraft as I reported yesterday when another fighter helicopter was downed.

500 more troops met their end too, all for a few metres of muddy land and Putin's ego.

#RussiansGoHome Image
Here's the daily update from #London too, which again indicates how quiet things are... but one of my followers in particular will be furious with another use of the word "likely" instead of "probably"😅 Image
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