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Oct 28th 2021
[THREAD] I start my report on the second day of the #JulianAssange extradition hearing with this reminder:

The court will have to decide whether to send #Assange to the country that plotted to murder him, or whether to protect his life.

The court starts.
These are the Defence arguments submitted to court.
Read 87 tweets
Oct 28th 2021
1. Day 2. Julian #Assange #ExtraditionHearing #UKHighCourtOfJustice.I'll report on it. In this extradition proceeding, the #USDoJ acts through the @CPSUK, challenging psychiatric evidence used by the judge Baraitser to deny extradition.There's an important info you have to know.
2.#CrownProsecutionService(#CPS) putting in question Julian #Assange's mental health: don't forget #CPS contributed to create the legal& diplomatic quagmire which kept #Assange arbitrarily detained 9 years and finally resulted in his arrest.This is how they looked at #JA's health
3. what I am trying to tell you is: when the Crown Prosecution Service (#CPS) tries to argue that the Julian #Assange's health is not in such a bad shape, hence he can be extradited, just consider how #CPS looked at his health. This is an official document from my #FOIA
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Oct 9th 2021
This is a great review of recent media censorship on the #ASSANGE case. We need to draw some hard conclusions about what the hell is going on here. It's not good!

Here's a short thread with some highlights... #FreeASSANGE…
BBC totally ignored the CIA assassination plot except for this story from BBC Somalia. Not a single @BBCNews tweet about #Assange or #WikiLeaks for over 9 months. No tweets from @BBCWorld since April 2020.
Neither the New York Times or Washington Post have published any articles about Assange since July 2021. Australia's @abcnews ignored the CIA murder plot (and Siggi's retraction/jailing) but published this story about angry supporters.…
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Aug 11th 2021
Today, I observed the legal proceedings in the case of #Assange on behalf of @SocialistLawyer

Thanks to those who live-tweeted. (I particularly miss the voice of Craig @cmurrayjustice )

Now a few personal comments about the key points of concern in this historic case 🧵

It is easy to be distracted by the finer points of law & to focus on dancing on the head of a pin. But what are the big issues

a) What shouldn’t be up for debate is that states & corporations that commit grave crimes must be held accountable by the media & judiciary
b) #Assange is in Belmarsh deprived of family, friends and medical care. Meanwhile the war criminals are free because of serious & repeated failings in ensuring any accountability for horrific crimes.

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Oct 1st 2020
1. I’m ready to report on what is likely to be the final day of the Julian #Assange extradition hearing. Yesterday we heard shocking revelations by a former #UCGlobal employee who’s currently a protected witness:#UCGlobal boss discussed with *American friends* plans to poison JA
2. Hearing will restart at 11.30 am London-time
3. as we wait for the Julian #Assange extradition hearing restarting, I just want to reply to people asking me: as a journalist who visited JA in the embassy many times, had you noticed anything disquieting happening? Yes, I had
Read 32 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
1. I've kept this confidential so far,but now @MaxBlumenthal reveals I'll file a criminal complaint to ask #Spanish judges to investigate serious espionage activities targeting me and all my devices inside #Ecuador Embassy as I was meeting Julian #Assange…
2. this is just one of the things done in full secrecy inside the #Ecuadorean Embassy as I was meeting Julian #Assange: someone unscrewed my phones
3. you have to realise I was targeted by these espionage activities inside #Ecuadorean Embassy(as I was meeting Julian #Assange) a month after my #FOIA lawyers @estelledehon @suigenerisjen and I discovered that the @cpsuk had destroyed crucial emails on the #Assange case
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Jun 11th 2020
1. voglio raccontarvi episodio divertente sul mio libro #DossierWikiLeaks.SegretiItaliani. Julian #Assange mi scrisse la prefazione.Era il 2011: era già confinato agli arresti domiciliari,ma la sua salute era ancora accettabile, non gravemente compromessa come oggi
2. Julian #Assange scrisse la prefazione al mio libro #DossiereWikiLeaks.SegretiItaliani e la firmò. Ma mi disse che non potevo pubblicare la sua firma.Con la casa editrice @RizzoliLibri,prendemmo la cosa con ironia: una delle richieste apparentemente bizzarre di Julian #Assange
3.per anni prendevo in giro Julian #Assange per quella firma che non andava pubblicata.Finché l'anno scorso ho avuto accesso ai file dello spionaggio della #UCGlobal contro Julian #Assange e tutti noi dentro l'ambasciata: avevano spiato anche sulla sua scrittura a mano
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Jun 5th 2020
1. Don't miss this interview with @tparsi by @Paul__Jay: #TritaParsi tells Jay how #Trump and #neocons plan to smash #Iran and spread chaos: #TritaParsi also discusses #SheldonAdelson, the very same #SheldonAdelson you heard of in the #UCGlobal scandal
2. #SheldonAdelson's security enrolled #UCGlobal's boss, David Morales,though #SheldonAdelson could rely on a top-level security, headed by a prominent former head of the #CIA.
3. The Spanish High Court is currently investigating David Morales and #UCGlobal for spying Julian #Assange, his partner @StellaMoris1 and the #WikiLeaks journalists, and lawyers,doctors, and all of us inside the @EmbajadaEcuUK. It's a scary story. A massive scandal
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Jun 5th 2020
1. se non l'avete ascoltata, ve la consiglio: un'intervista a #TritaParsi condotta da #PaulJay su come #Trump e #neocon pianificano di destabilizzare #Iran,gettandolo nel caos
2. #TritaParsi menziona un alleato di ferro di #Trump e #Netanyahu , il ricchissimo #SheldonAdelson: è lo stesso #SheldonAdelson dello scandalo #UCGlobal, l'azienda che ha spiato su Julian #Assange,i giornalisti di #WikiLeaks e tutti noi dentro l'ambasciata dell'Ecuador
3. a quanto pare #SheldonAdelson ha una security guidata da un eminente ex capo della #CIA, eppure aveva arruolato il capo della #UCGlobal...lo spionaggio contro tutti noi dentro l'ambasciata dell'Ecuador è una storia che fa paura
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May 29th 2020
1. The Spanish High Court is now investigating the #UCGlobal spying activities against us, the journalists who visited Julian #Assange in the @EmbajadaEcuUK. It's a massive scandal [ARCHIVE, English]…
2. this is what the #UCGlobal did to one of my phones, a dumbphone Image
3. this is what #UCGlobal did in secret to my devices inside @EmbajadaEcuUK Image
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Apr 24th 2020
1. just want to tell you a minor,but nice story.When I published my book on #WikiLeaks: #DossierWikiLeaksSegretiItaliani (#RCSRizzoli),Julian #Assange wrote an intro to my book with his signature.He authorised the publication of his intro,BUT asked me NOT to publish his signature
2. my book #DossierWikiLeaksSegretiItaliani came out in Sept 2011 with the Julian #Assange's intro and I didn't make his signature public, as he had requested. For years I was laughing at that bizarre request of NOT publishing his signature: it was a funny request, I thought
3. but then last year I got access to #UCGlobal files on the #espionage activities targeting Julian #Assange,the #WikiLeaks journos and all of us: lawyers,journos,doctors,activists,etc. inside @embajadaECUUk.Well,Julian #Assange was definitely right about protecting his signature
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Jan 21st 2020
1. Must read @josemariairujo @el_pais on the #UCGlobal's espionage operations against Julian #Assange and all of us inside the @EmbajadaEcuUK (Spanish):…
@josemariairujo @el_pais @EmbajadaEcuUK 2. As a journalist heavily targeted by #UCGlobal which spied on my convos, unscrewed my phones, spied on ALL my electronic devices [ARCHIVE]:…, it's crucial to make #UCGlobal and the #USintelligence accountable
@josemariairujo @el_pais @EmbajadaEcuUK 3. it's crucial #UCGlobal and the #USintelligence are accountable not just because the espionage ops against are appalling, but because it's crucial to understand to what extent #cryptography protected our materials and information from our sources
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Nov 21st 2019
Cronologia settimanale:
@reportrai3 trasmette inchiesta su #trojan di #stato
@SMaurizi denuncia di essere stata illegalmente spiata da #UCGlobal
@faffa42 @cecijan @PabloPetrasso1 firmano inchiesta sullo spyware #Exodus
Utenti di #Twitter scatenano la guerra dei #gattini 🤨
√ Infiltrato speciale…
@SMaurizi, per @repubblica
√ Julian Assange spiato per anni dentro l'ambasciata dell'Ecuador…
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Nov 19th 2019
1. rispondo a chi mi continua a scrivere: non doveva portare i suo telefoni e #USB dentro l'ambasciata, visto questo:…
2. purtroppo,noi giornalisti quando viaggiamo, abbiamo bisogno dei telefoni: dove potevo lasciare i miei telefoni durante le mie visite a Julian #Assange in ambasciata? NON avevo nessuno a cui lasciarli
3.ho speso cifre importanti, che oggi non sarei più in grado di spendere per proteggere le mie fonti: mi era stato consigliato di comprare una cassaforte del costo di circa 10MILA euro. Vi pare fattibile per un giornalista?
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Oct 13th 2019
1 to 20. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange 🤨👇🏼…
21. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange 🤨👇🏼…
Read 74 tweets
Sep 27th 2019
1. I want to remind you the "exclusives" by #Guardian and #CNN based on the private intelligence agency #UCGlobal which according to #ElPaìs spied on Julian #Assange for the US intelligence…
3. #CNN published this "exclusive" based on #UCGlobal info:…
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Jul 16th 2019
1. ok, rispondo ora: dunque, l' "inchiesta" della #CNN su Julian #Assange è esclusivamente fondata sui dossier dell'azienda privata di spionaggio e security #UCGlobal, che ha spiato su Julian #Assange per anni.
2. già un anno fa avevo denunciato come questi dossier inverificabili fossero stati usati dal #Guardian, che però poi non ha continuato a pubblicarli. Ieri è arrivata la #CNN ed ha ripreso in mano i dossier.
3. immaginate se azienda di spionaggio privata spiasse su #CNN o #Guardian o #Repubblica, preparasse dossier la cui autenticità è impossibile da verificare, li facesse arrivare a un media e quest'ultimo le pubblicasse senza verificarle: è giornalismo?
Read 7 tweets

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