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Jun 12th 2023
Judge Amy Jackson ruled that “control over presidential records rests SQUARELY in the hands of a FORMER PRESIDENT.”

“A former president CAN KEEP WHATEVER presidential records he wants and the government has NO AUTHORITY to seize them.  Period.”
- Judge Amy Berman Jackson

Judge Jackson adopted the very argument made in court by the Justice Department: “National Archives DOES NOT have the authority to designate materials as presidential records. It LACKS ANY RIGHT, DUTY, or MEANS to SEIZE control of them:” That: —

(Seizing the records) is an ‘extraordinary request’ that is “UNFOUNDED, contrary to the Presidential Records Act’s express terms, and contrary to the traditional principles of administrative law.”

Finally, Judge Jackson’s opinion reinforces the CONSTRAINTS on the —

Read 7 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
If this same standard was applied to Democrats, the White House would be empty & their would be maybe 15 Democrats left between the House & Senate because they'd all be in jail.
It's high time Republican get off their arses & get into attack mode.
The sleeping giant (American people) has had enough.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
There was an attempted coup against President Trump.

FBI raided Trump to retrieve documents implicating Obama, Hillary & Joe.

Biden’s CLASSIFIED documents coincide with FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane
- July 2016 to May 2017 - when the Steele Dossier was planted.

Trump directed the Justice Department to declassify Crossfire Hurricane records.

but Biden’s DOJ, Merrick Garland has not declassified a single page or turned it over to Congress.

FBI is scrambling to make sure the public never sees the highly Classified records implicating Obama, Hillary & Biden despite Trump’s deliberate declassification to expose actual crimes
Read 11 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
Personal observations on day 8&9 (Jan 10-11, 2023) of Amy Hamm’s (@preta_6) @BCnursemidwife disciplinary hearing. 🧵…

Day 8 wrapped up the testimony of Dr. Greta Bauer.

Dr Bauer continues to present as smug and condescending at times. This is only surpassed by the behaviour of BARBARA FINDLAY on cross examination.

When asked simple, straightforward questions by @LDBildy that challenge her ideology, Dr. Bauer often dodges by making pedantic points about how the ethics of research are performed and how she as an epidemiologist does things.

Read 14 tweets
Dec 16th 2022
Netherlands, I predicted the same Furin Cleavage site that was added to SARS to create SARS-2 or COVID-19 would be added to MERS to create a “MERS-2”… Moderna’s '16 patent for the manmade Furin Cleavage site has never before been seen in nature @ErasmusMC
I dubbed the Furin Cleavage site the “smoking patent” for the now famous Wellcome Trust-Erasmus Lab-Fauci Corona Coverup Emails. Moderna applied for the very unique “smoking patent” in 2016, years before it later appeared in the Corona pandemic in 2019.
I repeated these predictions about MERS potentially being “upgraded and patented” to “MERS-2” in several subsequent books in the last two years. But we never had a potential Patient Zero for “MERS-2” before now. His name is Grant Wahl. @ErasmusMC
Read 17 tweets
Aug 26th 2022
FBI says documents weren't stored properly--

Then why did the DHS (USSS) authorize a contract for $580,600 at Mar-a-Lago to provide a "physical security build-out upgrade"?


1 of 2
Why did the DOD authorize a contract to ADT for alarm systems at Mar-a-Lago?…
The FBI is *super concerned* about Trump having classified docs lying around Mar-a-Lago, yet they have no problem transmitting a *warrant & affidavit containing witness information and grand jury material* over WhatsApp to Judge Reinhart.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
🧵The CPC and NDP created a toxic parliamentary environment during a pandemic, exactly when we Canadians expected and deserved to see effective negotiation and collaboration to address our needs. Instead of being collaborators they were obstructionists resulting in this election.
Opposition MPs focused on solely on attacking the gov't in office and/or obstructionism are political misfits. Their antagonism neuters their ability to work collaboratively and produce results that benefit those whose interests they are elected to serve. They won't get my vote.
The CPC agenda is to expand by O'Toole becoming relevant and by creating a case for so called "moderate" or middle of the political road Canadians to vote CPC instead of Liberal. The CPC they do not have a close and honorable relationship with truth. And liars won't get my vote.
Read 24 tweets
Aug 11th 2021
@1MikeMorris I checked Singh's tik tok out and noted he was trying to groom pre-teens & teens to become followers years before they can vote. It concerns me deeply that those followers may think is honestly presenting NDP policy because he isn't. He's gaslighting, misinforming and projecting.
@1MikeMorris 1. Opposition members who focus on solely on attacking the gov't in office and/or obstructionism are political misfits. Their antagonism neuters their ability to work collaboratively & produce results that benefit those whose interests they are elected to serve.
@1MikeMorris 2. Another reason I no longer support the federal NDP is because Singh has a patterned behavior of presenting issues as false dichotomies - informal fallacies based on a premise that erroneously limits what options are available.
Read 23 tweets
May 15th 2021
How come no one is comparing 1/6 #insurrection with the 1/6 when "17 Intel agencies" concluded Trump colluded w Russia (I'll dub this "paralleling".)?? Why is that?
Issss this the #witchhunt?
Well...let's see.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 17th 2021
This is the biggest story in World #Sport at the moment

The way the narrative is starting to play out is so reminiscent of the #Trump election - It's a scary template!

Regulated media V's Unregulated Media competing to tell the story 🤯#Boxing #Tribal…
For any #boxing / #sport fan with no previous knowledge of these characters, we should be sceptical of simplistic caricatures that are served up by Online Fans OR stenographers masquerading as journalists!

There's a lot of sh*t out there! 🤳💻

Research & Critical thinking! 🤔
If we accept the @panorama programme #boxingandthemob then we have a situation whereby #OrganisedCrime has not only infiltrated BUT is dominating a Global/Professional Sport!

If that's the case, what's to stop these forces taking over #Football OR other major Sport next?

Read 21 tweets
Jul 27th 2020
وفاقی وزیر تعلیم جناب شفقت محمود صاحب جب #پرویز_مشرف کی کابینہ سے فارغ ہوئے تھے تو انہوں نے یہ کالم لکھا تھا ۱۶ نومبر ۲۰۰۱ کو دی نیوز میں ۔ بڑے شوق سے #ایک_نصاب کا شوق پورا فرمائیں

#AikNisab ImageImageImageImage
وفاقی وزیر تعلیم جناب شفقت محمود صاحب نے محترم عمران خان صاحب کی سیاسی اہلیت پر یہ کالم لکھا تھا ۱۵ مئ ۲۰۰۹ کو دی نیوز میں “عمران خان کی عجیب سیاست ۔ بڑے شوق سے #ایک_نصاب کا شوق پورا فرمائیں #AikNisab کی بات کرنیوالے کا اپنے لیڈر کے بارے میں عدم اعتماد👇… Image
Aurangzeb was asked to expel the #Hindus & #Shias from his administration, he said that religion & politics were two separate things & they should not be mixed with each other. (Historian & Teacher Dr Mubarak Ali )
@KumbharHafeez ! URL :
—— #AikNisab
Read 191 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
With everyone talking about #fascism these days... here's #LAAS (Labour Against Antisemitism) spokespersons Euan & Emma policing the internet and demanding action taken against a Labour MP for posting a perfectly respectable article.

What's that? Did I hear #WitchHunt?
Here's Tal Offer of the #BOD getting in on the act. Those who've allowed - and still allow, this weaponisation of antisemitism to occur, have a lot to answer for.

Anyone care about our democracy?
Read 9 tweets
Jun 19th 2019
For those who invoke #Eisenhower as a "good" Republican, please remember he ordered the firings of all homosexuals working for the US govt in 1953: Nearly 3,000 people.
I wrote about the #LavenderScare here:

Gay men, McCarthy and the Mattachine Society…
Read 6 tweets
Jun 6th 2019
1/ Okay so @GeorgePapa19 does jail time for mixing up one date and pleads guilty for a 15 day sentence (process crime).

But SC Mueller 50+ team after spending $30M, can't even get a key date right in the written report when Papadopoulos met with Downer?…
2/ SC Mueller's report gets so much worse when you see the intentional edit and leaking of privileged attorney to attorney communications. H/T to @almostjingo

The #DeepState via Meuller and his SC was participating in a partisan #WitchHunt you can't rectify the differences!
3/ Flynn fires his law firm, the Covington Law Firm - where disgraced/impeached former Clinton/Obama AG Eric Holder is a partner of?

Wouldn't it be sweet if Flynn was doing deep cover in an effort to take down yet another tentacle of the Clinton/Obama crime machine? #MAGA
Read 3 tweets
Mar 26th 2019
What the world is saying about the #MuellerReport 🌍a collection of top tweets using translation, original tweet will appear on top. Spoiler alert: they’re laughing at Democrats. First the French: “everything falls like a soufflé” 😂 “an hour that must be remembered”
Still France. “A stinging defeat of this Russiaphobic plot” “Very likely @realDonaldTrump will be re-elected if Democrats don’t wake up” (TOO LATE)
“Brings life back to Trump” and “the worst fake-news (pushed by France) is unmasked!” #Witchhunt
Read 17 tweets
Mar 6th 2019
@realDonaldTrump Hey, the White House tells Dems it won't hand over #Kushner security clearance docs.

❓WHY❓ It's kinda looking like you have something to hide. 🤔

Hey, remember when you appointed a foreign agent (Flynn) to be our NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR❓
@realDonaldTrump While you REMAIN fixated on Hillary (you know the one who won the popular vote - yeesh, get over it) ...

... most of the country is wondering: #WhyAllTheLies.
@realDonaldTrump YOUR ex-attorney calls Robert Mueller 'an American hero,' says probe not a '#WitchHunt'

Huh. 🤔… via @usatoday
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Feb 1st 2019
This is maddening. A 44 page “agreement” with @SkaddenArps to be a good pal and register with FARA for their work with Manafort and Ukraine and it barely made the press? Obama’s Chief Counsel was partner! #WitchHunt @TheJusticeDept…
Here’s the best part, the few that did report the story boast of the BIG fine they have to pay $4,656,568.91 what genius came up with that number? Did they think adding a whole bunch of random numbers would make it look impressive?
THEY MADE $4.7 million for the work! So why does @PaulManafort have to pay back every cent plus fees plus tax audits? Why is Concord being treated like terrorist but @SkaddenArps actually still profits🤣 f**k off!
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Nov 18th 2018
Steve Bannon is smuggled into the Oxford Union through the snowflake mob
Police officers in full riot gear were needed to get him inside
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Oct 8th 2018
✅ American democracy is on the ballot
✅ Basic human decency is on the ballot
✅ The health of our planet is on the ballot
✅ Equality & justice are on the ballot
HERE ARE 10 MORE REASONS TO #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica:
1) Donald Trump thinks there are "very fine people" who march with neo-Nazis and the KKK.
2) Donald Trump & the Republicans instituted a Muslim ban in a country whose founding is defined by freedom of religion. #VoteBlue2018 #NoBanNoWall
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Aug 20th 2018
Little does the #ManafortJury know if they find him guilty of bank fraud, they aren’t done. They’ll be instructed to return to deliberations to decide what they take away from him.. #ManafortTrial
Maybe Mueller will score the ostrich jacket🙄
If the take all of assets how will afford counsel for next trails, oh wait that’s Mueller’s point... #witchhunt…
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Aug 2nd 2018
Regardless of where you stand with Mueller, everyone should absorb these words. Those who relish the Manafort trial should not lose sight of the precedent it sets. Are we dealing with “people of virtue, sensitivity and courage not affected by the winds of public opinion” ?
🔥those involved should be sensitive to the danger unleashed when political disagreements are transformed into partisan prosecutions. #JudeEllis #ManafortTrial
He also offered a solution, how come the @TheJusticeDept didn’t think of that? Perhaps that is the answer @realDonaldTrump #WitchHunt
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Jul 17th 2018
1: Trump says he sick of The European Union taking advantage of the American tax payer, democrats get upset. Trump says he’s sick of our allies not paying their fair share, and Americans carrying the burden, DEMs get upset. Trump attacks MS13, DEMs get upset. #ImpeachTrump
2: Trump says he doesn’t want Canada to take advantage to the American tax payer, DEMs get upset. Then they applaud @JustinTrudeau saying he wants to put Canadians 1st. Trump says he wants to put Americans before illegal aliens, DEMs get upset. #ImpeachTrump
3: Democrats put illegals aliens, MS13, drug cartels, Canadians, Europeans and the entire world before Americans, but #ImpeachTrump
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Jul 5th 2018
Something HAS to change. Democrats are systematically attacking cabinet members one at a time, they seem to have endless money funding SJW groups that file lawsuits daily, they have activists that harass. The goal is to make a persons life so miserable they quit.
Support every cabinet member.
Call/write/email your representatives to either say thank you or f-you.
We need a conservative SJW group that tracks the Dems as feverishly as the many that track conservatives.
@JudicialWatch is our only watchdog.
🚨If your State has one of the triggered Attorney Generals that keeps filing frivolous lawsuits COMPLAIN demand to know how your tax dollars are being spent. Dems are brilliant at abusing the process.
Read 11 tweets

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