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Attending the thought-provoking panel at the Qatar Economic Forum, I was struck by the insightful perspectives shared by distinguished speakers. Here are some key highlights from the discussion on reengineering globalization: Image
H.E. Khalid Al-Fatih, the Minister of Investment from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, expressed his vision for Riyadh as the economic capital of the Middle East. He emphasized the positive impact of globalization, acknowledging its role in lifting millions out of poverty.
According to Minister Al-Fatih, healthy competition between certain capital cities in the GCC is beneficial. It fosters innovation, growth, and prosperity. This competition drives countries to continuously improve and meet the evolving needs of their citizens.
Read 8 tweets
I wanted to hit this bar:

“It would take an unrealistic and unsustainable conspiracy of silence for ‘X number of people’ to know about @colsonlin and not discuss it amongst themselves and never share its existence with other people.”

I set X at 22,000 highly-educated Americans. Image
I’m at like 50 right now and I’m already feeling a rumble.

Don’t worry.

I’ll boost the number up to 22,000 within the next five years.

(Or I fucking won’t because Americans with egos scare the fuck out of me.) Image
So this is awkward.

If I so choose to:

I’m now in a position to demonstrate that such a conspiracy exists—and then I can blab about it to other countries and non-WEIRD societies.

I’m like a Go player.

I’m a stick of dynamite in the American elite no matter what the elites do!
Read 4 tweets
I love making fun of your skepticism of me just because:

1. I’m a philosopher whose work will outlast whatever you do with your life, even if you become president.

2. I’m braver than you.

3. I’m happier than you.

4. Saner, too, which is weird given what I call myself below…
This tweet is cocky, but I fail to see why I should produce the work I produce at the caliber, scope, and scale it already exists at, be ignored, and have to pretend to respect the meritocratic class ignoring me (as they in their next breath brag about how intellectual they are).
“You didn’t play by our rules.”

Guess whose rules you haven’t been playing by.

Read 10 tweets
"The 3 best operating companies I'm aware of are Costco, Kiewit and Glenair

There is nothing remarkable about the product or field for any of these three

But there is something remarkable about the cultures of all three"

-Charlie Munger
1/🧵 Costco's corporate culture stands out among large retailers, and its success is built on some key ingredients

Let's dive into the aspects that make Costco's culture remarkable 👇
2/💰 Employee Compensation & Benefits: Costco offers higher wages and better benefits compared to many other retailers

Health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off lead to higher job satisfaction, lower employee turnover, and better performance #CostcoCulture
Read 10 tweets
Stabilizing the blood sugar avoids the excessive peaks and drastic drops I was seeing and all 3 dogs seem to be less grumpy with each other, sleeping better at night, and, #BestOfAll, not waking me up #prematurely, for their breakfast. #WinWin
@threadreaderapp please unroll
Read 3 tweets
El divendres fem control sobre genètica. Però jo a les alumnes els he demanat això:

1. Constarà de les següents parts:
2. Pregunta relacionada amb les diferències de la mitosi i la meiosi
3. Pregunta relacionada amb el dogma central de la biologia i el codi genètic
4. Pregunta relacionada amb les lleis de Mendel
5. 2 exercicis de genètica Mendeliana (Herencia, al·lels, cromosomes, arbres familiars...)
6. 2 exercicis de genètica molecular (CRISPR, Estructura de l'ADN, Passar de ARNm a proteïna o de ADN a ARN,...)
7. Alguna pregunta que us agradi especialment tot i que no surti en aquesta llista.

Dissenyeu una pregunta que serveixi per veure si les vostres companyes han après (tenen una graella/bastida per fer-ho): Image
Read 8 tweets
Perco o bolão, mas vejo a turma que já ensaiava o “neymardependência” quebrar a cara. Bom demais. #winwin
O Brasil só precisa de Neymar para ter alguém em campo reclamando de falta que não existiu.
Se fosse Neymar nesse lance que Vini Jr perdeu, teria se jogado no chão, a bola teria parado dois minutos, estaria até agora fazendo cara de choro para a câmera — mesmo assim o juiz não teria dado a falta, pois não teria existido.
Read 7 tweets

Mots clés: inaction climatique, émissions, CO2, GES

Quelle sera l'impact maximal de l'UE sur les températures mondiales en 2100 ?

Si vous écoutez les politiciens et médias, vous vous dites "houlà, ça doit être très élevé !"

Réponse: moins de 0,1°C !

J'ai déjà beaucoup twitté récemment sur le sujet, désolé si je radote, mais ce thread-ci sera plus court.

L'UE a émis en 2021 2,79 Gt de CO2 - et 3,15 Gt "d'équivalent CO2" tous GES confondus en 2019, contre plus de 4 en 1990. ImageImage
(Par "équivalent CO2", on additionne le CO2 plus les autres gaz à effets de serre - CH4, N2O, et divers gaz trace- pondérés par leur "puissance d'effet de serre par rapport au CO2", et on obtient un "équivalent CO2" bien pratique pour les calculs).…
Read 28 tweets
🧮 I have made some calculations comparing the trading volume of other DEX with what #FIN could achieve, we would get an approximation of the rewards we could generate having $KUJI in stake only by using #FIN.


Currently #FIN has a trading fee for MAKER 0.075% and for TAKER 0.15%.
For these calculations I have assumed that the trades will be 50% MAKER and 50% TAKER obtaining an average fee of 0.1125%.
I leave you a guide to learn how to trade in #FIN.…

For the calculations I have chosen the following DEX that I show below, on a day with a relatively low trading volume, remember that we are in a bear market and there is not so much interest in trading.


Read 13 tweets
Closing ceremonies at #DEFCON30

"Don't be an ass" - @1o57 winner of one of two unique Uber Contributor awards.
@1o57 Thank you @ktjgeekmom and @compukidmike for the conference badge this year.
Transparency Report:

12 calls for medical assistance (most were alcohol related).

Masking was the most challenging thing to deal with this year. People are tired of masking. This lead to a lot of friction and goons had to keep reminding people to do it.
Read 84 tweets
There’s a lot of push for neurodivergent actors at the moment and I don’t think #agents realise but they’re already on their books. They’re just undiagnosed. The projected figures for NDs in acting/theatre is way bigger than general population
So how do you know if you’re already representing people who absolutely need more support and would benefit from more inclusive practises? I’ll tell you
Do you have an actor on your books who doesn’t keep up with contacts, who emails/calls sporadically and is generally very chatty in written form, shares a lot, gives too much detail and doesn’t talk in professional language but as if your friends?
Read 18 tweets
#Rupee has fallen far lower Vs #Dollar,comparatively👇

Euro,2 days ago,went below $1 for 1st time in 20yrs,reflecting big weakness in #Euro

Rupee,displaying strength,has risen big time against Euro,Pound &Yen💪

So #Madarsa dentists from Congress should stop lecturing on Rupee
@narendramodi govt in a landmark measure has allowed international trade settlement in #Rupees

When countries import&export goods&services,they have to make payments in foreign currency

Since US Dollar is world’s reserve currency,most trades are entered into in USD
Here,both parties involved have to incur conversion expenses&bear risk of foreign exchange rate fluctuations

This is where trade settlement in Rupee comes in-instead of paying &receiving US Dollars,invoice will be made in Indian Rupees if counterparty has #Rupee Vostro account
Read 6 tweets
A Thread of new informations uncovered pertaining to the #Lucas story.

LUCAS 루카스 황욱희 黄旭熙 wongyukhei WayV WeiShenV 威神V
By now everyone have heard that #Lucas OP2 sold the marketing account to a prostituting who offers the services usings QQ chat app.

Now a new interesting developments linked to Op2 has been discovered.
The originals Weibo OP2 account location was set to a overseas.

The new OP2 location is set to a Zhengzhou Henan ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
220628 Winwin's Studio Weibo
#董思成25小时恋爱 嘉言懿行,林樾空明☁️爱意击破时间守则,以声音为藤蔓,生长出第25小时的甜蜜空间,心动一下又一夏💗开机大吉,言樾 #威神V #董思成 #WINWIN 来啦!#25小时恋爱官宣
220628 Winwin's Studio Weibo
#董思成25小时恋爱 耳机里沙沙作响,平静的心弦即将奏响乐章。此刻,听见你 #威神V #董思成 #WINWIN 的声音🎧#25小时恋爱官宣
220628 Winwin's Studio Weibo (1)
#董思成是很熟的味道呀 落日流火霓光成虹,斑驳的风吹进梦里。炊烟袅袅,等待一场游戏的邀约 #威神V #董思成 #WINWIN
Read 8 tweets
[220412] WINWIN - Respuestas en el chatroom de 追星星的人 (Star Chasers)

Trad. Inglés: WayV China Station
Trad. Español: S. | weishentrad
Imágenes: ww8ar en weibo

#WayV #威神V #WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈 @WayV_official Image
👤: WinWin, maestro de los emojis, ¿podrías darnos un pensamiento/pista/TMI, etc. sobre las grabaciones del programa utilizando emojis?

WW: 💡✨🌱🎋🍢🍡🎁🐕🦙🦌💁🏻‍♂️🙆🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️🧏🏻‍♂️❤️ Image
👤: WinWin, ¿como te sientes al ver las estrellas? ¿te relajas después de verlas? Sientes que todo vale la pena jajaja

WW: Si, perseguir las estrellas es algo maravilloso y romántico Image
Read 10 tweets
Enseñar a leer y enseñar literatura son cosas completamente distintas. Cualquiera puede leer pero pocos son los llamados a apreciar una frase bellamente construida. Es como las librerías, en las que se amontonan los libros como la paja en un pajar. La literatura es la aguja.
La educación debe ser democrática sin dejar de ser aristocrática: la excelencia al alcance de la mayoría, lo mejor para todos. El error es pretender que sea democrática de manera igualitaria. La educación no es como el mercado, donde manda el cliente y los valores subjetivos.
Hay ladrones, violadores y asesinos. Un paso más allá en la historia del crimen están los que pretenden que no haya deberes en la escuela. El conocimiento se adquiere con horas de trabajo. Lo que hay que hacer es dosificarlos, organizarlos y ofrecer asistencia a quien lo necesite
Read 60 tweets
《NYLON尼龙》March Cover Issue ——董思成

Reviewing back on past experience, you wouldn’t hear Winwin saying: “If it were to be the me right now I would be able to do it… …” this type of sad comment.

#WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈
This youth who is introverted, watched movies about life and also finds joy from the little things in life.

#WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈
Returning back to the present, his new drama 《如月》has already wrapped filming, and he has reached the first stop of this journey, this is just the beginning.

#WINWIN #董思成 #윈윈
Read 4 tweets
1. Brawa dla @iggnacy et al. za wytknięcie fund. błędów w raporcie spons. przez @PatrykJaki. Dobrze się stało, że debata pokazała, że zarówno PL, jak i pozostałe państwa członkowskie UE, na Unii zyskują (co warto w BRU podkreślać i co, mam nadzieję, było intencją @PatrykJaki)
2. Unia jest bowiem jak małżeństwo: jest korzystna dla obu stron. Inaczej nie byłoby ani jednego ani drugiego #WINWIN
3. Źle jednak, że przekaz raportu może być źle zrozumiany i zagrozić historycznie bezprecedensowemu win-win, bez którego Polska nigdy bogata i potężna nie będzie. Kilka dodatkowych uwag do raportu i intepretacji @PatrykJaki
Read 20 tweets
Read 284 tweets
Sommige Tesla fans vragen mij wel eens

Ton. Is nou werkelijk álles wat Tesla doet & zegt even lachwekkend onbenullig, behalve voor ScienTeslagy beliebers?

Zeker niet (zeg ik dan)

Héél verstandig van Tesla om te zeggen dat je even niet moet botsen. Nu je gordel kan afbreken .. Image
PS, beste 30.339 mensen in NL die in precies dezelfde 2019 model 3 Tesla uit precies diezelfde fabriek rondrijden.

Als waar ze in China nu elke terughalen. (Net als met al die afgebroken wielophangingen)

Geen zorgen. Bij jullie breken je gordels vast 'niet' af bij een botsing. Image
En .. het vervolg.

De dingen gaan hard nu. Letten we op, beste media in NL die zich niet afvragen waarom er hier niets gebeurt.

Aan bij botsing afbrekende Tesla autogordels?…
Read 6 tweets
I genuinely believe MATs could play a key role in innovating the #SEND system. This is a biased view.
MATs already lead the way on many areas of innovation in schools - curriculum, assessment, teacher training, school improvement /2
Some of the Directors of #SEND and #Inclusion I know are really experienced and dedicated leaders and they work alongside heads trying to do their best. People like @Nic_Crossley1 and @simontanner_SEN - there are many others /4
Read 10 tweets

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