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Jun 19th 2023
#Ukraine June 18, updates from @escortert.
in two parts
-> PdS1, Dniepr-Donetsk offensive
-> PdS2, Louhansk-Siversk-Avdiivka areas & Background
Here is the PdS2 for today 👇
#WarInUkraine D+481 (19/06) PdS2 - Sectors #Louhansk,#Siversk,#Avdiivka & Backstage

The rest of the front, off the offensive, is frozen in a war of positions where 🇷🇺 apply ISIS methods!

Leo court👇
Read 18 tweets
Jun 19th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+481 (19/06) PdS2 - Secteurs #Louhansk,#Siversk,#Avdiivka & Arrière-scène

Le reste du front, hors offensive, est figé dans une guerre de positions où les 🇷🇺appliquent les méthodes de Daesh !

Leo court👇

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez perdu le fil, reprenez-le avec le N°CDLXXX-II de #GuerreEnUkraine 👇


1/Front du #Louhansk, aucun gain tactique 🇷🇺

(i) Dans le directions #Kupyansk & #Kreminna👇, R.A.S.

(ii)Dans la direction #Svatove,
Dans l’axe de #novoselivske, assaut 🇷🇺repoussé👇

R.A.S. = pas d’offensive, mais des échanges d’artillerie, reco, opés spéc. ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Jun 8th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+470 (08/06) - Tous Théâtres

Devant l'afflux de commentaires, j'appelle à prendre du recul

Que sait-on ?

L'offensive a commencé comme je l'indique dans les tableaux de bord PdS2 depuis plusieurs semaines, par la phase de préparation

L'offensive est passée dans la phase du mouvement terrestre
Mais ces mouvements (dans les directions #MalaTokmachka, #Robotyne-#Verbove & #VelykaNovosilka) sont limités par les volumes engagés

Au point qu'on hésite à les qualifier : reconnaissances ou non ?

Mais on ne regarde peut-être pas au bon endroit...

Regardons les arrivées de tirs détectées par les satellites NASA-FIRMS sur les 2 dernières semaines

Entre #Zaporizhzia et #Donetsk, presque rien👇

Je rappelle que les assauts🇺🇦 ont été lancés sans préparation d'artillerie Image
Read 6 tweets
Jun 8th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+470 (08/06) PdS2 - Tous Théâtres hors #Donbass & Arrière-scène

Le front🇷🇺se met en sourdine alors qu'on entend les bruits de chenille au sud de #Zaporizhzia

🇷🇺est responsable et coupable à #Kakhovka


Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez perdu le fil, reprenez-le avec le N°CDLXIX-II de #GuerreEnUkraine👇


1/ Des nombres et des hommes,

Pour les ab**tis de pro-🇷🇺 qui hantent ce fil, et une fois pour toutes, voici le bilan des #VictimesDeLaGuerreDuDonbass entre 2014 et 2021 👇

Guerre provoquée, pilotée et financée par 🇷🇺, responsable de toutes les victimes

crédit @Chbrm18B Image
Read 22 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+467 (05/06) PdS2 - Tous Théâtres hors #Donbass & Arrière-scène

Le front🇷🇺reste ouvert et quelque chose se passe au sud de #Zaporizhzia

L'heure de la grande explication est venue

système AA BukM1 détruit par🇺🇦👇

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez perdu le fil, reprenez-le avec le N°CDLXVI-II de #GuerreEnUkraine


2/Front russe

Il y a maintenant 3 unités de la LVI 🇺🇦impliquées dans l’ouverture du front 🇷🇺 : LSR, RDK et Corps polonais👇 ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
May 28th 2023
Here is the seventh thread 🧵 about the strategy of the #RussoUkrainianWar for the early summer. Russia took the control of #Bakhmut while Ukraine is still planning its offensive efforts. #Ukraine #Russia #Soledar #Kreminna #Svatove #Wagner #UkraineWar #Leopard2 #Vuhledar Image
1) You can find all earlier Twitter threads on war in #Ukraine and #Russia's unlawful invasion and more in this interactive map. Please remember that this map is not for showing the exact lines of contacts but to understand strategies.
2) British MoD underlined that, as planned, #Wagner is now withdrawing from the center of #Bakhmut. The defence of the town will be transferred to so-called DNR forces combined with VDV units. This shows that Wagner will not be in defensive efforts.
Read 62 tweets
May 26th 2023

#GuerreEnUkraine D+457 (26/05) PdS2 - Tous Théâtres hors #Donbass : #Crimee, #Russie, #Kherson, #Zaporizhzia

Extension du front X et intensification des frappes en profondeur

attaque au drone sur bâbord arrière d'Ivan Khurs

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez loupé la chronique N°CDLVI-II de #GuerreEnUkraine, la voici👇


1/ Front X, Hyp. Z

(i) TDB

🟢"no-fly-zone" (Patriot+F16), dotée
🟠Test & modelage de la ligne de front, généralisé
•détruire PC, EW, DM, logistique
•effondrer la chaîne du carburant
🟠Opé. déception, débuté
🟠Offensive, Front X
Read 19 tweets
Mar 24th 2023
Here is the fifth thread 🧵 about the strategy of the #RussoUkrainianWar for the early spring. Spring would be an interesting time as both sides claimed to go for a possible offensive. #Bakhmut. #Ukraine #Russia #Soledar #Kreminna #Svatove #Wagner #UkraineWar #Leopard2 #Vuhledar Image
1) As always please take a look for understanding how a counter-offensive should be conducted, what are the goals and requirements and for the events that occured between September to November.
2) You can take a look to this thread for the first part of the Ukrainian Winter Counter Offensive which includes the situation and events between November to January.
Read 101 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+377 (07/03) PdS2 - Théâtres

1/Front X, le vert passe au rouge
2/Aide occidentale, le rouge passe au vert


1/Front X, le vert passe au rouge

Allez savoir pourquoi, #RF sont en alerte rouge du #Dniepr au #Donetsk

Bombardement d'un système de guerre électronique russe par les glorieuses 44è et 128è brigades d'artillerie 🇺🇦👇dans la région de #Zaporizhzhia

Une forte activité d'artillerie est constatée sur la ligne de contact et sur les axes de #Melitopol et #Marioupol (7 derniers jours, NASA/FIRMS) 👇
Read 7 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
Southern #Ukraine Update:

Russian and Ukrainian military activity near Nova Kakhovka, #Kherson Oblast indicates that Russian forces are likely deployed to positions close to the bank of the #Dnipro River.
2/ Geolocated footage published on February 17 shows Ukrainian forces striking a Russian tank under a bridge near the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station.
3/ A Russian milblogger amplified footage on 17 FEB showing Russian forces launching an anti-tank guided missile from a position at the Nova Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station & striking reported Ukrainian positions in Vesele on the right/west river bank on an unspecified date
Read 6 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+344 (02/02) PdS2 - Théâtres

1. Stratégie bis
2. tests et frappes (Dniepr, rive gauche)
3. incendies et petites frappes (Russie)
4. corruption et justice (Dniepr, rive droite)



(i) Bluffs et contre-bluffs

•bluff 1 : "on a subi une grosse défaite, envoyez-nous les armes" / "on a remporté une brillante victoire, l'armée russe est de retour"

Dans l'espace informationnel, l'affaire de #Soledar a été gagnant-(très) gagnant
Sur le terrain, la victoire russe, modeste, est incontestable, ce qui a permis de vendre la nouvelle armée russe commandée par #Gerassimov aux russes

De l'autre côté, la communication de la peur a bien marché pour #AFU en janvier : ils obtiennent l'aide militaire souhaitée
Read 18 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+343 (01/02) PdS2 - Théâtres

1. Lorsqu'une stratégie offensive cache une stratégie défensive, on peut s'y laisser prendre

2. Répression anti-corruption en 🇺🇦

3. Répression anti-guerre en 🇷🇺

🇫🇷Caesar à la douzaine👇


La stratégie russe a la couleur de l'offensive, a l'odeur de l'offensive et a le goût de l'offensive mais elle est essentiellement défensive !

(i) Le grand bluff

Les russes ont semblé gagner la bataille dans le champ informationnel en exhibant la victoire à #soledar à l'opinion publique russe

Petit coup de mou côté 🇺🇦 qui obtient un autre genre de victoire : débloquer le robinet de l'aide

Read 20 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
SitRep - 31/01/23 - The clock is ticking.. ⏰

An overview of daily events in the war between Russia and Ukraine. America is lobbying to get more support from South Korea and Israel for Ukraine. In addition, more Western support came, or was announced.

Did you miss yesterdays SitRep? Check it out here
As usual we start with Russian losses per 31/01. If available we include damaged or captured equipment or men personnel.

+850 men
+9 APCs
+1 artillery systems
Read 25 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+338 (27/01) PdS2 - Théâtres de #Crimea

Dans le jeu des Tours du #Kremin, les uns avancent et les autres reculent
En #Crimea des choses avancent (hélas) de même que rive droite du Dniepr (bravo)

Entre Dniepr et #Donetsk, #RF n'avancent pas ou peu
1/Dniepr, rive droite

Certaines choses avancent 👇


Malheureusement, d'autres choses avancent aussi du côté russe comme la réparation de la section routière du pont de Kerch 👇 qui sera achevée à la fin du mois
Read 9 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
Welcome to the daily news thread for Day 338 of the #RussianUkrainianWar, with all the important bits, hopefully some stories you won't see elsewhere and a bit of comment too as #Ukraine continues its heroic defence of freedom and democracy.

Read on...
Awful start to yesterday, but a quiet end to the day and still calm this Friday morning so far.

If you need to catch up on Thursday's events, here's the link to the start of yesterday's thread - scroll through at your leisure.


First let's update you on the territorial situation at the front. You probably know I seldom publish or link to maps; to be frank many are guesswork and often out of date.

The British MoD has validated my previous rebuttal of #Russia's claims of gains in #Zaporizhzhia oblast
Read 34 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+336 (25/01) PdS1 - Théâtre du #Donbass

Autour de #Bakhmut, la situation tactique se dégrade un peu (pessimiste) mais le gradient de la dégradation est à la baisse (optimiste)

Ailleurs, rien ne change (sauf derrière le rideau...)


Aucun changement de la ligne de front

•Une bataille est en cours dans l'axe #novoseliske-#Kuzemivka coupant la P07 (12 km nord-ouest de #Svatove) où #AFU essaient d'éjecter #RF de la zone

La position est en hauteur et qui la contrôle a les clés de la ville👇
• l'autre point chaud de ce front est #Stelmakhivka 👇où #RF tentent de pousser #AFU dos à la rivière Zherebets sans y parvenir
•vers la frontière, #RF semblent avoir renoncé à pousser vers #Dibrova 👇(pour se rabattre sur #Kupyansk)
Read 18 tweets
Jan 22nd 2023
SitRep - 22/01/23 - The Russian propaganda machine is working overtime

An overview of the daily events in the war between Russia and Ukraine. A fairly quiet Sunday with little news. We zoom in on the front line, specifically in the Novoselivske area.

If you missed yesterday's thread, check it out here
As usual we start with Russian losses per 22/01. If available we also include damaged or captured equipment.

+600 men
+5 tanks
+12 APCs
+9 Artillery pieces
+2 MRLS systems
Read 25 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
SitRep - 20/01/23 - Ramstein brought no news

An overview of the daily events in the war between Russia and Ukraine. A day that was dominated by a - rather disappointing - Ramstein meeting. Russia that would have opened a front in Zaporizhzia and fighting around Bakhmut.

If you missed yesterdays SitRep, check it out here
As usual we start with Russian losses per 20/01. We also include -if available- Russian captured or destroyed equipment or personnel.

+770 men
+3 tanks
+6 APCs
+7 artillery pieces
Read 21 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
SitRep - 19/01/23 - One day until Ramstein

An overview of the daily events in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Today a lot of aid was announced by numerous countries. Also it was confirmed that the AFU liberated Novoselivs'ke, a strategic village close to Svatove.

If you missed yesterdays SitRep, check it out here.
As usual start with Russian losses per Russian losses per 19/01. We include (if available) visually confirmed captured or damaged equipment.

+760 men
+6 tanks
+10 APCs
+14 artillery pieces 🙄
+1 helicopter

Losses are increasing.
Read 25 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
Monday is Day 327 of the #RussiaUkraine war.

You've found the start of the daily thread, thanks for joining.

A harrowing weekend in which many more civilians were killed by #Russia's terrorism.
Click here and scroll down to catch up on yesterday's news:

Already important news to bring you from #Zaporizhzhia

A Russian rocket has hit critical infrastructure causing a big fire right now.

Power and internet connection are down in many districts.

#StandWithUkraine #RussiaIsATerrorostState
People have been injured in the night attack on #Zaporizhzhia, but no deaths reported.

Houses have been damaged as well as the city's infrastructure.

📷Anatoliy Kurtev, ZP City Council.
Read 52 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
This is the new and second thread 🧵 for the Strategic Assessment of #Ukraine's Winter Counter-Offensive that started after the liberation of Kherson from #Russia's invasion. This is the third thread on overall strategic assessment of war. Image
1) Please take a look for understanding how a counter-offensive should be conducted, what are the goals and requirements and for the events that occured between September to November.
2) You can take a look to this thread for the first part of the Ukrainian Winter Counter Offensive which includes the situation and events between November to January.
Read 109 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
Franz-Stefan Gady, a military analyst at the International Institute for Strategic Studies believes that depending on weather and supply conditions, we could see an offensive against the Russian-occupied city of Melitopol in the coming weeks or months.

Many signs of the upcoming large scale offensive are indeed there.

According to many russian sources, Ukraine has been preparing for an offensive in #Zaporizhzia for a long time.

Rybar has even drawn a map of possible directions of the ukrainian offensive.
According to russian military blogger Begov, ukrainian artillery is currently very rarely conducting fire missions on the Zaporizhzia front, suggesting that there might be an major offensive coming soon.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
Day 273 of #Putin's illegal war and here's the daily news thread.

Today, Wednesday, marks the completion of 9 months since #Russia's full invasion of #Ukraine

This thread's updated live throughout the day. To check what you missed yesterday, click here:

#Ukraine tonight has accused #Russia of kidnapping mayors of various mayors in #Kherson oblast.

The Interior Ministry says invaders abducted the leaders of several communities in the region and took them to the left bank of the Dnipro when they retreated.

They remain missing
It's potentially a huge day for the #EU.
The Union is today scheduled to set its price limit for #Russia's fuel.

Two questions - can they set it at a level which can hold and damage the Kremlin, and can they get all members to agree to it.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia
Read 53 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
So maybe #Russia is going to retreat from Kherson. Assuming they are, they have some issues that I hope the #Ukrainians can cash in on. When the #Russian's retreated from #Kyiv they were able to do it in fairly good-ish order. #Ukraine was still lacking in artillery and most of
her forces were still in the JFO area of the Donbass. At the same time much of Russia's initial combat power was still intact. Mud was the biggest issue. They we get to Kharkiv. That was a rout and had Ukraine had a western style army with all the bells and whistles that retreat
would not have ended short of the Russian border or Black Sea Coast. Now with even less combat pwoer than in Kharkiv, with an army that has been gutted by loss, infected with malcontent mobliks, abandoned by its officers the Russian army is supposed to cross a massive river at
Read 19 tweets

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