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The cultural interplay between India and #Afghanistan transformed the rabab into the sarod and inspired klasik music. What happens to this heritage now?…
Built over generations, now this musical heritage stands in danger of destruction with the #Taliban regaining power in #Afghanistan

By @TheMalini✍️…
@TheMalini There are already fears among musicians that their life, work and precious instruments will suffer as they did during #Talibans last rule from 1996 to 2001.

There are reports that music schools and artistes have silenced themselves.… Image
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#12settembre #Afghanishtan #BuonaDomenica (?) oggi cominciamo con questo video, ascoltatelo anche se non capite pashtu, parla la lingua internazionale del dolore. Lei è Fahima Rahmati, #donna e attivista diritti civili a Kandahar (capitale spirituale taleb) Perchè piange?
Durante la notte scorsa (il video è un appello a caldo) un gruppo di presunti taleb è entrato nella sua casa e ha portato via il fratello, picchiandola quando lei si è opposta. Il capo (taleb) della provincia, dopo, è intervenuto promettendo provvedimenti. Ci sono molte cose
Da notare: 1) questo è il modello dei night raid (operazioni mirate notturne) che hanno "condannato" occidentali e governativi a perdere supporto popolazione 2) la donna nel video ricorda di aver aiutato i talebani in passato, intende dire che è stata neutrale come attivista 3/20
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As I catch up on a rich, moving, diverse set of reporting and stories about 9/11 in a very emotional morning full of sobs, anger and vivid memories here is my recollection of the day’s events. My girlfriend at the time, Vibeke Fonnesbech and I had just come back from NYC where
We had visited my old offices, met friends and dined at the word trade centre where I had been working a few months before. I was at work, trading derivatives, on the phone to a broker in the WTC, when the first plane hit. He did not make it
We watched in horror the scenes from NYC when someone in the room screamed at the sight of the second plane headed straight towards the WTC and the sickening - let the ground swallow me - moment that followed when the plane hit and many of our lines with colleagues went dead
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Interesting that having demonised #Refugees for years, the Home Secretary uses them as a photo opp when the tide of public opinion is briefly in their favour.

A bit like the government’s very brief PR interest in the national football team in June.
It’s quite incredible, given all her sanctioning of slum conditions for #refugees, clandestine threat commanders etc. Pure shallow gimmickry. Does she think people won’t notice? #RefugeesWelcome #Afghanishtan #ToryBritain
[Narrator: unless ‘free movement of people’ means a photo opportunity with desperate #Refugees I can temporarily pretend to support because, newspaper coverage]
Read 3 tweets
1 - (7 May 2009) Renowned #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman & Kamran Khan jointly condemn #Talibans for #Terrorism in #Pakistan

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
2 - (7 May 2009) #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman says that #Talibans are Kharijite Terrorist & should be crucified

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
3 - (7 May 2009) #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman condemns those Islamic Scholars who support #Talibans Un-Islamic #Terrorism

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
Read 8 tweets
1 - (21 Apr 2011) All those Muslims particularly Pakistanis who live in #USA & #Europe & support #Talibans, should know that living in Kaafir land is also Haraam (Forbidden) in Islam (Musnad Ahmad, Al-Bayhaqi, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi & Irwae Ghalil )

Ref : |
2 - (21 Apr 2011) All those Muslims particularly Pakistanis who live in #USA & #Europe & support #Talibans, should know that living in Kaafir land is also Haraam (Forbidden) in Islam (Musnad Ahmad, Al-Bayhaqi, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi & Irwae Ghalil)

Ref :
۱ - (۲۱ اپریل ۲۰۱۱ دنیا نیوز) پاکستانی مسلمان بالخصوص وہ جو یورپ اور امریکہ میں رہتے ہیں اور وہاں سے بیٹھ کر #طالبان کی حمایت کررہے ہیں انہیں معلوم ہونا چاہئیے کہ دارالکفر میں رہنا حرام ہے ( مسند احمد ، ابو داؤد ، ترمذی ، اروالغلیل و صحیح البانی)

حوالہ :
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امت مسلمہ میں بالخصوص پاکستانیوں میں اس وقت خوشی کی لہر دوڑ گئی جب نیوزی لینڈ کی “کافر” وزیراعظم نے صحیح بخاری و مسلم سے ایک حدیث (حوالہ نمبر ۳) دہرائی مگر پاکستانی مسلمان #طالبان کی حمایت کرتے ہوئے #افغانستان پر ساری حدیثیں بھول جاتے ہیں صرف “ہواؤ نفس” کی پیروی کرتے ہیں Image
When the Non-Muslim Prime Minister of New Zealand recited Traditions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) from Bukhari & Muslim (ref no 3) , the whole Muslim Ummah praised her but these very Traditions are conveniently ignored by Pakistani Muslims when they support Kharijites
#Talibans Image
۱ - (۲۱ اپریل ۲۰۱۱) انصار عباسی ، کامران خان اور امجد شعیب کے نزدیک #طالبان کی فتح حق کی فتح ہے ! تو پھر یہ کیا ہے ؟ دیکھیں

حوالہ :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAirport
Read 19 tweets
#Afghanishtan « L’accueil est dans nos textes. Vouloir se prémunir de cela en faisant des réfugiés une menace est indigne de la France et de notre histoire. » #Les4V
#Afghanishtan « Je veux saluer les militaires, soldats engagés, pour certains tués et blessés en Afghanistan pour avoir défendu nos valeurs. » #Les4V
#Afganistan « Notre stratégie est celle d’ouverture, de respect des valeurs et de l’histoire de la France ainsi que des textes et engagements internationaux. On peut accueillir aujourd’hui les Afghans qui demandent l’asile. » #Les4V
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Per la rubrica

ecco il tipico tweet pieno di menzogne idiote, scritto senza aver nessuna conoscenza degli argomenti trattati e cavalcando un odio cieco e ignorante.

1) "Anche Prodi vuole dialogo con i talebani":

Sì. Esattamente come #Trump,
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#Pompeo, #Biden, #Putin, #Merkel, #XiJinping, #Johnson, #VonDerLeyen, #Borrell e tanti altri.

Perché, volente o nolente, costoro sono i nuovi governanti dell'#Afghanishtan, come da accordi firmati con gli #USA (che li finanzieranno).

Quindi è importante dialogarci per
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sospingerli tramite la diplomazia a posizioni meno radicali.

Perché, come noto, con la guerra non ci si riesce.
La guerra (salvo pochi casi di liberazione) non ha mai portato nulla di buono.

Lo sanno bene gli USA, che dalla fine dell WWII sono in guerra perenne e non ne han
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نئے ایشیاء کے ابھرتے منظرنامے کا سورج کابل سے طلوع ہوچکا۔

کابل میں 20 سال بعد ایک نئی صبح طلوع ہوئی جب طالبان نے کابل محل پر بغیر کسی مزاحمت کے قبضہ کرلیا کابل کی تاریخ میں پہلی بار بغیر گولی چلے کابل فتح ہوا۔
اس وقت  کابل ایئرپورٹ  پر افراتفری مچی ہے جہاں امریکن و دیگر افواج موجود ہے وہاں ہزاروں افراد ہیں باقی پورے شہر کی زندگی پرسکون ہے لوگ واپس اپنے روز مرہ کاموں پر آچکے ہیں۔
طالبان ترجمان نے کہا ہم نے باقی کرپٹ بزدل حکمرانوں کے بھاگ جانے پر کابل میں داخل ہوئے تاکہ عام لوگوں کو تحفظ یقینی بنایا جائے شہر کا نظم و نسق چلایا جائے۔
Read 17 tweets
All American military equipment. Biden did this. He armed the Taliban with some of the best equipment available.
The Taliban, mocking the United States military, recreates the iconic flag planting on Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima. To add injury to insult, the Taliban are fully equipped with American military equipment. cc: @mchooyah
Joe Biden must resign. Immediately. #25thAmendment #Afghanishtan
Read 12 tweets
1️⃣Thinking 🤔 since I saw @AaronBosterMD ‘s Excellent video on reading MRI’s done to monitor #MultipleSclerosis activity. Flashback, Saw my 5th Cervical Spinal Cord Lesion light up like a Xmas Tree 🌲 bulb. 💡
I almost passed out. At 49, Would I become quadriplegic? #MSLesion
2️⃣ Dr. Boster said active lesions glow for brief time, 4-6 weeks.Glow because there’s Leak of contrast, You know, MRI Contrast is a microlyzed form of #Gadolinium. From the article in 1️⃣ 🔽🔽🔽🔽
#Neurotoxicity #RepeatedMRI @GavinGiovannoni ? @Brandon_Beaber ? @drbarrysinger ?
3️⃣ From the Article, #Gadolinium referred to as a “Chemical “. I feel a more accurate label is “Microlyzed Toxic Heavy Metal for Intravenous Use.” Oh, Mined by slaves in China and New Market opening up in #Afghanishtan #RareEarthMetals What will they do with Gad if Obsolete? 🤔
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Presenting the war in #Afghanishtan as a failure and a mistake is ignorant and an insult to the service personnel who have fought in Afghanistan over the best part of 20 years. There are indisputable failures, primarily the chaotic withdrawal that has put so many lives at risk 1/
It is also beyond devastating for #Afghanistan citizens, particularly Afghan women, who will lose hard fought rights overnight. For them, western withdrawal and the collapse of the Afghan government will have a devastating impact on their daily lives. 2/
As archaic as their rule appears to us, implementing western democracy into #Afghanistan was naive. It is a country divided into factions. Forming a Government and military that would resist Taliban advances without ongoing western support was always unlikely. 3/
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To all you lefties.. we know that Trump wanted our troops out too! It’s not about removing our troops, IT’S THE WAY IT WAS CARRIED OUT! Trump actually had a plan which is more than can be said for Biden. #Afghanishtan #BidenMustResign #BidenDisaster #AfghanWomen
Of course Trump wanted them out, everyone did, republicans and democrats, BUT common sense tells you that you should remove the people FIRST, then the military equipment and lastly the troops.
Who in their right mind would have the troops all pull out and leave the people and millions of dollars worth of military equipment behind for the taliban to get their hands on?! No one would!
Read 7 tweets
1) "This has been the most Humiliating time"🇺🇸

Trump warned Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar #Afghanishtan "We will Hit you hard"
2) "We had a 'Conditions Based Agreement'"🇺🇸

"We lost no soldiers in the last year and a half because of Me" 🙏
3) Joe didn't have to Botch this - he had broken every other agreement I had made. We could have 40,000 Hostages #Afghanishtan
Read 12 tweets
Also, if you wonder why I come & go while reporting, I care for my disabled son after school finishes on week days so had to pop away to attend to him.

This issue is extremely close toy heart, I lost friends from my Regiment in Afghanistan & the unfolding events are terrible
German Air Force has stepped up evacuation efforts at Kabul Airport after confusion last night.

Many more Afghans at risk evacuated to Germany.

While the area around the perimeter of Kabul Airport is hectic and dangerous, inside the secure zone on tnd military side is much more calm.

Water is provided to everyone as soon as they're inside the base. ImageImage
Read 294 tweets
Update #Afghanistan .
Im Überblick:
- weiterhin chaotische Szenen im #kabulairport , Menschen erstürmen die Mauern.
- #Biden gibt eine desaströse Pressekonferenz.
- USA evakuieren Hunde aus #Kabul .
- in der Provinz #Panjshir formiert sich Widerstand.
Details im Thread👇
Auf dem #kabulairport herrschen weiterhin chaotische Zustände.
Menschen stürmen den Flughafen und versuchen auf jede beliebige Weise noch einen Platz in einem der Evakuierungsflugzeuge zu bekommen.
Sicherheitskräfte müssen immer wieder Schüsse abgeben.
Zum Teil wird scharf in die Menschenmenge geschossen.
Meistens sind es US-Soldaten, die hier Waffen anwenden, um die Menschenmassen aufzuhalten oder Startfelder zu räumen, damit Flugzeuge starten können.
Die Rede ist von rund 10 Toten.
#Kabul_Airport #Kabul
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.@Channel4News have reported that the UK ambassador to Afghanistan, Laurie Bristow, has remained at Kabul's Hamid Karzai International Airport and is personally processing visas for Afghans wishing to escape to the United Kingdom.

He doesn't intend to leave until the end.
Channel 4 Report including comment on Laurie Bristow processing visas at Kabul Airport.
I report on important issues using #OSINT from across the world. If you'd like to support my work, pease consider donating the cost of a coffee.

I am passionate about providing important information for all for free. This helps me continue to do so. ❤
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🔴Afghanistan news – live: Taliban ‘cannot be stopped by UK,’ as British ambassador to be airlifted from Kabul


🔴Defence secretary Ben Wallace has warned that it is unlikely British troops will be able to prevent Afghanistan from falling back to the Taliban.


🔴“It would be arrogant to think we could solve Afghanistan unilaterally. The solution can only come if the force is multinational and the nations involved bring to bear all the tools of nation building..."

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#Hilo #Afghanistan #España

Datos sobre lo que ocurre en Afganistán y lo que afecta a intereses españoles.

- El CNI e Interior investigará a los aproximadamente 100 traductores afganos que pidan venir a España.

- Embajadas de EEUU, UK y Alemania evacuan a sus trabajadores
- Varios países piden a sus ciudadanos que vuelvan de forma inmediata.

- Miembros del #GEO @policia siguen en Afganistán y sin fecha de vuelta.

- Aniversario de los atentados de #Barcelona a la vuelta, posible efecto llamada.
Más datos.

- EEUU mandará tropas a Kabul para la evacuación de ciudadanos estadounidenses y parte del personal de la Embajada.

- Reino Unido mandará también 600 soldados para la evacuación de ciudadanos y personal diplomático.

¿Y el Gobierno de España? ¿A qué espera?
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