Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #codeNewbie

Most recents (24)

May 21st 2023
1/8 🐍 🧵 Are you a Python newbie looking to level up your skills? Check out our latest blog post, "How to Progress from Beginner to Intermediate Python Developer"! #Python #Developer #Programming…
2/8 We start with Python basics: syntax and indentation, variables and data types, operators, and more. Master these, and you're on your way to writing clean, efficient code. #PythonBasics #CodeNewbie…
3/8 Control flow statements and loops are key to making your code dynamic and adaptable. Our post goes in-depth on how to make the most of these tools. #PythonLoops #ControlFlow…
Read 10 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
There are still tech companies hiring for roles that don't require experience or a degree to get hired🎉 Here are 15+ roles paying up to $90K 🧵
Google, Accenture, IBM, HP, Cloud for Good & others have roles in Data Analytics, AI, Data Engineering, ServiceNow, Salesforce, Cloud, UX, Product Management, Product Design, Project Management, Digital Marketing, Software & Systems Engineering.

#jobsearch #Job #TechisHiring
The roles are in Data Analytics, AI, Data Engineering, ServiceNow, Salesforce, Cloud, Full-Stack, UX, Product Management, Product Design, Project Management, Digital Marketing, Software and Systems Engineering.
Read 20 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
Here are 3 programs training 100 ppl to become a Software Engineers, Quality Assurance Testers & Data Analysts in the next 14-16 weeks. + offering roles paying avg salaries upwards of $100K+ 🧵
Shipt is giving 20, $13K Scholarships for a Software Engineering bootcamp!🎉
➡ US citizens/Perm
📆Apply by Jan 23, Starts Feb 27
🐍Gain #SoftwareEngineering skills in 14 weeks
💰Job Interviews

#womenwhocode #blacktechtwitter #codenewbie
Perficient is giving 40+, $13K Scholarships for Software Engineering, Quality Assurance & Data Analyst bootcamps!🎉

➡ US citizens/Perm resident
📆Apply by Feb 27, Starts Apr 3
💰Job Interview

#womenwhocode #blacktechtwitter #codenewbie
Read 8 tweets
Jan 1st 2023
Make 2023 the year you learn GoLang. Here are 13 free resources to get started learning Go
#golang #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #programming

Read 15 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
Hay 5 herramientas que yo uso en todos mis proyectos #web.

1. Iconfinder
2. Un generador de #css gradientes
3. Descargar y usar Google Fonts como Web Fonts
4. Y un lorem ipsum para imágenes
5. La mejor documentación

Acá el thread 🧵

#codenewbie #100daysofcode #webdeveloper
Para descargar iconos uso puedes descargarte los iconos en #svg o png hasta 512px y hay muchos iconos gratuitos de calidad. 1/5
Nunca me he aprendido la sintaxis de #css gradients así que esta herramienta me permite generar el código con una interfaz bien bonita: 2/5
Read 7 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
Hey #OSINT #100daysofcodingchallenge #100DaysOfHacking #CodeNewbie

Code Search Engines are dedicated search engines for finding source codes on the Internet.

Here's an awesome list of 22 'Code search engines' for digital investigators, hackers, programmers & all.

A thread🧵
1. Android Code Search -

2. Chromium Code Search -

3. Ember Observer: Code
Search -

4. CodeSeek -

5. Codota -

#OSINT #cybersecurity #100daysofcodechallenge
6. Debian Code Search -

7. Google Code Search -

8. krugle -

9. JExample -

10. Libraries -

#OSINT #programmer #100DaysOfCode #100daysofcodechallenge
Read 7 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
🚨 NUNCA digas "NO" cuando en una entrevista te pregunten:

¿Tienes preguntas?
➡️ No es una inocente pregunta, es para probar si tienes interés.

💬 Algunas ideas de preguntas, HILO 🧵

#devjobs #codenewbie #100daysofcode
¿Cuántos son en el equipo?
¿Cuál es el tech stack?
¿Usan agile, waterfall, otro?
¿Qué control de versiones?
¿Tienen unit e integration tests?
¿Cómo se componen los equipo?
¿Qué sistema de tracking usan?
¿Qué herramientas de comunicación?
¿La mayoría usa mac o windows?
- ¿Cómo evitan el burnout de los empleados?
- ¿Cómo miden el éxito de una persona en esta posición en sus primeros meses?
- ¿Cuánto tiempo pasa desde que aprueba un feature hasta que ese código llega a producción?
- ¿Podría nombrar tres metas del equipo en 2022?

Por @kamihack
Read 6 tweets
Jul 30th 2022
📌 24 Array Methods in JavaScript:

Mega Thread 🧵 👇

#LearnToCode #CodeNewbie
1) concat():

🔹 Concatenates (joins) two or more arrays.

🔹 Returns a new array, containing the joined arrays.

🔹 Does not change the existing arrays.
2) copyWithin():

🔹 Copies array elements to another position in the array.

🔹 Overwrites the existing values.

🔹 Does not add items to the array.
Read 27 tweets
Jul 29th 2022
Tracking ships in sea using python.

A Thread.🧵

Coding / #coding / #python3 / #pythonprogramming / #programming / #developer / #code / #CodeNewbie / #100DaysOfCode / #codinglife
Read 4 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
Beginner 𝘃𝘀 Expert Programmers.

A Thread.🧵

Coding / #coding / #python3 / #pythonprogramming / #programming / #developer / #code / #CodeNewbie / #100DaysOfCode / #codinglife
Read 9 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
💰 ¿Se puede ganar dinero mientras aprendes a programar?

@stackuphq es la nueva plataforma donde aprendes a programar mientras te pagan y conectas con una comunidad global de #developers.

Te explico en el hilo 🧵

❤️ Ayudame con RT

#CodeNewbie #100daysofcode
Regístrate GRATIS y aprende 👇🏼

- #Web3
- #Phyton
- #Rust
- #Go

¡Puedes ganar dinero de un fondo común de al menos $30,000 USD por mes!
Para sumarte, solo tienes que hacer esto:

- Entra a:
- Regístrate con mi código de acceso temprano: “fmontes”

Read 4 tweets
Jul 27th 2022
📌 10 CSS Selectors You Must Know

Thread 🧵👇

#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie Image
1⃣ Universal Selector ( * ) : Selects all elements. Image
2⃣ General Sibling Combinator ( X ~ Y) : Selects Y if it follows the X, and are children of the same parent element. Image
Read 12 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
🔴 Computer Vision Tutorial 4️⃣: Edge detection
🟡 Jupyter Notebook 📒 in second tweet.

Check this out 👇

#programming #MachineLearning #DataScience #pythonprogramming #CodeNewbie #pythoncode #100daysofcode #pythontricks #pythonprojects #100daysofcodechallenge #python #opencv
🔵 Find Jupyter Notebook 📒 ⬇️…
Hope you enjoyed reading!! 📖

Follow me if you are interested in:
✅ Python 🐍
✅ Machine learning 🤖
✅ Computer Vision 🎥
✅ MlOps ⚒️

Retweet 🔁 the first tweet 🐥 .
Cheers!! 🍻
Read 3 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
"I'm struggling to understand <topic>.
No matter how much I try, I can't get it"

As I've been getting to know the #Pythonverse on Twitter better in recent weeks, I've seen this common theme recur often from beginners

If this is you, read on…

#Python #codenewbie #coding
It's not just you.

This is the norm, not the exception

There are a number of reasons why this happens.

Here are some of them…
You may be learning a topic a bit too early.

Some topics need a good understanding of other concepts before you can fully grasp them.

#ObjectOrientedProgramming is one such area. Many beginners try to learn this topic before they've fully mastered the basics…
Read 8 tweets
Apr 9th 2022
What frustrates you most when learning to code from books, tutorials, or video courses?

I’ll start… 🧵🪡

#coding #python #learntocode #100daysofcode
1. The instructor cannot understand what a beginner knows and doesn’t know, and assume some things are basic when they’re not for a beginner.
2. “It clearly follows that…”
When following a tutorial, key steps are skipped which are not trivial for a beginner.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 9th 2022
Who's Monty & what's a White Room got to do with *truly* understanding concepts in #Python #coding?

What’s more challenging in the early days when you learn coding is to join the dots between various topics you learn, viewing them as a coherent set of tools

#100daysofcode Image
Here's The White Room analogy in brief:

I call the computer program Monty.

Monty is the one who’s busy doing things, performing all the actions required in your computer program.
But Monty/the computer program needs some infrastructure to be able to operate.

This infrastructure is the White Room: an empty room with white walls and white ceilings–a blank canvas.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
💚 Day 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ / 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ Master in CSS Design series!

💥 Today we going to host our website on @Netlify

→ Implement smooth scrolling using just CSS.

→ Implement nav links with a particular section.


Let me explain!🧵👇 Image
📌 Remember there are 3 sections in our existing project.

→ Hero section
→ Project section
→ Footer section

⛔ When we click on header links then I want to access these particular sections. Image
📌 First of all, we have to add an ID in the section of the webpage.

👀 See the image! Image
Read 16 tweets
Jan 15th 2022
Okay guys let's go....

1. It takes time and practice to grab this tech thing especially coding, be patient and committed.

2. When the frustration pile up due to errors, take your mind of it and go do something else- walk, small talks etc. Go let out steam!

3. There are two group of people,
a. Those made by institutions they pass through, they capitalize on the name of these institutions to establish their value, e.g I went to Harvard, I worked as Analyst at Chase Bank etc... 👇
b. The second group of individuals who make the institutions they passed/pass through. They define the value of these institutions and proceed to building it. A typical example here in Nigeria is Afikpo Chic and how she got elected via a party with no records...
Read 19 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
What are the Conditional Statements in #JavaScript?

🟡What is a Conditional Statement?

Very often when you write code, you want to perform different actions for different decisions.

Conditional statements control behavior in JavaScript and determine whether or not pieces of code can run.
🟡We use "if" to specify a block of code to be executed, if a specified condition is true.

🟡We use "else" to specify a block of code to be executed, if the same condition is false

🟡We use "else if" to specify a new condition to test, if the first condition is false.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
👉 Además de alojar la mayoría de proyectos #OpenSource, @github es un buen lugar para descubrir contenido interesante.

🏅 Aquí te dejo 10 repositorios para #devs que deberías conocer. Cada uno de ellos te aportará algo.

#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie

¡Dentro hilo! 🧵⬇️ Cartel: 10 repositorios de github para developers que deberi
1. Free Programming Books…

⭐️ Este repo tiene que ser el primero. De los repositorios con más estrellas de #Github. No solo encontrarás libros de programación en múltiples idiomas, también otros recursos y videos.
2. Developer Roadmap…

Otro de mis favoritos. ¿Quieres saber por dónde empezar tu camino #desarrollo web? Aquí tienes hojas de ruta con las tencnologías y conceptos que debes saber para dominar un “camino”.
Por ejemplo #frontend, #backend, #DevOps...
Read 15 tweets
Nov 22nd 2021
Kubernetes Interview Ready Guide ♾🐋☸️

Everything you need to know to Crack kubernetes Interview 🚀⚡

Handwritten 🧵👇
30 Days Challenge Thread 🚀
I will add 5 Interview questions every alternative day 🌟 in this thread so make sure to bookmark this and share with others to help them 🔥

• The questions covered here are mostly conceptual
• I never claim only these type of questions are/should be asked during interviews
• For interviews, you should have fundamentals strong. And you should be able to provide solutions to practical problems.
Read 10 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
Beginner's Guide to Tech-Verse 🚀

How to Get Started and Get your dream job 🧵👇

RoadMap ⬇️
Objective 🌟
- To Build your presence in this Tech Universe ⚡
- To Get a Job in the Tech Industry⚡
1) Learn Computer Science Fundamentals first.

That's the most initial step every beginner should follow. It is important to have a strong foundation of whatever you do.

I hope this course will help you to Build your foundation strong…
Read 12 tweets

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