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Oct 30th 2022
What is the purpose of @TwitterVerified? I qualify on several of these but they refuse to acknowledge it. I guarantee for my geographic location my follower count is high. I have more followers than the former mayor and the current sheriff of Rochester
I have twice the followers of local reporter Adam Chodak. Theresa Marsenburg has 655 followers but she has a blue check. Lots more than Amal and Natalie too. These people do the same type of work I do except I'm national. But if we're going by geographical location...
.@TwitterVerified claims that geographical location matters. Let's look at more journalists/entertainers/notables in Rochester. @ToddHallidy deserves a blue check and a lot more followers btw. Follow him. He's awesome. What a voice. So smooth, like butter.
Read 16 tweets
Jun 10th 2021
1/Today, one of the individuals - Brittan Atkinson - who threatened my life during our (@AndrewBakaj) representation of IC #whistleblower in 2019-20 was sentenced to 12 months, 1 day (felony) in jail (& 3 years probation) for his actions.

#RuleOfLaw #Justice
2/His death threat was actually one of several I received, particularly in Nov 2019, after GOP Trump operatives discovered my - gasp - 2017 "coup" tweet. I was referring to #SallyYates firing & lawful, constitutional impeachment proceedings.…
3/These death threats came in wake of President Trump personally attacking me. He called me out at political rally, called me a "scumbag" & said I should be "sued for treason" (doesn't exist, BTW, but sounds real good).…
Read 34 tweets
Feb 17th 2021
#RIPRush There will probably never be another political media figure as massive as Rush Limbaugh. Just absolutely huge. He touched so many lives. Even liberals recognized his vastness, his tremendous capacity: here's Patrick Farley's "Rush Eats Everything" from the late 90's
#RIPRush Rush Limbaugh will forever be remembered for his talents and his unique worldview, which he spread to so many others in this country and around the world. Here's a somewhat fictionalized story by Patrick Farley from the 1990's when Rush was in his heyday
#RIPRush #RIPRushLimbaugh he will forever be remembered not only for what he did, but what he said, and how many Americans found their truth there
Read 28 tweets
Mar 18th 2020
Today the @washingtonpost released an extremely scary video that illustrates how #FoxNews downplayed the early days of the #Covid19 crisis.

Right now it’s clearer than ever that #FoxNewsLies are powerful, toxic and dangerous.

And it’s time to put a stop to it.


How did we get here? First, Fox News is a pro-Trump propaganda machine. They’ve spent years telling viewers that the “deep state” is out to get Trump, and they eagerly painted #covid19 as just the latest attack.

But #FoxNews and others like them were wrong. The #coronavirus is a deadly and highly contagious global pandemic, and their downplaying of the virus as an attempt to support Trump will quite literally cost many lives.

Read 25 tweets
Feb 5th 2020
Let's remember that tonight, the president awarded one of the nation's highest honors to this dude #RushLimbaugh
Things you can say to get your own medal of freedom
Things you can say to get your own medal of freedom
Read 3 tweets
Feb 3rd 2020
When I worked as a producer on the G. Gordon Liddy Show in the 90s, all we wanted to do was beat Rush Limbaugh in the ratings

Now I just hope Rush beats cancer's ass. Rooting for you #RushLimbaugh.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 30th 2019
1) #RBG not being seen since November is causing ?’s of her health & ability to perform duties of the court. Rumors she’s in a medically induced coma, or dead after #foxnews live graphic, are increasing demands for #ProofOfLife @POTUS @seanhannity @StormIsUponUs @bigredwavenow
2) Attacks on ‘pledge of allegiance’, ‘In God We Trust’ & Catholics are the left’s STRATEGIC planned effort in the lead up to the NEXT nominee. The rush-to-judgement of the Covenant Catholic #MAGAkids was part of that narrative, but BACKFIRED when the TRUTH came out.#WWG1WGA
3) The View’s, Joy Behar, was HONEST when she confessed the ‘rush-to-judgement’ over the #MAGAkids Covenant Catholic group was because [they] are “so desperate to get rid @realDonaldTrump@dbongino @mitchellvii @BillOReilly @RealJamesWoods #GreatAwakening #RBG #KAG #QAnon
Read 16 tweets
Dec 26th 2018
THREAD: I ask Amazon Alexa’s #AI #chatbot about Republicans, Democrats, Trump, Obama, even Rush & @seanhannity The answers are funny, bizarre, and yes, biased against conservatives. For perspective, please read thoughts at end. Here, Alexa suggests Rs are SNL characters 1/12
I ask about @realDonaldTrump and Alexa compares him to @BillGates and then shames homeless people. 2/12
When I ask about #RushLimbaugh the chatbot basically tries to convince me that @seanhannity @glennbeck & Rush are not too bright. This is clearly a specific choice to fit a narrative. 3/12
Read 14 tweets

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