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May 24th 2023
@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban #EUArchives.
“The #Nazi Roots of the ‘#Brussels EU’” proves that the key architects of the #EuropeanUnion were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-#WW2 #Europe under the #control of the Nazis.…
@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban The Hidden #Nazi Background Of #WalterHallstein, #Founding #President Of The Brussels #EUCommission | June 3, 2016
- #Hallstein’s role representing the Nazi government in official state negotiations…
@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban Angela #Hitler '#Merkel'
cc: @ TaranQ
Another addition is the fact that #Merkel (#Hitler's daughter) now admits that the #Minsk peace agreements were never meant to establish peace, but just to give #Ukraine TIME to PREPARE for the #war against #Russia.
Read 9 tweets
May 24th 2023
A large gathering of Satanists took place in Boston on 30th April, claiming to be "the largest one in history".
At the opening, they tore a Bible and a Thin Blue Line flag, often used to support law enforcement, as a response to attacks against them by the BLM.
1. They held an "unbaptized" ceremony TO EXENORATE TRACES OF GOD...!!!
#Satanist #BLM #USA
2. Satanists claimed that they will re-establish the order.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 5th 2023

"How I Learned To Love The New World Order"
By: Joseph Robinette Biden | Personally Authored Published Op Ed. while U.S. Senator of the State of Delaware. Image
This is the man who in concert with Criminals who have criminally hijacked our beloved Republic. This is a mentally deranged sick individual and not a real true Christian man who fears God Almighty. He's one of many like this.…
In 1992, long before he wrote the #PatriotAct, Joe Biden expressed his love for the New World Order in a recently unearthed Wall Street Journal essay. Reposted from NewsPunch.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 31st 2022

Some people still think that Russia is fighting "just another war", instead of a literal war against Satanism and Neo-Paganism.


Some people believe that when Putin declared that this war was against Western 'satanism', he was delusional.
cc. @amber63111661 @eschatologyguy @elbosqueperdido @GinaMacina60 ImageImageImageImage
@amber63111661 @eschatologyguy @elbosqueperdido @GinaMacina60 3/

Some people think that Ukrainian #Azov's "Fire & Blood" Rituals are just "a curiosity"...

cc. @vicktop555 @rabiusambo7 ImageImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Jun 27th 2022
#Russian state television #Russia1 says when #Russians “reach the western borders of #Ukraine, the rest will certainly not be about” #Kiev. A “safe corridor” to #Kaliningrad “has to be created” regardless of #NATO “waving their #Article5.” He warns “taming of #Lithuania... [1/2] being considered” but “the issue is with” their masters in #Washington and #Brussels. He suggests striking #Energy & #Logistics infrastructure of #EU as the “spigot closes from here.” He says “#Nuclear weapons might be used.” [2/2]
Speaking on #Russian state television #Russia1, retired General and current #StateDuma deputy, #AndreyGurulyov, says “not one normal member of the military would go for” capturing the #SuwalkiGap with “#NATO forces” on “both sides.” He proposes instead a corridor “from... [1/2]
Read 14 tweets
Jun 6th 2022

#Nazi-whitewashing is running wild.

Here, the "Black Sun" (Sonnenrad) being openly paraded before millions:

"But is an old Hindu symbol"
But even “if” what matters is that the Black Sun is used today by neo #Nazi and #Satanist cults (like O9A)
For them the Black Sun represents the 666 number (6 times the double SS sig rune), linked with the “baphomet” concept.

As @PelmeniPusha wrote "Guess where you could buy a cup of NaZZi coffee? If you guessed #Ukraine, you were RIGHT!"
Not only that, this coffeeshop is located in a former synagogue. (Chernivtsi, Synagogue St. 31)
Read 4 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
The most important video you'll watch all year. #Ukraine has 1-26 #BioLabs under US influence. Media mocked this as fiction for weeks, but now that's proved a lie, we're 100% sure any attack would be the Russians, because "they do false flags, we don't."
So who is Victoria Nuland? In January of 2021, left-leaning Salon had these words of caution in an article titled "Who is Victoria Nuland? A really bad idea as a key player in Biden's foreign policy team".
Nuland was a central figure in the 2014 Maidan Coup (at the time labeled a popular uprising). Even Henry Kissinger was aghast at the US's obvious involvement and lack of policy. This coup led helped some pretty bad dudes take control in Ukrainian gov.

Also, hello John McStain.
Read 23 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
1. Thread on Marina Abramovic... #MarinaAbramovic Image
2. Marina Abramovic became megafamous for her Spirit Cooking... #SpiritCooking #MarinaAbramovic
3. She wrote on walls in pigs blood - Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk. Drink on earthquake nights #MarinaAbramovic #spiritcooking Image
Read 53 tweets
Feb 10th 2021
#TrumpIsGuilty, the only reason why any senator would fail to convict is to conceal his own involvement! #Insurrection was an #ActOfWar! You told the #BigLie! You conspired in 45's #Insurrection! @SenRickScott @SenRickScott refused to watch the film #ManUp…
@SenRickScott @marcorubio Are we a #SovereignNation or not? Are you sworn to uphold the Constitution or not? Will you betray #Florida & America again 4 #Trump? #Insurrection was an #ActOfWar. They defecated in our Capitol. Hope they didn't miss your ofc!…
#MAGATerrorists took down #OldGlory & replaced it with #TrumpBanner, signifying dominance over America's #Capitol as their territory. That's what flags are for; just like #IwoJima! #Insurrection shall not stand or we are no longer a #SovereignNation & a self-governing democracy. ImageImage
Read 15 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
Biden is in favor of #abortion, he is #racist, Biden finances #chaos.
Joe Biden was Obama's accomplice in the creation of the #ISIS, in the destruction of 7 countries.
Joe is a #pedophile, a #Satanist and a #globalist.
The Democrats' logo says it all. ImageImageImageImage
BIDEN #abortion ImageImageImageImage
Biden #racist ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Jan 9th 2020
“Karl Marx’a Das Kapital’i cinler yazdırdı!” dedi. Peki Doğru mu?

Wurmbrand, kitabında bunun da cevabını veriyor. Yazar, ateizmin aslında marksistlerin bir “maskesi” olduğunu ve bazen bu maskeyi çıkarıp gerçek (satanist) yüzlerini gösterdiklerini iddia ediyor
#satanist #Marxist Image
Nitekim Karl Marx, “The Fiddler” isimli şiirinde;

“With Satan I have struck my deal” yani “Şeytan’la anlaşma yaptım” der 👇

#seytan #satan #Marxism #cin Image

Marx’ın samimi arkadaşı meşhur Alman şair Heinrich Heine’nin aşağıdaki şiirinde geçen şu ifadeler de ürperticidir;

“Şeytanı aradım ve o geldi,
Ve ona şaşkınlıkla baktım
Çirkin değil, topal değil,
Çok hoş-sevimli ve büyüleyici bir adam.”
#Marx ImageImage
Read 3 tweets

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