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Mar 8th 2022
Does #gut #microbiota interact with #microglia in the #aging #brain? Are microglia metabolically affected (#mitochondria)? Does #diet take part? any #translational data?
Our paper made it last week in @NatureNeuro
so it's about time for a 🧵!… Image
1. Microglia from aged and young-adult #male & #female mice, under SPF or #germ_free conditions were profiled by bulk #RNAseq. We identified a gene-set, which depended on the housing condition regardless of #age & regulate central processes in microglia. "Microglial GF signature" Image
2. Utilizing #WGCNA, we found major differences between microglia of SPF and GF mice in the aged groups. But do we see any functional difference on a cellular level? Image
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Mar 2nd 2021
My highlights of the @10xGenomics #Xperience2021 event. The list of products keeps growing, I would highlight Chromium Connect as an underappreciated tool to bring the products up another level of throughput. Important as with #NGS, it won't take long to go from n=1 to n=96+. Image
#CellPlex species-agnostic multiplexing up to 12 samples: not dissimilar to products such as TotalSeq, but baked-in so that it's been tested to work with the rest of the workflow. Image
Going close to 1M cells, the #ChromiumX brings about 100x fold throughput increase, all marked with 'HT' in the Kits. I'd be interesting to know how the different #BodyAtlas projects embrace this and for what. ImageImage
Read 31 tweets
Nov 19th 2020
ATTN #CBD stakeholders: @US_FDA today holding scientific conf. on CBD/other #cannabinoids. I'll be live tweeting throughout. Not sure we'll get much insight on immediate path forward for consumer products but I'll share noteworthy observations. Agenda:
I'll be paying particular attention to @DrAbernethyFDA's remarks at 9:05a (head of #FDA's #CBD Policy Working Group) and @DThrockmortonMD's keynote at 9:15a (one of Agency's principals for regulating R&D, manufacture & marketing of #cannabis & cannabis-derived #drug products).
And we're underway! First up is Kaveeta Vasisht, MD, PharmD. Associate Commissioner for Women’s
Health and Director, Office of Women’s Health, FDA. She's noting ubiquity of #CBD products in marketplace, many of which are targeted to #women.
Read 56 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
"Further validation of the affective bias test for predicting antidepressant and pro-depressant risk: effects of pharmacological and social manipulations in male and female rats" @Dr_Hinch @doctmcgee…
Summary: #pharmacology #affectivebias #depression #animalmodels #affectivestate #malesandfemales #ABT
The need for a reliable and #translational tool measuring emotional behaviours in animals that possessing robust validity is unquestionably important but 1/
but very challenging to achieve. Commonly used assays are generally lacking in at least one aspect of #validity and do not fully translate into #clinical work. In this paper, the affective bias test (ABT) has demonstrated to reliably detect both positive 2/
Read 6 tweets
May 2nd 2020
My article @BSI_social highlights the #policy implicatns & this being a "Y2K moment" for Ind medtech industry to #Indigenise. We shldn't miss the boat @PMOIndia @drharshvardhan @kiranshaw @amitabhk87 @vijaychandru @vijai63 @PrinSciAdvGoI @GKangInd pg39
We've built amazing infra in #translational #biology over the last decade- a portfolio of #nationalassets @THSTIFaridabad @csir_ncl #ShriChitraTirunalMedicalInst supported by our science & innov agencies @IndiaDST @DBTIndia @CSIR_IND @dgcsirIndia @Ashutos61 @RenuSwarup @rramanan
S&T #incubators have shown amazing leadership & response esp connecting with local communities & fast decisions to help #startups @venture_center @PremnathV6 @DeepanwitaC @IKP_SciencePark @SINEIITB @abandopa @CCAMP_Bangalore be it #facemask #PPE #IKP-ICO fund or @IndiaDST #CAWACH
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Apr 30th 2020
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets

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