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Apr 13th 2023
Stats regarding #Ilsa's landfall (& a few corrections).
- Strongest landfalling TC in #Australia (& #WesternAustralia) since Laurence '09 wind wise
- Strongest landfalling TC in AUS pressure wise since Yasi '11
#CycloneIlsa #tropicswx #WAStorm
- Strongest landfalling storm in Pilbara Region; beating Chris '02 (wind wise; 2nd strongest pressure wise)
- Strongest landfalling TC in AUS in April since Monica '06
- Strongest landfalling TC in WA in Apr. on record (wind wise; latest 130kt landfall in the state)
- Strongest landfalling TC in WA in Apr. pressure wise since Orson '89
- 1st landfalling TC in Pilbara Region in Apr. on record
- 1st landfalling TC in Pilbara since Stan '16
Read 5 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
Tracking #BA4 and #BA5 #Omicron #Sublineages over time

This tracker includes only sequences with signature mutations👇

Sequence count: 13,079

Updated 6/07/2022
BA.4/5 is rapidly🔥 increasing in the #UnitedStates!

Top5 BA.4/5 hotspots: #SouthAfrica, #USA, #UnitedKingdom, #Portugal and #Germany
Read 9 tweets
Jun 6th 2022
Tracking #BA4 and #BA5 #Omicron #Sublineages over time

This tracker includes only sequences with signature mutations👇

Sequence count: 11,778


Updated 6/06/2022
BA.4/5 is quickly increasing in #UnitedStates!

Top5 BA.4/5 hotspots: #SouthAfrica, #USA, #UnitedKingdom, #Portugal and #Germany
Tracking #BA4/#BA5 in #Asia

BA.4 - #Israel, #Singapore, #Japan, #HongKong, #India
BA.5- #Israel, #Singapore, #India, #Japan,
Read 9 tweets
Jun 5th 2022
Tracking #BA4 and #BA5 #Omicron #Sublineages over time

This tracker includes only sequences with signature mutations👇

Sequence count: 10,779


Updated 6/05/2022
BA.4/5 is quickly increasing in #UnitedStates!

Top5 BA.4/5 hotspots: #SouthAfrica, #USA, #UnitedKingdom, #Germany and #Portugal
Tracking #BA4/#BA5 in #Asia

BA.4 - #Israel, #Singapore, #Japan, #HongKong, #India
BA.5- #Israel, #Singapore, #India, #Japan,
Read 9 tweets
Jun 4th 2022
Tracking #BA4 and #BA5 #Omicron #Sublineages over time

This tracker includes only sequences with signature mutations👇

Sequence count: 10,658

Updated 6/04/2022
BA.4/5 is quickly increasing in #UnitedStates!

Top5 BA.4/5 hotspots: #SouthAfrica, #USA, #UnitedKingdom, #Germany and #Portugal Image
Tracking #BA4/#BA5 in #Asia

BA.4 - #Israel, #Singapore, #Japan, #HongKong, #India
BA.5- #Israel, #Singapore, #Japan, #India Image
Read 9 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
Meanwhile in #France,
"the peak of this second wave is over"

(according to the President in his Adress to the Nation):
Wait... "the peak is over" doesn´t mean "it´s back to normal"!

Confinement will only fall on December 15,
if there´s less than 5.000 new cases a day.
(today it´s ~9.000).

France is disappointed.🙁

Although they certainly can make it happen.
Meanwhile in #Switzerland:
(excess mortality of the second wave is significant)

Good news: fastest decrease in infections happens in the worst hit areas now.
Read 2817 tweets
Oct 28th 2020
After 1 003 days, 40 011km, 23 509 transmissions, 2 oceans, 4 countries and millions of fans - #Yoshi's satellite tag has finally stopped transmitting. The greatest turtle of all time is at last, truly, on her own! 🐢… #farewellyoshi
This is not the end of #Yoshi's journey by any means! With 60 years of life ahead of her, and the possibility of breeding on the fertile and protected coast of #WesternAustralia, we're expecting plenty of baby Yoshi's in the future!…
But, those babies will face the same man-made ocean dangers their mom did. To help the survival odds of all sea turtles, the TOA Education Foundation runs a highly successful #seaturtle rescue and rehabilitation programme that you can support here:…
Read 5 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
As #COVID19 cases are found to spread, #Melbourne (city of ~5 million) tries to contain them by going into #Lockdown.
(The interview features the idea of a dedicated #Quarantine building - that would actually help, I guess)...
"People acting as if the pandemic was over was 'not the answer, it is part of the problem' ".

"The virus had leaked from postcodes already under the stay-at-home orders to other parts of #Melbourne."
(and beyond, it is feared).
Due to #Melbourne's outbreak, neighbouring South Australia is about to completely close it's borders to #Victoria.

(Nearly) no exceptions. And those essential few who are allowed in, will have to wear facemasks the entire time...
Read 2915 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
Vorpommern-Greifswald district (where rejections of #Gütersloh residents took place, yesterday)
has specific rules:
"Those who return from international risk areas (out of Germany) or whose Corona-Warning App has alerted them, need to report to authorites" Image
In fact, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Corona-ordinance really prohibits entry of people from international risk areas AND german risk areas as well.
It's just not prominently featured on their websites.

(Overlooked that myself, hence deleted earlier tweet)… Image
People from #Gütersloh district may have to scrap all their holiday plans anyway...

An official #Lockdown is just being announced for the entire district.
(for one week, as of now)
Read 2556 tweets
Jan 13th 2020
As #Australia reels from unprecedented bushfires, the disconnect between its vulnerability to #climate change and the inadequacy of its government's response is coming under international scrutiny.
We have produced a mountain of research on this -
👇👇 thread👇👇
1/ #Australia is on fire due in large part to #climate change yet the government is looking for ways to weaken the Paris Agreement by using 40 y. o. Kyoto protocol credits to meet its 2030 targets. We show there's no legal basis for this @TheAusInstitute
2/ Our calculations show just how bad using Kyoto carryover units to meet #ParisAgreement commitments would be for #climate action: an extra 0.1˚C of warming that wld not otherwise hv occurred due to delays in energy & economic system transformation
Read 21 tweets

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