I have two comments to make... (1/x)

They define “very wired” as ppl who use 4 or more of: the Internet, a cell/wireless phone, a computer, fax, email, online banking, & online shopping.

That’s just a completely foreign communications landscape to the one we now occupy. (3/x)
04/08/12/16 have also been Internet elections. I’m And in a sense that’s all true, bc they’re such different internets.
Heilemann bemoans the lack of ideas in 96. Breslau says the same thing here. Matt Bai says the same about 04...
When exactly was this era of big, new ideas supposed to have occurred?
I suspect that writers are constantly harkening back to an imagined past that never existed. (7/x)
(I mean, just read John Heilemann covering the '96 election vs Heilemann covering the '16 election. You could probably swap paragraphs at random w/out changing things.)
Polling was SO BAD in the 90s and early 2000s. Just so, so bad. The survey this article is based on finds essentially ONE thing -- that more people are online in 2000 than in 96. And from that(...)
That's a comically bad use of polling. You don't need a poll to know more people are online in 2000, and mass survey responses can't prove this stuff.