It’s interesting, this time 4 years ago several debates had already taken place. I also learned that many of the debates were specifically held for specific Candidates- a way to use the airwaves to promote if you will.
My platform includes electoral reform.
I believe the demonstration of #inclusion #accessibility #democracy in our Election is part of ensuring #CommunityWellness
Vote D!ONNE Renée on Election Day for Mayor of TORONTO!
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
👉🏿a healthy society
👉🏿a wealth of opportunities
👉🏿the ability to just be
👉🏿an engaged citizenry
👉🏿inclusive mindsets
👉🏿a thriving society
👉🏿a thriving economy full of innovation, creativity, LOVE
Everything starts with an Election Toronto @torontovotes & Toronto Public Library @torontolibrary partnership.
Vote D!ONNE Renée on Election Day!
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
It has everything! With financing it could continue to do more in being a hub for Community engagement!
Right now, our Library is set up to livestream & archive any event hosted on its premises.
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO @torontolibrary
An allocation of the Election budget & @torontolibrary budget should be created to include Election production at all Library facilities.
Vote D!ONNE Renée
#TORONTO #TOpoli #ElectionTO
#TORONTO #TOpoli #ElectionTO
#TORONTO #TOpoli #ElectionTO #inventive #ideas #CommunityUnity #CommunityWellness #inclusion #accessibility #democracy
This is what inclusive thinking looks like!
#ElectionTO #TOpoli #TORONTO #inclusion
The same applies would apply for Mayoral debates.
Participation is based on a draw for a series of questions and goes in rounds to ensure everyone’s participation.
Vote D!ONNE Renée on Election Day for Mayor of TORONTO!
#ElectionTO #TORONTO #TOpoli

#ElectionTO #TOpoli
Seems inclusive right?
Seems accessible right?
Seems democratic right?
Seems doable right?
That’s because all the above is possible!
I’m all about proactive solutions to ensure that we all have the ability to live & thrive!
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO #inclusion

With the money you spent as a taxpayer (we all are), how informed were you?
Were you surprised to find 65 names on your ballot of official Candidates?
It’s debilitating when media controls our voice

Don’t you want to control how it gets spent?
You have the right to direct where we should invest our collective dollars in!
Your voice. Your vote. You’re the boss.
#CommunityWellness #TOpoli #ElectionTO #inclusion #accessibility #democracy #equity