55 years ago today, August 28, 1963 in WA DC:
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”—Martin Luther King jr
63 years ago today on August 28, 1955, 14 year old Emmett Till was kidnapped in the middle of night in Mississippi, brutally beaten, murdered & thrown in a river for cat-calling a white woman at a corner store. His killers were acquitted in less than 1 hour.

In 2016, the woman who accused Emmett Till said she had lied in her statements, in court, under oath.
52 years later a sign was placed on the spot where Emmett Till’s body was found. It’s been replaced 3 times since for vandalism.

Racism is heavily prevalent & emboldened under this POTUS*
The same systems that allow the disease of racism to be spread under the guise of “free speech” are the same systems that allowed Dr. King & Emmett Till to be murdered.

With tragic events like Charlottesville, it’s a fact that work toward justice and equality is in its infancy and remains unfinished.