-163rd Day at Trump Golf Club
-215th Day at Trump Property
-Says He's #Thankful 4 Himself
-Permits Troops 2 Use Lethal Force
-Threatens 2 Close "Whole Border"
-House R's Subpoena Comey/Lynch
-Defends Saudis 4 Khashoggi Death
-Turkey Sz Tapes Indict Saudi Prince

Day 627 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 417 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

13-year-old Milwaukee girl killed in her bedroom by gunfire from outside her home wrote an essay two years ago lamenting child victims of gun violence in the city.
Trauma surgeon creates Twitter account to organize doctors against gun violence hill.cm/VlHDTuu
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now more than 14,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Trump: CIA 'didn't conclude' Saudi crown prince ordered Khashoggi death, disagrees with his own intelligence agency after a report said it had assessed Mohammed bin Salman did order the murder
Turkish Paper Reports CIA Has Recording of Saudi Crown Prince Calling for Jamal Khashoggi to be Silenced
Denmark suspending weapons exports to Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi killing hill.cm/EdzKWMY
Fox to launch streaming service with Saudi media group hill.cm/iLWa9RM
Trump bragged to the troops about fact he went to the Wharton School of Finance
Trump tells troops: "You see on the news what's happening on our border....In many cases they're not good people. They're bad...we're not letting in anybody, essentially."
He then blasted judges for ruling against him.
Trump, like a lunatic, asked troops in Bahrain to weigh in on his trade war.
One of them responded to him by saying, "from our perspective there is an abundance of trade happening in the region."
So-called 'Commander in Chief' Trump is surprised to learn a colonel he's talking to in Afghanistan commands 10k people.
"Wow! That's a lot of people. That's fantastic. That's beautiful. And you're enjoying what you're doing, is that right?"
After the teleconference ended, a reporter asked Trump, "when are you going to Afghanistan or the Middle East?"
"We're going to do some interesting things. At the appropriate time, we'll be doing some interesting things," Trump says.
Asked about what CIA knows about Khashoggi's murder, Trump says "I don't want to talk about it. You'll have to ask them."
He's then asked about the border. Trump lays into the 9th circuit and claims John Roberts lacks "common sense."
Trump lied there's "a vast amount of fighting going on at the border" but adds that it's "all taking place in Mexico."
"Under the Dems, they don't have a merit system. They want open borders," he adds, ignoring that his party controls Congress.
Trump says he's not worried his inaction on Saudi Arabia's murder sends message to other world leaders they can do whatever they want b/c Saudi is "investing hundreds of billions in our country" & "keeping oil prices low."
Completely amoral.
Trump gaslights about Khashoggi's murder, claims CIA has "feelings certain ways" but didn't conclude the Saudi crown prince was responsible.
CIA officials in fact told the New York Times that the agency concluded the crown prince was responsible.
Trump on Khashoggi: "So I hate the crime and I hate what is done and I hate the cover-up," Trump said on Khashoggi murder. "And I will tell you this, the Crown Prince hates it more than I do."
Reporter: Who should be held accountable for [Jamal Khashoggi's murder]?
Trump: Maybe the world should be held accountable because the world is a vicious place. The world is a very vicious place. (via CBS)
Trump says he's approved military using deadly force against people traveling with caravan: "If they have to, they're gonna use lethal force. I've given the OK... you're dealing with rough people."
After Trump breaks news by claiming he signed an order to "shut down the border" two days ago, a reporter asks him if the public can see a copy of it.
Trump immediately backtracks, saying, "ah, you don't need it. It's not that big of a deal."
Trump claims he doesn't have to prepare for meeting with Chinese President Xi because "my gut is always right."
Trump then lies, claims GDP was "minus 4, minus 5, minus 6%" before he took office. (It was in fact 1.9% positive in 4th quarter 2016.)
Trump closes presser by saying he's most thankful for himself this #Thanksgiving
"For having made a tremendous difference in this country. I've made a tremendous difference. This country is so much stronger now than it was when I took office."
Trump politicizes Thanksgiving call with troops to attack migrants, judges
Ex-CIA officer blisters 'not-with-it' Trump's call to troops: Like 'talking to your uncle on Thanksgiving'
Per pool, Trump visited the Trump International Golf Club in FL.
NBC: This is Trump's 163rd day at a Trump golf club and 215th day at a Trump property since taking office at our expense.
This should be a bigger story. DEADLY FORCE has been authorized against immigrants coming across the border. “The White House has authorized extensive new powers for U.S. troops to potentially use against migrants, including . . . deadly force."
John Kelly and Kirstjen Nielsen argued against signing the declaration that granted troops at the border the right to use lethal force to defend border patrol agents, telling Trump that the move was beyond his constitutional powers.
According to DHS memos obtained by WaPo, Central Americans who arrive at U.S. border crossings seeking asylum will have to wait in Mexico while their claims are processed, a major break with current screening procedures. washingtonpost.com/world/national…
Comey’s lawyer says in a statement: “Mr. Comey embraces and welcomes a hearing open to the public, but the subpoena issued represents an abuse of process....Accordingly, Mr. Comey will resist in Court this abuse of process.”
Robert Mueller used George Papadopoulos' own tweets against him.
In a court filing, prosecutors contrasted Papadopoulos' initial statements of remorse with subsequent public statements he made criticizing Mueller and the Russia probe.
The chief of Russia's GRU military intelligence agency, which is accused of orchestrating the Salisbury Novichok attack, has died after "a serious and long illness," Russian news agencies have reported, citing the defense ministry.
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
I'm very #thankful to be connected with you and appreciate your continued support of the daily thread.
Reminder: Trump said if elected, he would never see his golf courses ... would be working all the time #TrumpLies
A delegation of US evangelicals met with the Saudi Crown Prince. Michele Bachmann and her delegation are soliciting prayers for the Crown Prince who recently had a journalist tortured, murdered and allegedly dissolved in acid.