It’s about how non-autistic folk can adjust our behaviour to make places easier for #autistic people to live and work.
Job ad:…
We were asked to watch a couple of videos before arriving in #DC to make sure we were all on the same page.
And in particular the section by @pennyb which starts around 15:30
What I remember from @pennyb’s section is them talking about #autistic people having #SensoryProcessing challenges which mean that hearing what’s going on in a large conference room is tough.
Not just #autistic people! Anyone who struggles w hearing will benefit.
I really appreciate the work you do.
I so hope you’ll all be able to help us build a fantastic project together ✨🚀💖💫
They’re also currently unemployed so if you have a few pennies you can ping them to Penny at
Alternatively.....HIRE THEM! 😍🌟💯💖✨🥂🥰