You could have done something beautiful in this race, but now you have fucked up royally and you're mistake will taunt everything before and after.
You mistake the media attention you get for criti3cizing @HillaryClinton as support.
Many do.
The ways in she was mistreated (mostly because she was a woman) are too many to recount here.
You sound like every white hetero male pundit out there who somehow thinks they understand what she faced.
They don't, and clearly neither do you.
Which, at the end of the day, is Shakespearean level irony. Every one of us travels through one to find life, and a good portion of us spend much of our lives in the pursuit of returning to one.
But irony be damned, misogyny lives.
See where i'm going witn this?
It's sad you didn't put in the time to consider that you are going to be treated differently, asked different kinds of questions, andbe forced to face terrible assumptions all because you are gay.
There just isn't.
But she was a contender.
How fucking dare you.
Who the fuck are you?
You haven't earned the right to walk in her shadow let alone criticize the way it exists in this world.
You should really know better.
Blaming Hillary?
What about Trump's voters?
It wasn't a Hillary thing.
It was a woman thing.
Just like it's a gay thing with you.
And like it was a black thing with Obama.
Did you think you being somehow courageous by attacking Clinton?
Fuck that.
But you should have been right.
You have been honest.
THAT would have been something.
But you would have been right.
You would have been honest.
THAT would have been something.