I was sworn in as an attorney in October & my Dad was Dxd in December.
I eventually closed my law office and moved back home to be his caregiver.

Now, I have a brain tumor/ IIH-have had 8 spinal taps, and she's MY caregiver at 77.

We can't afford it. We get $1.50/day for food + trying to save home.

She helps me bathe, dress; she drives me to my weekly Dr appts & loads/unloads my walker.

She has a GoFundMe that's been verified by prominent #healthcare writers of the Resistance. It's her "pinned Tweet".
We can't afford my RX, we often don't have enough to eat, & are trying to save our home. #Disability filed in 2015.

Even $5 or $10 would help. Trying to raise $ for my April RX. I can't digest food w/out it. I have severe enteropathy.
We can't afford it.
Get $1.50/day for food & trying to save our home.
Reduced to begging on Twitter for help. 💔

I have such severe intestinal damage bc of 3.5 yr fight w/Vanc-resistant C. Difficile & 2 FM transplants that my body cannot absorb nutrients.
#Lyme #Fibromyalgia #IBD #ChronicPain

Because my mom is 77 and I am disabled, she & I are terrified about what will happen if she passes before me.
We owe $2000 in taxes on our home.
Trump, McConnell, GOP plan to defund #Medicare, #Medicaid, & #SSI. 🚨🚨

Now they've found 2 "cysts" in my Rt. kidney, exactly where the new pain/swelling is. I see the Urologist Tuesday & in the coming weeks, a urogynecologist, & a Nephrologist.
Barely hanging on.
🚨🚨🚨 SOS

We are exhausted.
I was a practicing trial atty & my 77-year-old mom is an RN who worked until she was 75.
We've helped other people our entire lives: now we need help.
It's humiliating. 😭

(I'm encouraged by it bc I think she's beautiful).
More importantly, she has a huge heart.
She took me to my 1st protest when I was about 8 yrs. old. #strongwoman
#WomenWhoRock 💪
now, I struggle to complete a sentence
But, I have it better than many.
I am so touched by all of you who help RT, pray for us, & donate.
I 💘 my Twitter family+now my mom's on.