(A thread with simple explanations on why climate change is happening and its impact on our survival as a species)
- Where does CO2 in atmosphere come from
- Why CO2 in atmosphere makes the climate warmer
- Under which conditions did humans evolve in last 100k years
- What future conditions does warmer climate create
- What feedback loops accelerate warming
- How do scientists predict future warming
- How to interpret the probabilities of catastrophic events
- What's needed to prevent a collapse
It's going to be a LOOONG thread.
Fasten your seat belts, hold your seats. Let's go!
Due to natural variations in Earth's orbit, the ice cover in artic regions increases and decreases with a periodicity of 100k years ncdc.noaa.gov/abrupt-climate…

Human activity has pushed the expected global cooling into global warming. The Little Ice Age ended with industrialization. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ic…

Primarily CO2 that gets produced when we burn our carbon-based fossil fuels. The carbon in those fuels combines with oxygen of atmosphere to produce CO2.
(Methane (CH4) also has the "greenhouse" warming effect.)
image via ohioenvironmentallawblog.com/2008/10/climat…

I REPEAT: in the history of human species, we have never seen such high CO2 levels. co2.earth/co2-ice-core-d…

One evidence of human-created global warming is that our upper atmosphere is actually cooling as more radiation is trapped near lower atmosphere.
This means the RATE of INCREASE in global temperature is related to its total quantity we've added so far and not just our current emissions rate.
Note that even at zero emissions, our planet will be 1.5 deg warmer than pre-industrial levels. climateactiontracker.org/global/tempera…

That's what I thought until I realized that this was GLOBAL AVERAGE, not a local maxima.


- The storms are more frequent and more intense
- Unprecedented heat and cold waves
- Drought and wildfires
- Human migration related to climate impact
Please read this summary of the report: ipcc.ch/sr15/chapter/s…

Recommendation #1: Cut emissions by 45% by 2030 (in 10 years) and to zero by 2050
This seems unlikely because emissions are INCREASING every year nature.com/articles/d4158…

Only cutting emissions will not do. CO2 is a stock gas and disperses slowly. We will have to start removing it. Sadly, the tech is unproven to scale :(
Even planting more trees may not help: nature.com/articles/d4158…

In the high emissions scenario (the path that we're on), global average surface temperature could be as high as 8 degrees beyond conditions humans have ever faced.

We can't process percentiles or ranges.
What does a 10% chance of human extinction mean to you?
- They don't employ natural feedback loops that accelerate warming
- They are polite because of politicial negotiations


There's a paper that's sending people to depression clinics. It asks us to abandon the hope of our values of the past, the expectation of unbridled economic growth and rethink our relationship with earth.

A leader's rejection of climate change may be the biggest crime they can commit. @realDonaldTrump, I'm talking about you.
There's 97% scientific consensus and yet media shows that there are two sides to the global warming debate. iopscience.iop.org/article/10.108…
Journalists, YOU CAN DO BETTER!

What *could* be more important than preventing the human civilization from falling apart?
Climate should be NUMBER 1 policy point for any politician. We should protest or vote for urgent government action. #ExtinctionRebelion is a great example.
Even if we're wrong and don't hit the doomsday predictions, we'd end up having a more thoughtful relationship with the earth. Everything we depend on comes from there ultimately. Yes, even our iPhones!
It was a long thread, but hopefully, it'll help you become more aware of what's happening around us.
Please consider retweeting the thread so more people understand climate change.