I dug into some data for a home 148 miles northwest of Rochester.
Here's a thread with efficiency, rebound and relationships - including savings from a stove
Gas conversion: 277.8 kWh per GJ (and .038 GJ per m3),
Wood: 20 GJ/cord - a different mix of ash, maples, willow, cherry yearly (whatever came down)
But savings was substantial where it displaced electricity, and probably significant displacing oil or propane.
EE shows the big savings

There's a couple of reasons for that: overall spending would have increased as electricity rates rose 20+%;
I computed rates as bill/consumption, but...
This means that whereas gas diplaced ~20 cents/kWh in 2015, it now should displace 12.4 but does displace 8.2
This means efficiency spending is devalued now because of costs in the future expanding due to borrowing and debt.
hello rebound.
Which brings me to the "smart" thermostat.
NEST sends a monthly report with hours of use, and "Leafs" awarded for greenness.
in the beginning, I was a Leaf collector.
or maybe, I found out in the NYT, a domestic abuser
And after the heating days were over, and I'd reported our spending on energy had never been lower...
(I haven't use it yet, but good install experience facebook.com/SMhomecomfort/ )