1/+ Inevitably, accusations will go to #Iran for various reasons. This is one of the accusations but it doesn't mean it is correct. (read more)
Nevertheless, there are big differences between the attack of today and the one a month ago.
. A month ago, the attack took place in territorial waters of the Emirates while today's attack is in international waters, increasing 10 folds the responsibilities of the attackers.
. A month ago, The US sent jet carrier and B-52s, increasing the level of war. Al-Fujairah and Aramco attacks helped to de-escalate and decreased the possibilities of war.
This attack of today doesn't either help @realDonaldTrump who doesn't want to go to war and listen to his neocon and #Israel to escalate by sending troops and military effectiveness.
It is very counter-productive for the #US to engage in a war or battle in the ME today.
. Today's act is not ordered by an employee like John Bolton. Don't give him too much credit. It has been ordered by a country with a good military to launch a torpedo against 1 tanker, an hour later another torpedo against a 2d tanker & pointe the finger to Iran.