1) Never RT stories without checking them out. Beware news sites you've never heard of. If a story is legit, you should be able to find it on legitimate sites.
2) When you post or RT satire, it's a good idea to mark it as satire or parody. No one can tell anymore. We're living in absurd times.
1) Beware new accounts. Not all bots are new & not all new accounts are bots, but a helluva lot of them are. Massive numbers of bots appear to have registered in May, June, July 2019.
2) Beware accounts that follow many people, but rarely or never tweet.
DON'T use someone else's block-list or block an alleged bot without vetting them yourself first. There are accounts out there trying to divide #Resistance by telling others to block legitimate accounts as bots. Vet for yourself.