But worth pausing to listen to what those in the region most affected are saying.
👉 interim findings of TheBorderIntoBrexit @BorderBrexit study: go.qub.ac.uk/BorderBrexit
(only 6 pages)
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It shows rising anxieties re: a hard border & #NoDeal are having tangible effects in decisions & actions in border region.
Respondents report economic changes (e.g. job losses, business disinvestment, problems in labour recruitment) plus rising concerns about the #peace process & future stability.

Primary reason given = PM Johnson govt's wish for a hard Brexit with threat of No Deal as a credible outcome.
Also critical of the lack of political leadership from Stormont.
"if the border goes through your farm or your town, then it's part of your everyday reality"
This means potential impact of #Brexit stretches across daily experience & into people's future plans.
"The end of my world." (R388)
"It’s like a knife through the heart." (R125)
"The end of a truce" (R399).
"‘Disaster. Pain. The past. Broken." (R255).

We can see in real-time the potential unravelling of the trust & normalisation so crucial to the building & embedding of #peace in this region, which was so negatively affected by the impact of conflict for so long.
That found people in the Central Border Region felt uninformed about Brexit, unrepresented in the process, & had deep fears about the consequences of it.
It also showed that Leave & Remain voters share a common priority for the border to remain as ‘seamless’ & ‘frictionless’ as it is today.
Last but not least, *THANK YOU* to all 475 respondents! 🙏