That’s why we elect leaders and why people train to become diplomats and career bureaucrats. To serve Canada.
Populism has made many believe they have the skills and knowledge to make those decisions & make demands.
Foreign policy by popular vote is an insane idea.
Is Lisa Mockingjay evil? No
But she’s incensed and making decisions from an emotional state, not a rational decision.
This is the same emotional conundrum we face in the federal election on Monday.
If you are emotionally enraged, you may miss that fact.
Greens target panicked climate activists; moderate right centrists who recycle and want to punish all those not addressing their fears.
Too flawed for the GPC. They don’t focus enough on climate.
Too socialist for CPC. They actually have the audacity to expect everyone to contribute to society. And they are modern not traditional.…

I wish you were too.
It’s about to become a very unstable world. We need a leader that understands pluralism if we want pluralism and democracy to survive. The other 3 parties have a limited understanding of pluralism.