#Iran’s regime launched a deadly crackdown after recent #IranProtests.
-At least 600 killed, 4,000 injured & 12,000 arrested. Numbers are rising.
In Mahshahr alone (SW Iran), the IRGC dispatched tanks & locals say as many as 100 were massacred.
“The worst violence documented so far happened in Mahshahr & its suburbs”
“The IRGC piled the dead onto the back of a truck & departed”
“A local reporter in Mahshahr said the total number of people killed in 3 days of unrest in the area had reached 130”
As protests spread across Iran following a major gas price hike, locals in Mahshahr began establishing roadblocks and taking control over various areas of their city.
Intense clashes erupted on Saturday, Nov 16, well into Monday, Nov 18.
Some claim the 100-200 reportedly killed is actually far from the truth.
Activists posted videos showing armored vehicles sent to the area. Others say high caliber weapons were also used against protesters.
Authorities have been imposing a major internet shutdown across the country, especially in this area.
There are reports of Iraqi militias also being dispatched to support the quelling.
Of course, the ruthless nature of Iran’s regime is nothing new.
Listen to the governor of Qods city (west of Tehran) boast about ordering security forces to open fire and kill protesters.
Her being so calm is striking.
This thread is a reminder of the ongoing human rights violations in Iran & that the Iranian people, especially the +12,000 recently detained protesters, need our support.
Otherwise, there will be more deaths.
At least 600 have already been killed in #IranProtests.

At least 600 killed
At least 4,000 injured
At least 12,000 arrested.
And the numbers are rising.
Newly obtained video
Mahshahr, SW #Iran
Activists say this is footage of moments when security forces were opening fire on protesters fleeing into nearby marshes.
Mahshahr, SW #Iran
The protesters fleeing the attacking security forces sought refuge in nearby marshes. Heavy gunfire blindly targeted the marshes and killed many inside the wetlands, according to locals.

Newly obtained video
Mahshahr, SW #Iran
More footage of security forces launching their onslaught against local protesters. Sounds of heavy gunfire heard.
Iranian opposition NCRI reporting at least 1,000 killed by #Iran regime forces during recent #IranProtests.