Unfortunately this doesn't extend to Aus, with
- emissions
- fossil fuel exports
- climate impacts
- reliance on loopholes
Actually emissions continue to trend upwards, noting a sight dip due to loss of agriculture from climate impacts...
Well if you start a race halfway in and get to finish before others, sure you will do very well.
Australia gamed Kyoto and now it wants to game the Paris Agreement
This new 411 Mt is dodgy. Keep eye out for new report in next day from @TheAusInstitute and @BillHareClimate on the KP carryover....
No the Minister is getting stuck into to countries for having ambitious targets after bragging about beating Australia's really easy ones!
Yes - its not strong targets but technology that will save us.
I'll let @KetanJ0 take this one to task
This means we need to get the right technology to the marketplace...
Except for cheap renewables which Taylor reckons we have too much of #auspol
Cue a whole minute on 'low emission' tech investments.
See Minister's program to cherry-pick gas and coal power plants to invest in...
Oh hydrogen - great he must mean zero-emission hydrogen? NO.
The national strategy is 'technology neutral'....
#hydrogen #auspol
Oh so the strategy is about making money first and second possibly it could assist others reduce *their* emissions
The problem with hydrogen is that firstly there is alot of hype about the export demand, which according to @TheAusInstitute @Tom_Swann research is highly inflated to drive investment into it now
Ok back to speech
Australia sure does as the worlds third largest supplier of fossil fuels (in terms of emissions) with plans to keep growing!
Alot more careful on renewable language, not like at the UN General Assembly - see @10NewsFirst below
Thanks to the national renewable energy target that is finished.
And Minister for Energy Angus Taylor is keen not to let that get any higher cause we have hit a 'threshold'...
But now Minister Taylor wants the green bank to fund more fossil fuel power projects like gas!
And now ARENA will run out of funding (no more $ for projects this financial year and no funding at all in 2022)!
Lets remember, Minister Taylor tried their hardest to kill the Renewable Target, the CEFC and ARENA!
Because he failed it unleashed $23 billion in renw
Electricity prices has increased and reliability of old coal power plants (118 breakdowns last year) is highly problematic
No we wouldn't want to be ambitious like Denmark that is cutting 70% emissions by 2030 without knowing exactly how. That is ambition @NordicPolicyCtr
''Australia is focused on working with our developing country partners to address climate challenges...
Problem is you can't replace climate change action with pocket change in Pacific
It doesn't make up for pulling out of the Green Climate Fund which got Aus a fossil of the day yesterday...
Ah blue carbon. Planting mangroves is great for sinking emissions and building resilience to coastal erosion but...
Compare the numbers on Mangove planting and fossil fuel expansion in Galilee basin...

''A clear path forward on Article 6 arrangements will help countries deliver on our Paris Agreement goals and signal commitment to Paris Agreement implementation.''
True - hence it should rule out loopholes
My one year old is in Sydney choking on fumes 11 times worse than ‘hazardous levels’
Fires supercharged by climate change and NOT A SINGLE MENTION
Here is Sydney before and now #COP25 #ClimateCrisis

The disconnect is insane.
And look at what Minister Taylor mentioned...