Notable (mis) use of the term "Me Too."
Much longer questions are being allowed in this bench trial than, eg, in this Bronx murder trial…
Judge Marrero has shown what appears to be frustration at this testimony - on top of the request to clear the gallery of the courtroom. Score for the proposed mergers?
A: to the best of my knowledged.
Sunshine: I'd like to show you Altice's 10K. Defendant's Exhibit 7065, at page 12.
Judge Marrero: Overruled. He is an officer of the company.
Q: Do you agree with that sentence sir? It's a yes or no question.
A: Mr. Sunshine, I am reading the document... I agree with the sentence.
He does: the merger is anti-competitive. He'll go over this for the next hour or more.
Shapiro: Yes, I took a lead on the DOJ side.
Judge Marrero rocking back and forth in his chair.
Seems to wonder why the plaintiffs are bombarding Judge Marrero with basic information that he already knows, it is only annoying him, it seems.
A: Sprint was disruptive, and would be gone. T-Mobile was disruptive but would change.
A: They work with Google-Fi.... and if Sprint is gone, who is going to do it?
Q: How would New T-Mobile hurt competition?
A: They wouldn't have the same motivation to compete.
A: This is not about corporate culture, it's about economic incentives.
Judge Marrero inter-locks his fingers, leans back in chair. Earlier he was told, "It's your mind that matters."