1. They are in a deep mess. The #Punjab #FinanceMinister came out of a #GSTCouncil meeting to suggest that the #UnionGovt may be close to a #SovereignDefault, because it is unable to p[ay out to the States's their share of GST.
But that does not mean that the Public finances are rosy. In fact they are dire in the extreme!

b) the money it raises in revenue.and other receipts (but not including fresh borrowings, borrowings are not revenue)
we planned and collecting far less in taxes than was hoped. Now whether that's tax evasion or an inefficient tax dept, or #corruption (after all there must be some payback for those #ElectoralBonds) is a moot point.
In this table expenditure is running at 101%, receipts at 77% and the Gross primary deficit is at 1720% !!
