Here I'll outline the significant trouble these unredacted emails spell for Mick Mulvaney's OMB and evidence of a cover up.
It's hard to see why sentences like this in his letter are not intentional false statements.👇

He circulated false Talking Points.
The Deputy Under Secretary of Defense in an email said that Paoletta's talking point was "just not accurate" and that OMB knew it to be false

Senior @DeptofDefense official wrote in email to OMB’s Michael Duffey that OMB General Counsel Mark Paoletta “appears to continue to consistently misunderstand the process and the timelines we have provided.”
Note: Duffey is one of witnesses on @SenSchumer list

“this situation is really unworkable made particularly difficult because OMB lawyers continue to consistently mischaracterize the process"

cc: @publicintegrity @knightcolumbia