You're one of the ≤ 4% of GOP polls show disapprove of Donald Trump.
Pretty silly.
Even with challengers on just 8 state ballots, Obama's total % of the natl pop primary vote was the lowest of any incumbent since 1992 when Pat Buchanan challenged H. W. Bush.
Don't let ridiculous propaganda, favor articles like that tell you for whom to vote. They're not representative of the population.
I've been looking toward 2020 to tell me whether Democratic voters are capable of the same independence we saw from GOP (even Indies) in 2015-16.
Big Media still appear to have enormous influence over Democrats' vote.
Republicans and Indies simply were not influenced by big money and big media in 2016.
With Democrats, the polls move with the flavor of the month and both Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer appear able to buy at least some votes.