We repeat: health facilities & #healthworkers are #NotATarget in conflict & attacks on health are a breach of international law"-@DrTedros
At the moment we don’t have enough data on cases outside 🇨🇳 to make a meaningful comparison on the severity of disease or the case fatality rate"-@DrTedros #coronavirus
However, we have not yet seen the sustained local transmission, except in specific circumstances like the #DiamondPrincess cruise ship"-@DrTedros #coronavirus
We’ve shipped supplies of personal protective equipment to 21 countries & will ship to another 106 countries in the coming weeks"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus
Several countries are prioritizing surveillance and monitoring at ports of entry, including 🇧🇩, 🇰🇭, 🇪🇹, 🇵🇰, 🇷🇸 and 🇸🇸"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus
WHO will continue working night & day with all countries to prepare them"-@DrTedros #COVID19