The data from 🇨🇳 continue to show a decline in new cases. Once again, we’re encouraged by this trend, but this is no time for complacency"-@DrTedros #coronavirus
The first passengers have now disembarked, providing they have a negative test, no symptoms and no contact with a confirmed case in the past 14 days"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus
We’re doing that in several ways, both internally and externally"-@DrTedros #coronavirus
The St Petersburg Pasteur Institute
The Natl Institute of Infectious Diseases 🇯🇵
The 🇷🇺 Natl Medical Research Center of Phthisiopulmonology & Infectious Diseases"-@DrTedros
What we’re seeing is that the earlier patients are tested and treated, the better they do"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus
One combines two drugs for HIV, lopinavir & ritonavir & the other is testing an antiviral called remdisivir.
We expect preliminary results in 3 weeks"-@DrTedros
WHO is doing everything we can to seize that window of opportunity, and we urge the international community to do the same"-@DrTedros #coronavirus