"The middle finger is the secret of how America will continue to outcompete
& the ppl good w/ middle fingers need to be in touch w/ the ppl who've yet to use them so that we can have cross pollination & gains from trade"
We're in this mutual fund area where there's long only—are you for immigration or against?
The interesting positions right now are hedge fund like positions (relative value trades), but you can't be long, short immigration. You can only be for or against.
Not that many bad people walking around, but lots of people get infected w/ bad ideas
They think they're doing good, or it might even be locally good, but globally bad, or it doesn't survive scaling.
We have a system in which more & more of the kinetic energy (war) has been turned into potential energy (unused nuclear weapons). So if we don't take into account potential energy for destruction, then everything's getting better & better.
Physics dollars led to development of semiconductor that won WWII, created the internet out of CERN. Do we get a licensing fee?
She was not sufficiently aware of the problems of multi level selection. Sometimes we act an individual level, but we can also act family level, group, level, national level.
But also her heroes were excellent, and I'm for genius instead of excellence.
Excellence is hill climbing, Genius is valley crossing
We want excellence in surgeons, Genius in inventors
Genius is doing things that make almost no sense to others, & can only be shown to have been sensible after the fact
The thick tales of these distributions suggest that life isn't normally distributed, but distributed by power laws.
And we need a special special class of people to play those tales to get us the returns to power us forward and advanced society.
So you need the place for high agency people to go to high agency things with other high agency people in a very lightly regulated environment.
And any system that doesn't have that is not a system I want to be part of
"I learned this from Jim Watson, the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA. And he's he had this brilliant insight, which was, if you're going to do anything big, you are by definition unqualified to do it."
"What do you do when you have a dinner party & somebody says, Well, we didn't invite anyone from the suicide bombing community? Well, if you invite em, what you get is pink mist. Everyone's blown up, & you didn't get a chance to hear the diversity of ideas"
Because if if you believe in something, the only way I think that's legitimate to change other people's opinion, is by speaking to them"
And if we eliminate free speech, if you can't have conversation, then truth is out the window. & It's whatever the snowflakes decide
Acknowledge bias, but if it's a conversation stopper, then how exactly are we supposed to have a conversation?
That's why identity politics is toxic: if identity is paramount, communication is impossible
A great comedian is like a sniper: They take out the hostage taker and they leave the hostage intact.
Critical feeling: ensuring that your emotions are actually your own,& that you're not simply reflecting what the emotions are of those around you to keep in good standing
Be mindful of Russell Conjugation: I am steadfast, you are stubborn, he is a pig headed fool
The meaning is the same but the emotive shadings to the listener are different. Watch for that
The sooner you get to the point where you're not being spoon fed something where the subject has been rearranged to make it maximally time expensive so that the teachers have jobs
Almost every subject can be rearranged so that it can be learned incredibly rapidly.
There's there's a sense that people are in a video game mode."
"I'm not a fan of communism, but they have a better model of seriousness.
As long as we had economic growth, you could promise people a future while having them contribute their youth into a system (e.g. academia).
When that stopped, we had to make fake growth (financial engineering, printing money, etc)
That’s why these institutions started lying—to hide the fact that the growth is slowing, can't keep the ponzi going anymore.
If I can't find fulfillment in the outer world, I will look inside at what makes me special. & we've all been taught that we're special by Barney. & thus you saying anything that disagrees w/ me is taking away my specialness
if you look at the most polarized populations in the country, it's actually older people who are more polarized politically and are having fewer conversations with people on the other side of the aisle than younger people.
Your newspaper shouldn't have a strong narrative bc facts haven't come in yet—
Why do you have a pre-planned narrative arc lasting 6 months, if you don't know what the truth is yet?