Coronavirus alert level to RED
1 US Forces Korea dependent has been dx'd w/ Coronavirus.
2/24 new thread #Covid_19 #COVID19Korea
@turnbolt11 @moneypenny_2020 @BabeReflex_8 @aHEMandias @RadChick4Cast @RMachArts @DoodlesTrks @SpicyNoodles2
Please feel free to add news, reports, updates, and new studies w/ sources .... local and global.
#Covid_19 #Covid19usa #COVID #COVID19Korea #COVID19China
Early mortality rate was 60% of critically ill
61.5 % mortality rate in one cluster of critically ill
6th victim, 80 yr old male, in Italy #COVIDー19 dies.
5 in Lombardy 1 in Veneto…
#Covid_19 #coronavirus…
Omani women who had traveled to Iran.
Stable condition.
@RadChick4Cast @turnbolt11 @RMachArts @aHEMandias…
#COVID19 #COVID_19 #COVIDBahrain…
Israel quarantined 90 students who came into contact w/ 9 Koreans dx'd w/coronavirus.
Bans travelers: Hong Kong, Thailand, Macau, Korea
i24News multi news
#coronavirus #COVID_19 #CoronaVirusUpdate #Covid19Israel…
Excerpt below is not full of warm fuzzies.
1 can have flu & coronavirus
Will not test covid19 if flu test is +…

#Covid19usa #COVID #Covid_19…
🤯Evacuees allowed to opt out of test.
6 total w/5 NEW dx Princess Diamond evacuees test positive in San Antonio. #Covid_19 #COVID19

Kogene biotech & Seegene
➡️🦠📢Almost 40000 tests have been performed using these two kits in Korea.
📢🤯 WHY is US not doing this level of testing?
3rd S. Korea test in the works may improve accuracy

Why is testing so hard for US CDC and why are people allowed to opt out of test who are contacts or known from exposed aka infected environments?
Why concern when 1st few reported cases of #COVID19 are deaths?
Because it means it's been circulating in the population for weeks before it reaches death... w/serious cases 2-6 weeks B4 death.
#COVID19Korea #COVID19…
#COVID19 #Covid_19 #Covid19usa #COVID19US…
1000's "observed"across US & even those in formal quarantine & self quarantine have to "opt in" to be tested?
414 tests?
14 days = NOT enough🦠😷
#covid19iran #COVIDー19 #Covid19

#COVIDー19 #covid19iran #covid19
Confirming-MP Mahmoud Sadeghi & Dep Health Minister Iraj Harirchi both tested ++. Because of interviews & public briefings, they exposed many more.
Ali Rabie next.
US deeply concerned Iranian regime may have suppressed vital outbreak details. As of yesterday, Iran only 2nd to China in coronavirus deaths.
Exposed sometime before Jan 23. DX'd 2/24
Became "suspected case" Feb 16.
She had 8 negative PCR tests in 17 days via throat swab, Feb 7-23
Dx'd 2/24 only after further clinical & lab tests.…
WHO numbers 80,238 cases in 34 countries & 2,700+ deaths and not a pandemic.…
From MarketWatch above article:
CDC on COVID19 today
#COVIDー19 #Covid19usa

#COVID19 #covid19iran #covid19china #COVIDー19
#CoronavirusOutbreak #COVIDtruth
Don't get wrapped in CHI rah rah, but do listen to his warnings of what has to be done to protect outbreak in other countries...US included.
He knows the numbers out of CHI aren't accurate.