This is how E.U reacts #economy #CoronaOutbreak !
#German Govt is making up to €500bn in loans available to companies who are hit, these companies can now defer payments worth billions of euros in tax payments, will compensate workers who r sent home by their employers

one-off payments of €500/person for the self-employed, govt support for companies paying redundancy payments to their staff, a freeze on any worker lay-offs, and a cash bonus for Italians still working during the lockdown.
Other Govt commitments would amount to €17bn. The whole package, including private money triggered by the loan guarantees, would total €200bn
Households with difficulty paying mortgages will be offered a 3-month payment holiday
#Sweden is allowing businesses to defer tax payments for up to a year at a cost of more than €27.5 billion to the treasury, or 6% of gross domestic product. @andymukherjee70
The Swiss government will make 10 billion Swiss francs available in immediate assistance to support businesses hit by the #CoronaOutbreak !