Welcome to #TheGreatAwakening
The Traditional treatment for this is #Chemotherapy
However Cancer is quite unique as the cure was actually delivered through a #VACCINE, its call Antineoplastic therapy.
Do you agree?
Meet Dr. Burzynski, in the 1960s he found a medical cure for cancer and has been fighting the Supreme court, FDA, USDA and NCI ever since.

- Despite being called every name in the book he had PROOF to back his results -
Yet he WON and BEAT the Supreme Court for his claim of curing AIDS!
If you don't know the Nipsey Hussle story I implore you to check it out #themarathoncontinues
Dr. Sebi made people QUESTION the INFORMATION that they were getting from their very own medical doctors.
Dr. Sebi WON....
Nick Cannon is currently working on picking up the Dr. Sebi documentary where Nipsey left off #StrongEnemies
Generally, In an obese and sick individual, one form of fuel needs to be the primary source of energy: either Glucose(sugar) or Ketones(fat) otherwise they clash
When the body is very sick and the immune system is compromised understanding sugar and fats is VERY important
Its easier to pop a pill or inject ourselves vs eating right to prevent future disease...
This leads us to my next topic #Germs
Pasteur was a french #microbiologist with strong political motives to get into office
Pasteur believed that we should get rid of the flies(germs) to be healthy, In turn vaccines and pasteurization were invented to kill the flies
His stance was , the flies(germs) cant live in a healthy host (human body) because there is no dog poo to attract them
Anyone ever notice every 2-4 years there is a new campaign on a virus or flu that everyone should be worried about?
In the last 20 years Bill Gates has invested $10billion and he makes 20x ROI!
If you can’t kill the message... discredit the messenger...
“The vaccine industry yearly spends 4.1Billion creating vaccines, 4.6Billion promoting them and only 20Million a year TESTING the vaccines”
“today’s kids get 74 shots of 16 vaccines”
“nobody has ever tested what all those vaccines do together”
Once again @TuckerCarlson giving people a voice that normally are shut out! Well done!
If we go back to Germ vs Terrain theory its all about cleaning and preserving our body..
Why is it doctors today are just learning about the ECS when it was discovered in the 1980s?
* Appetite
* Inflammation
* Pain perception
* Muscle tone and movement
* Protection of nerves and brain tissue
* Bone growth
* Tumor regulation
* Stress management
* Eye pressure
* Gastrointestinal motility
* Seizure activity
and Much Much more…..
What a beautiful world we have. Lets utilize it and all it has to give. Stop stripping it of every natural element and lets build a sustainable future for our future generations.