attraction and need for marriage - is there a difference? Do we need to unlearn somethings here? #SexDis
The group is highlighting how women with disabilities marriage is a quiet affair while her sibling who is not disabled is married with a lot of flair. #SexDis

Now they have received an offer for her without any dowry but the woman herself is not interested in marriage. #SexDis

Recreation in schools, marriage, friends, having children, dressing up and make up are all seen as necessary. #SexDis
This is easier in public places and far more hard within the home. #SexDis
Women raises points of ‘not needed in that wedding’, ‘will that wedding not happen without you’, ‘I’ll feed you, no need for your friend to feed you’. #SexDis

Next the group addressed the concept of penile-vaginal penetrative sex. And how to get pregnant. #SexDis
Response by another - ‘We can shout or draw the attention of the conductor to this person. But women need to feel confident to do it.’