Laugh at your own ignorance @RifatJawaid @vikramchandra
histories by medieval Muslim historians,
Chapter, ‘Hindustan ki Masjiden’ in
Maulana Hakim Sayid Abdul Hai’s,
‘Hindustan Islami ahad mein’
‘Epigraphia Indica’ by Archeological Survey of🇮🇳
1-Maulana Abdul Hai in the chapter, Hindustan ki Masjiden,describes each principal masjid in few lines;
“Qutub-Din Aibak, after demolishing Temple built by Prithviraj, leaving certain parts, built Quwwat al-Islam in 587”,👇🏻

When Shamsud-Din Altamish became the king, he built edifices of white stone on both its sides & on one side, the lofty towers..
Most Masjids carry construction details & inscriptions invoking Allah/Prophet,are built on Temple sites, using Temple materials!
Published by Archeological Survey of🇮🇳in annual supplement,
Epigraphia Indica-Arabic & Persian suppliments.

Citations in ‘Masnavi’ from Amir Khusru who served as a court poet of six successive sultans, indicate the elation which muslims felt while narrating the ‘pious deeds’ of Islamic invaders

Yes it stands on Temple site,is built using Temple materials!
So does Shah-i-Hamdani- Kali Mandir
Ziarat Haji Muhammad Sahib- Ranaswami Vishnu Mandir
& many in ancient #Hindu city converted to Muslim capital
Post 1947, we were asked to cherish heroes chosen from among the invaders themselves!!??
Thank you @SatyaVijayi for sharing it, ultimately its a #WakeUpCall for the #Hindus !🙏🏻
They have all the rights to know their #GloriousIndianHistory & Culture.