Hiral’s parents were seeking the American dream.
Her family struggled at first but her father eventually secured a job in his field of structural engineering.

Hiral’s Mom was a social worker & director of a senior center.
Hiral’s Mom initiated Meals on Wheels for the center.
Hiral had a childhood illness and was inspired to learn more about medicine. Hiral worked her way into and through medical school.
Hiral’s Mom and nephew passed away from cancer and she was inspired to become a cancer research advocate.
#Vote4Hiral to Protect our Social Security!
#Vote4Hiral to Protect our Medicare!
#Vote4Hiral for Intelligence!
#Vote4Hiral to Fund our Public Schools!
#Vote4Hiral for Common Sense Values and Beliefs that will ensure a strong and better future for #AZ08
Visit hiralforcongress.com to volunteer to help elect Hiral
Vote Hiral for You and Your family
Vote Hiral for Intelligence
Vote Hiral to Protect Social Security
Vote Hiral to Save our Our Public Schools
Vote Hiral who will listen and work hard for ALL of #AZ08