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Der #AutisticPrideDay wird seit 2005 jährlich am 18. Juni begangen. Autistinnen sollen sichtbar, die Notwendigkeit verbessterter gesellschaftlicher Partizipation betont werden. 1/9
Noch immer wissen erschreckend wenig Menschen, was Autismus ist. Ihre Informationen beziehen sie aus Klischees und Vorurteilen. 2/9
Aber weder ist jeder ein bisschen autistisch (Nein, einfach nein), noch sind alle Autistinnen Genies. 3/9
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What. The. Fuck.

(Hey look if you’re #actuallyAutistic and haven’t figured out that we are several lines into “first they came for” redux and our line is coming up, now is a REALLY good time to figure that out.)
I think that as of right now it is the official recommendation of this account that Autistic people actually stop seeking medical diagnosis.

It doesn’t help us. The term is their term for us. The stories it conjures are false and harmful to us.

And they are tracking us.
If you need it for benefits, do it.

But if you want it for validation, let’s talk.

You don’t need that. The whole problem is that you have been trained not to trust your intuitive self.

Are you Autistic? You already know, right? You just want permission to accept it. Ok. Here.
Read 8 tweets
I opened a business checking account using the @QuickBooks web interface when setting up an invoicing service.

They made it seem easy.

I sent my invoice, the client paid that day, great.

Then my money was "received" but not "deposited", apparently. Ok. So I click deposit.
Then it tells me "Great! Depositing your money into your new business checking account! Here's the debit card info, pre-added to the Wallet on your iphone!


And like, what? Fuck.

I had to borrow from family.
So the week goes by. Great, ok, it notifies me that my deposit has posted to my account. Wonderful.

I go to send someone some cash using Apple Pay and the transaction is denied. What?

No error. Says I have to call support.

Oh no.
Read 15 tweets

Today is my second recovery day after going to see 7 yo grandson's playoff day. It was cloudy and unexpectedly cool, so I decided to risk being in the world irl.

I also played catch with him before the game. Afterwards I pitched whiffle ball curves to teach him how to hit a curveball. They were good curves and spooked him. Took maybe 30 pitches before he started to figure it out. We quit after he crushed one :-)

I also learned from my outing that watching 30 seven-year-old kids play baseball can just about trigger an #ActuallyAutistic meltdown. Take care and be safe!
Read 9 tweets
As an Autistic psychotherapist,
I’d like to break down the diagnosis of autism through an Autistic lens.

Translating the DSM-5 language into Autistic experience really highlights the deficits 🙃 and bias.

#ActuallyAutistic 🧵
DSM🩺 1. Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, ranging, for example, from abnormal social approach and failure of normal back-and-forth conversation; to reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or affect; to failure to initiate or respond to social interactions.
Autistic 🌕 1. I don’t have deficits in social reciprocity. I socialize in my own autistically normal way. I love discussing topics that I’m interested in and prefer deep convos to banal chit chat or small talk. I don’t always read NT social cues & they often miss mine as well.
Read 15 tweets
My long running attempt to write a book on refugees, and how universal open borders are as close to a silver bullet for a number of global issues as you'll get, has also morphed into an insight into how I find being autistic helps me work in the sector and be good at policy. 1/
The thing is being #ActuallyAutistic is all part of how I think. My brain is wired differently, and that actually helps when seeing links and solutions. The downside is that I then need to explain these to my audience, which means delving into how my autistic brain works. 2/
So, what I am ending up with is a book which on one side explains things I find perfectly logical, if you have global freedom of movement then you allow for better use of resources, helping reduce climate change, maximisation of skills, creating better employment prospects etc 3/
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And we're off! #TNGSunNight
They say, once you cross the Rubicon, you never cross back... #TNGSunNight
*Almost* identical ;) #TNGSunNight
Read 42 tweets
One of the things we aren’t taught in a lot of detail in psych training is how things can manifest when there is both autism and ADHD present in adults (evidence suggests this is a significant % of ND people). I’ve learnt much more from AuDHDers who talk / write about it……1/2
even then the experiences of different AuDHDers re: which bits of the autistic and ADHD brain tussle, or how diff situations make one more prominent than other, is all quite fascinating.

I won’t get started on the futility of 3 waiting lists in some places for Assmt of both 2/2
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Oh, my sweet young girl. How my heart breaks for you. How I wish we had a better world for you. How I wish you knew your #ActuallyAutistic tribe wanted to care for you. How I have been close to where you went. I'm so sorry Caitlyn Scott-Lee.…
And my heartbreak can coincide with my rage, so fuck it, I'll say it. Suicide is the biggest killer of #ActuallyAutistic people without intellectual disabilities behind heart disease. We haven't done enough to save these youth. Her blood is on our hands.…
I'm gonna uncork even more: Caitlyn Scott-Lee's death is an example of what happens when we tell #ActuallyAutistic people's worth to their intelligence and their ability to accomplish. She feared her infractions would kill her hopes and dreams.…
Read 5 tweets
We talk a lot about paper mirrors in fiction, but there's also a very specific and reflexive joy that comes with finding them in autistic academia.
(I'm working on a thesis section about the impact of the Internet on Autistic organizing and currently citing an article on #ActuallyAutistic Twitter that's just spot fucking on in every way that matters.)
(This project switched from primarily oral history to primarily research pretty late in the game, and it's been nice to have a frantic scramble punctuated by a lot of moments of #AutisticJoy)
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This video is about the current bullying I’m experiencing and other Autistic people are experiencing from a 50+ year old woman called Connie Manning from Langley, BC, Canada. Her Twitter is @buggbabe and she runs a Facebook page called Autism Spectrum Disorder. I’ll include proof……
Link to a thread with screenshots of all that’s happened to @NeuroRebel , me and other Autistic people over the years
Just found out Connie Manning has a new account to target another Autistic person. It’s @EDalmayne1 …. Please report the account and the @buggbabe account. #WeSeeYouConnie #HiConnie #ConnieManning #Autism #autistic #ActuallyAutistic
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People keep saying they don’t know why others aren’t wearing masks, but I do.

Neurotypical brains are designed to think about the short term. They might care about the pandemic for a while, but they physically can’t keep doing it. 🧵

Autistic brains are designed to care. We can’t help but care. Even though we might be lonely and depressed and desperately want to socialize, we see the bigger picture over our own needs.
Neurotypical brains are designed to prioritize their own needs. That’s why so many of them are in denial about the pandemic in order to function. They need to perform socialization.
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What causes autism (and is this really what we should be focussing on)?🪡

*𝘏𝘪𝘯𝘵: 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘨𝘶𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘢*

#ActuallyAutistic #Autistic
A substantial focus of autism research has been on its causes rather than ways to improve our lives.

However, as some have theorised 'gut bacteria' to be a cause, I think it may be useful to share what research has found.
The causes of autism are not properly understood, but strong evidence points to genetics. Additional, inconsistent, and limited research suggests environmental and neurological factors may also play a role.
Read 8 tweets
I’m confused… because I see parents label themselves as “autism mom” and I get offended by a neurotypical person using their child’s diagnosis as an identity.
Our diagnosis isn’t neurotypical peoples identity.
#autism #autistic #ActuallyAutistic #AutismAcceptance
When you use a disability or condition as your identity that you do NOT have it’s called identity appropriation.
Parents calling themselves “Autism Mum” “Autism dad” “Autism parent” is offensive and harmful As they’re using their child’s Autism diagnosis as their own identity when they have no right to. What if the child doesn’t want people to know they’re Autistic? They’re outing their……
Read 10 tweets
“Not the community I know & love”… yeah that’s because you speak over Autistic people and silence us and block us for speaking out… so your “community” is an echo chamber of mostly others who ignore Autistic people on this. #ActuallyAutistic #allautistics #autism… Image
I don’t understand why ANYONE wants to be associated with the puzzle piece symbol considering the organisation that uses it partnered and supported the JRC that straps ELECTRIC SHOCK DEVICES to Autistic people. It’s stronger than a taser and designed to hurt. ImageImage
Autistic people DIED at The JRC, they were tortured.
Read 13 tweets
Yes… this disgusting comment was on a post about an Autistic girls poem. Are people really this uneducated and ignorant about Autism? Especially Autistic girls?
Link to the post…

#autism #autistic #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAcceptance… This child has been fed thi...
This was the poem. ImageImageImageImage
this is just a poem describing some of what she goes through. It doesn't explain every single thing she experiences and struggles with.
Do people not actually know how hard it is to get diagnosed as autistic?
How thorough and long and intense the ASD diagnostic testing is?
Read 6 tweets
Mikähän helvetti siinä on, että valistuneisto ymmärtää päälle puhumisen ongelman muiden vähemmistöjen kohdalla, mutta ei autistien.

Viittaan siihen, kun sanon, ettei allisti ole pätevä arvioimaan, avartaako #kirjolla onnistuneesti autistin näkökulmaa.
Niin eiköhän sitten ole twiitin alla viiskymmentä allistia kertomassa, että he ovat kylläkin ERI MIELTÄ.
Jos Afrikan alkuperäiskansoista tehtäisiin seurantareality, niin millä ihmeen pätevyydellä sinä länsimaisena valkoisena ihmisenä kuvittelisit voivasi väittää vastaan, jos isompikin joukko Afrikan alkuperäiskansoihin kuuluvia ihmisiä sanoisi, ettei sarja ollut erityisen onnistunut
Read 6 tweets
Only 1-4% of Autism Speaks' budget actually goes to autistic people and their families for support (they are more interested in trying to prevent us from existing).

Meanwhile, their executives make ENORMOUS salaries, some at more than $600k a year.

#ActuallyAutistic Image
So, Fטck Autism Speaks.

They don't speak for me.

Read 3 tweets
Tää saattaa tulla joillekin järkytyksenä, mutta:

Jos et ole autisti, sinulla ei ole pätevyyttä arvioida, onko #kirjolla-sarja tehty hyvin, parantaako se ymmärrystä autismista tai tuoko se autistien näkökulmaa esille.
Se että pidit sarjasta, ei tarkoita että se olisi hyvin tehty, tai että se parantaisi ymmärrystä autismista.

Sitä se nimittäin ei tee.

#kirjolla-sarja ei ole tehty autistinäkökulmasta, vaan allistien viihdyttämisen ehdoilla allistilinssien läpi. Jälleen kerran.
Sarjasta saa toki pitää, ei sillä. Onhan se varmaan hyvää viihdettä ihmisille, jotka voivat tuntea iloa omasta suvaitsevaisuudestaan, kun tykkäävät näistä harmittomista ja hassuista pikku olioista, joutumatta reflektoimaan omaa neurotyypilliskeskeistä ableismiaan. #kirjolla
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I celebrate Autism Acceptance Month because most people are already aware of autism, but they don’t accept autism and people who are autistic like me. Happy #AutismAcceptanceMonth to all my fellow autistics! #Autism #ActuallyAutistic 🧵1/3
Remember non-autistics: don’t support A$ (Autism Speaks) and the puzzle piece and light it up blue because they are triggering to me and other autistic people. #AutismAcceptanceMonth #autism #ActuallyAutistic 2/3
Please wear #redinstead and support organizations run by autistic people like @awnnetwork_ and use the infinity symbol ♾️ #AutismAcceptanceMonth #autism #ActuallyAutistic 3/3
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I’m Lyric, late identified Autistic adult.

I’m also nonbinary and my pronouns are they/them. Please don’t “she” me.

This month, Autism Month, I’m going to be debunking some of the Autism myths I encounter online and in the real world. So, let’s go!
First myth: “Autism ends at 18” or we “grow out” of being Autistic. 👎

Reality: Autistic adults exist, though often our struggles become less pronounced as we mature and learn skills that help us to cope in the world.

Myth 2: “Autism is most common in boys” 🚫
Reality: Boys have been disproportionately represented, often ignoring people of other genders.

Social pressure is often greater for women and AFAB people and boys are often given a pass (boys will be boys) for things girls could never get away with.
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I went for an osteopathy treatment to impress the masseuse by how incredibly complicated my body is (definitely not intentional).

After seeing the complication he exclaimed “what an interesting body…!”… Well, I’m flattered? 👀

◦ my sympathetic nervous system is always dominant even during sleep so muscles never have a chance to rest, no much oxidisation going on and I’m stiff from the morning.

◦ front side of left leg and back side of right leg are strong and muscular. Body completely twisted.
◦ the correct way of walking is from the heel, to the pinky toe then kick with big toe. My pelvis is curled inward but I walk on the outside of the feet so the knees are twisted and hurt.

◦ my toe stand while sitting contracts the quadriceps and clogs the lymphatic system.
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I have recently been told that I should not say I am autistic like I am labelling and discriminating myself so let me make some personal statements for the #AutismAcceptanceWeek 🤝🏽❤️‍🩹
❤️‍🩹 Since childhood, understanding myself was almost impossible. I felt like and I was treated like a cryptid the whole time in the society. Discovering autism for myself was the best thing that happened to me for the advancement of understanding of myself.

❤️‍🩹 For long I’ve seen people who struggled to find their purpose of life. Having found my special interest i.e. “purpose of life” was the most blissful thing I could ever asked for in life. I would like to thank autism for burning my passion for certain things.

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Please block the account quote tweeted. What they’ve said is an outright lie. They have a grudge because some of us blocked them for being Transphobic and misgendering someone after REPEATEDLY being told. Also they were blocked by multiple people because of how they treated an……
They’re trying to accuse me of being a scammer and trying to get my local social services to section me into hospital. Bare in mind that many Autistic people who get sectioned into hospital end up DYING. I am not unwell enough to go into hospital and nor do I have paranoia. If I…… Image
This bully GhostlyHo is very dangerous and is trying to get me sectioned into hospital and convince my care team that I’m a scammer, paranoid and unwell 🙄 everyone on the #ActuallyAutistic tag please block for your own safety. If any of you watch the Channel 4 Dispatched……
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