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Apr 2nd 2023
#Pulsechain, la #blockchain L1 destinada al éxito + El Air-Drop mas grande del mundo.

Pulsechain es una nueva cadena de bloques que planea traer consigo TODO #Ethereum (transacciones, contratos, tokens y todo Ethereum, duplicado en Pulsechain)
Tecnología subyacente
#PulseChain implementa un algoritmo de consenso de Proof Of Stake (#PoS) mejor al de #Ethereum.
Ya que en Ethereum hay pocos nodos debido a lo costoso que es tener uno y la mayoria de estos, estan regulados por la #OFAC.
#Pulsechain tendra como moneda nativa #Pulse ($PLS).
Pulse es #deflacionaria, tiene 0% de inflación.
Los validadores solo ganan de las comisiones por transaccion y el 25% de los fees se queman para reducir el suministro circulante.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
On November 2nd, 2018, the world of #crypto changed forever

@haydenzadams launched @uniswap, revolutionizing decentralized finance

I've spent 100+ hours researching $UNI, and learned it's much more than just a #DEX

Here’s everything you need to know about 🦄



#Uniswap is the largest decentralized crypto exchange (we’ll explain what this means below)

It has a marketcap of $4.5B and FDV of $5.9B, and is backed by the $UNI token, which trade at $5.88

During the bull market of 2021, the price exceeded $40

This thread we will cover:

• The problem with centralized exchanges
• How DEXes solve this problem
• How Uniswap works
• The $UNI ecosystem
#DEX competitive landscape and UNI’s moat
• $UNI tokenomics
• The “fee switch” debate
• The protocol’s long-term potential
Read 47 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
@MinswapDEX Dominance A Thread 🧵

In MY HUMBLE OPINION #MINSWAP has ESTABLISHED itself as the NO. 1 #DEX for #DEFI In the #CARDANO Ecosystem. Not Only Has $MIN had a beyond impressive performance against #BITCOIN & #CARDANO as stated below as per @CoinMarketCap with $MIN up Image
33.05% in the last 30 days as opposed to #BTC which is up 13.05% in the last 30 days & #CARDANO down 8.86% in the last 30 days (In other words if you want more #ADA & #BTC VALUE in your portfolio, HOLD $MIN) NFA. @MinswapDEX has also continued to maintain approximately 40%
Dominance in #TVL amongst all #DEFI protocols on #CARDANO as per @DefiLlama. As a result of this continued growth and Out performance of other #DEXES & #DAPPS, I strongly believe @MinswapDEX will continue to keep the lead into the the bull market and if anyone knows anything
Read 4 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
🔥💰 Things are heating up! From bullish #Bitcoin & #Ethereum to underperforming #stablecoins & declining active addresses. Catch on these #alphatrades right here 🧵

Sub to our TG…
1/10 💡 The "Greed & Fear" indicator just dropped from 100 to 50. This indicator is based on the technical momentum of #crypto prices and shows a shift in sentiment.
2/10 🚀 #Bitcoin is currently 21,781 above the 50d MA of 20,308, and #Ethereum is 1,514 above the 50d MA of 1,465, both with a price change of -6.7% & -9.2% WoW respectively. The overall trend remains #bullish.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
Welcome to @FlagshipFYI Cosmos Check-ins! Our goal is to provide you with up-to-date and in-depth news about the Cosmos Ecosystem in a few minutes! Follow the 🧵 and get up to date… #CosmosEcosystem #Cosmos #FlagshipFYI #Blockchain #blockchaintechnology Image
1/ This week, the projects on Cosmos have been busy building, leading up to the new year.
2/ We now have a completed timeline of Interchain Security, following the ending of the second phase of Game of Chains.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 11th 2022
0/ #DEXes like @Uniswap are a core piece of the decentralized financial infrastructure on $ETH & beyond✨

but what happens under the hood when you swap tokens on exchanges like $UNI, $SUSHI, $JOE or $BOO?🤔

explainer-🧵 on the constant product #AMM model (0/46)⚖️👇
1/ automated market makers have been one of the most important innovations in DeFi and the overall crypto space. The concept was ideated by @VitalikButerin in 2016 and pioneered by @Bancor & @Uniswap in 2017 & 2018 respectively
2/ the #AMM space has quickly grown into the largest sector within #DeFi & today we find decentralized exchanges using the AMM model in various forms on basically every smart contract L1/L2 (or as app-chain implementations)
Read 47 tweets
Jul 19th 2022
/1 The battle⚔️ of Perpetual DEXes has begun.

Decentralized perpetual exchanges are a trending topic right now. 🔥

So I decided to compare the most popular ones:

Join me for a 🧵 to find out more about their Pros and Cons 👇
@dYdX @GMX_IO @GainsNetwork_io /3 Let's begin with a small recap. 🧾

gTrade and dYdX offer synthetic exposure to multiple assets, while GMX allows traders to open trades using only the assets from GLP pool.

The synthetic exposure allows the first 2 DEXes to list every asset that has an oracle price feed.
Read 17 tweets
Jan 10th 2022
Imho there has not been a more bullish period in the history of @THORChain network. This short thread explores what is going on under the hood of a sleeping giant and what it means for the current $RUNE hodlers

⚡️👇🚀 The road to Valhalla
@THORChain is battle tested – as the old saying goes: what does not kill you makes you stronger. The core team not only came out of the summer 2021 stronger, but the team has grown, matured and introduced a number of practical anti-exploit & pro white-hat measures

@THORChain is still the only one secure L1 <> L1 DEX – that speaks volumes about the complexity of the problem it has set to solve. If this was simple a number of copy cats would pop out of nowhere. And it takes time to build strong foundations.

Read 11 tweets
Nov 17th 2021
1/ ¿Vieron el reporte de @BitwiseInvest? Son 19 carillas pero si les da ̶p̶a̶j̶a̶ pereza, dejo #hilo resumen 🧵

Se llama " #DeFi: un manual para inversores profesionales ".

- Resumen
- ¿Qué es DeFi?
- Panorama
- Oportunidad
- Factores de riesgo
- Conclusiones
2/ Arranca diciendo que en las últimas décadas, casi todas las industrias importantes han sido remodeladas por la revolución digital, excepto las finanzas 👀
3/ Y que si bien gigantes como Apple, Amazon, Facebook y Tesla dan prioridad a la tecnología, la industria financiera mundial sigue dominada por instituciones centenarias de ladrillo y cemento 🧱
Read 45 tweets
Nov 12th 2021
1/ Thread: #DeFi For Dummies 002: #DeFi Basics.

DeFi is a hybrid #smartcontract that combines on-chain code with off-chain proofs.

DeFi relies heavily on cryptography and blockchain technologies.

#blockchain #DeFi
2/ Thread: #DeFi For Dummies 002: #DeFi Basics

DeFi is taking on the contractual agreement you find on the global financial system in a permisonless and open way. MakerDao was the first DeFi project started in 2015
3/ Thread: #DeFi For Dummies 002: #DeFi Basics

The #DeFi EcoSystem.

a) #Lending & #Borrowing:- These are algorithmic autonomous interest protocols that allow users to supply protocols like ether etc.Eg: Compound and Aave
Read 10 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
The crypto boom is taking off like crazy! Everybody now wants to own digital money. People are using Exchanges/P2P to buy them. However, exchanges are currently the most popular choice for many! So it's high time we talk about them & understand "How they Work" in this 🧵 #thread! Image
Table of Contents: 📝
▪️What's an #exchange & how it works?
▪️Who are #MarketMakers & why we need them?
▪️What's #liquidity & why it matters?
▪️Types of Exchanges:
- Centralized Exchanges #CEX
- Decentralized Exchanges #DEX

#Retweet if you like the content! Let's get started! 🚀
What's an #Exchange?
It's just a platform that matches #buyers & #sellers. They say what price, they are willing to buy/sell any particular asset, the exchange matches these 2 orders & the trade happens. The price at which the trade got executed becomes the "Last Traded Price".
Read 18 tweets

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