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The population of #SikhEmpire during the time of Ranjit Singh’s rule was estimated to be around 12 million people.
There were
8.4 million Muslims,
2.88 million Hindus and 722,000 Sikhs.
#Islam (70%)
#Hinduism (24%)
#Sikhism (6%)
Total Area in 1839 was
520,000 km2 (200,000 sq mi) Sikh Kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Ji
Capital was
#Gujranwala (1799–1802)
#Lahore LahoreFort(1802–1849)

Court language
Spoken #languages in #SikhKingdom #SikhEmpire

Punjabi (dynastic)Punjabi dialects (Saraiki, Hindko, Pahari-Pothwari),Kangri,Dogri,
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1. My #SamarkandSummit orientalist🧵on its toponym and etymology. Incorrect is #Wikipedia's #Samarkand etymon entry and false analogy to #Tashkent. Both #Samarkand, like neighbouring #Bukhara, remain extensively debated in eastern #MiddleIranian #philology.
2. #Samarkand, contra #Wikipedia, is not 'stone city'. The first element /sm’r/ remains unexplained. On #Sogdian sm’rknδh [Ancient Letters], cf. Chin. Samojian 颯秣建 Gr. Μαρακάνδοι, scholarly consensus exists only on second compound, #Sogdian 'town, city'.
3. #Sogdian knδh 'town, city' > #Christian #Sogdian qθ; /sm’r/ element unmentioned in Gharib 1995 [Sogdian #Dictionary], @iranicaonline, or EI2 [Enc. of #Islam) entries. See @Brill_ME_Africa EI2, VIII/1995: 1031-032, s.v. #Samarkand Schaeder (rev. Bosworth).
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#OdeToDemocracy series continues.

We look at the milestones in the journey of #Tibetan Democracy in exile as #Tibetans celebrate 62nd #TibetanDemocracyDay.

Source: @dorjeewangmo4 Image
The Deputies were initially assigned to various departments of the CTA and met twice a month. On 10 March 1963, His Holiness – after years of thorough consultations – promulgated the Constitution consisting of 10 chapters and 77 articles. #Tibet Image
The democratisation of the #Tibetan polity has long been an aspiration of His Holiness the 14th #DalaiLama. He had, in fact, initiated the reforms in #Tibet itself but this was interrupted due to China’s invasion in 1949/50. @Tibparliament Image
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#Tibetans Protest against China
Chinese flag burnt in Delhi
#Tibetans Protest against China
Tibetans stamping their feet on Chinese flag in Delhi


#Tibetans Protest against China in Delhi


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#China razes second Buddhist statue revered by #Tibetans in Sichuan province: Report
China has destroyed the second Buddhist statue revered by Tibetans late last month in western China’s Sichuan province as a part of the campaign by the Chinese dispensation to destroy religion and traditions of the ethnic minority, said a media report.
Commercial satellite imagery was used to verify the destruction of a three-storey statue of Maitreya Buddha at Gaden Namyal Ling monastery in Drago (in Chinese, Luhuo) county in the Kardze (Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, reported Radio Free Asia (RFA).
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🧵Four by @ChawlaSwati

1/ 🚨🚨Who is a #Tibetan?🚨🚨

❓Where is #Tibet?
❓Are all Tibetans #Buddhist?
❓Do all of them revere @DalaiLama?
❓Are there Tibetans (other than #exiled pop"n) outside Tibet?
❓Do all #Tibetans identify as... erm ..Tibetan?

2/ The 11th Zurmang Trungpa (1939-87) said #Tibetan 'insiders' (ནང་པ་) share these common features:

☑️speaking some variant of Tibetan lang
☑️following #Buddhist faith
☑️eating tsampa (roasted barley flour)

Who was he?…

A handy definition, but...

3/ Let's tackle the big one first: #Tibet has long been identified as a pristine Buddhist #Shangrila.

❌Not Tibetans are Buddhist.

❌Not all Tibetan Buddhists revere the @DalaiLama in the same way.

See #himalayanhistories 🧵on #Shangrila:

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🧵Two by @ChawlaSwati

1/ On #Tibet in the Indian imagination:

Yesterday, we looked at how #Tibetans perceived India+ how the @DalaiLama walked in the path of many of his countrymen before him when he came into exile in India.

Let's turn the gaze in the other direction today.
2/ Indians have at least two vantage points from where to view #Tibet. Parts of #Himalayan India border Tibet👇. Thanks to older connections of religious patronage, pilgrimage, and trade, the perspective from these regions is often v. diff from the capital in New Delhi.
~SC Image
3/ Indian cities of Gaya, Sanchi+ Sarnath were imp pilgrimage sites for Tibetan Buddhists; as was Kailash Mansarovar in Tibet for Hindu+ Buddhist pilgrims from India. The imagination of an “Akhand Bharat” (Undivided India) often included #Tibet.


~SC Image
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🧵One by @ChawlaSwati

On the @DalaiLama & India:
1/ Many of us know that the 14th @DalaiLama has been living in #exile in #Himalayan town of #Dharamsala in northern India since 31 Mar 1959.

Why India?
Was he blazing a trail w/ his escape?

Map from @TIME (1959)
2/ Second question first: No, he wasn't.

In coming to India, the @DalaiLama trod the path of many #Tibetans before him-- traders+ aristocrats, monastics+ laity, and his predecessor, the 13th #DalaiLama, Thupten Gyatso, who had lived in exile in British India from 1910-12.

3/ Aristocratic families in #Tibet were closely tied in networks of monastic patronage, intermarriage +trade w/ eastern #Himalayan kingdoms of #Bhutan+ #Sikkim. The British Political Officer in Sikkim kept close watch on these alliances. Here he is w/ the 13th #DalaiLama👇.

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Worst Autocratic government in the world: #CCP

The most basic and fundamental human rights enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights are denied to #Tibetans in Tibet since its illegal occupation by #China in 1950. Image
Any single act or mere opinion not to the liking of the Chinese government can be met with severe consequences and punishment. Tibetans are also denied their rights to self-determination, a rule of customary international law.
Until the grave human rights abuses in Tibet are addressed, the Chinese government’s claim to be a rightful ruling government of Tibet remains illegitimate.
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#Tibetan monks receive 'apocalyptically harsh' sentences in secret #Chinese trials

#China's crackdown against #Tibetans intensifies.

A new report revealed for the first time that four monks were sentenced up to 20 years in prison on unknown charges.…
2/ The 61-page report by Human Rights Watch found four monks from Tengdro monastery in Tingri county – Choegyal Wangpo, Lobsang Jinpa, Norbu Dondrup, and Ngawang Yeshe – were sentenced to 20, 19, 17, and five years respectively in September 2020.
3/ They were detained after police received a lost phone belonging to Choegyal Wangpo in 2019.

His phone revealed messages sent to exiled monks in a sister monastery in Nepal, and evidence of humanitarian donations following the 2015 earthquake.
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#Tibet's exile leader warns of #Chinese aggression: ‘#China will transform you’

The oppression of #Tibetans by the Chinese government is well documented – but new reports show that it's getting worse.

500,000 Tibetans are now being held in labor camps.…
2/ China is ramping up its abuses and 500,000 Tibetans are now being held in labor camps as part of a systematic genocidal campaign that has one aim. "They want to make Tibet into a Chinese province and they want to make Tibetans into Chinese,"
3/ The Chinese military has recently increased its presence in the country; forced sterilization is being reported, while people are routinely arrested and known to be tortured and killed. Sangay said it must be stopped.
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Let me get this straight. The Chinese gov't says it can't share anonymized data about the origins of the pandemic due to privacy concerns while the same gov't is forcibly extracting genetic samples from #Uighurs, #Tibetans, etc. Hmmm.…
The collection of genetic data in #China "is being done without consent because citizens living in an authoritarian state have virtually no right to refuse." If anonymized data can be shared safely in democracies it can be shared safely everywhere.…
I encourage you to read this excellent report on genomic surveillance in #China, written by @ASPI_org.…
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🚨 Must-read thread 👇👇👇

It’s focus is on Australia but it’s equally important to the US, Canada & any country that values basic rights, freedoms & rule of law.

The #CCP is engaged in least 1 full-on #genocide, & 2 that approach that designation (vs #Tibetans; #FalunGong).


#Tibet: (note we're looking at @MauraMoynihan1's 1998 WaPo piece here, so this is a long time in the making).
Clarification: The #CrimesAgainstHumanity perpetrated by the #CCP against these groups are ALL a long time in the making. My comment about #Tibet above is that we as "enlightened" societies knew full well back in 1998 the horrors that the #CCP is capable of & still opened...
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UPDATE: @antonioguterres is going to fire me specifically because I reported @UN actively providing names of #Uyghurs, #Tibetans and other dissidents to the Chinese government. @UN is trying to stop me taking @ministerBlok to court for repeating their defamation. /1 @UNWatch
The corrupt investigation must be the fastest in @UN history. Remember the people caught on tape having sex in a UN vehicle? Still employed. Everyone who gave names to China? Promoted. Whistleblowers? Another story. @whistleblowing @GovAcctProj @BMcGleenon @RepMcGovern
@ministerBlok you defamed me to the Dutch parliament. You said you would follow my case. So far, @UN fired the judge with no notice, refused to protect me when recognised as a whistleblower, and is now going to fire me for taking you to court. @PieterOmtzigt
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New Art

Australia‘s war crime in Afghanistan is indeed a national disgrace & must b condemned.

However i wander when China will allow an independent investigation on its own genocide on #Uyghur #Tibetans & brutal crackdown on HK?!

@ScottMorrisonMP @MarisePayne @SenatorWong
2) More than one Million #Uyghur people has been sent to concentration camps and forced labor slave like factories.

Children from those families become man-made orphans and they are forced to b brain washed by CCP propaganda since the beginning of their young lives.
3) As of July 2020, 156 monks, nuns, and ordinary people self-immolated in Tibet since 27 February 2009.
Tibetan’s freedom of religions languages and culture are stripped away by the Chinese government.
People go prison just for making Tibetan language songs.
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#Thread : The Bloody History of #Communism - Chapter 2: People’s Republic of #China (PRC) and #Cambodia

#MaoZedong, the founding father of the People’s Republic of China, ruled China as the chairman of the #CommunistPartyOfChina...


#CommunismKills #SocialismKills Image
...from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976.

Ideologically a #Marxist#Leninist, his theories, military strategies, & political policies are collectively known as #Maoism.

(2/17) Image
Based on the Soviets' experience, #Mao considered violence to be necessary in order to achieve an ideal society that would be derived from #Marxism and as a result he planned & executed violence on a grand scale.

(3/17) Image
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The Tibetan Community UK will stage a 'Black Day' protest outside #UN London office to mark 9th anniversary of 'heinous crimes against humanity' in Tibet and East Turkistan by Chen Quanguo, CCP
They will be joined by the @UyghurCongress and GATPM as well
The joint #Tibetan and #Uyghur protest is to highlight the atrocities of the CCP regime and call for support
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[Secret deal: China's security cops can investigate in #Switzerland]

1. @NZZaS: #China & #Swiss signed a secret deal in 2015 allowing #Beijing's security officers to investigate Chinese nationals WITHIN #Switzerland for 2 weeks, even w/o official status.…
2. Five years after the secret deal was signed, no Swiss MP had ever heard of the deal. In contrast to similar agreements between #Switzerland and other countries, the one with #China is harsher as #Chinese cops can come and investigate without prior discussion with Swiss govt.
3. Even though the treaty claims only covering smugglers and illegal immigrants, it is doubtful whether this extraterritorial enforcement power can be abused under the newly enacted #nationalsecuritylaw that covers foreigners.
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Bill introduced in #US Congress ( Lok Sabha) to declare the #USA will consider #Tibet as a free independent nation separate from #China . Interesting to note the proposal has come from a Republican Congressman @RepScottPerry who is a former @USArmy Brigadier General.
If & when this passes will open up assistance funding & support for the #Tibetans in exile in #India & elsewhere.
Will also open up routes for the #USA to sanction #China & any other nation ( #Pakistan ) that uses an illegal #CPEC /route passing through occupied #Tibet.
As I've said on a different fora earlier #India is key to helping rebuild #Tibet as a free nation for #Tibetans . I believe the @PMOIndia would've already started working on modalities with HH the @DalaiLama & the Govt of #Tibet in exile at Dharamshala & Bylakuppe.
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1/#China #bully seems to have recovered enough from #ChineseVirus & is back to its old #rowdy behavior of provoking border clashes in Sikkim…
With its Govt, #China can never be a friend. #Trump இந்தியாவை "மிரட்டி"யதற்கு கெட்ட ஆட்டம் போட்ட கோமாளிஸ் எங்கே😂
2/ After indulging in nonsensical acts, #China indulges in usual blabber, "committed to uphold peace", "on border issue, our position is clear & consistent" etc.
The provocation is because India thwarted dragon march by amending #FDI act preventing takeover of Indian entities
3/ Bully back to its #rowdy behavior. #China Govt is that incorrigible.
Refusing to see reason, take lessons is the hallmark of a dictatorial regime.
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Can #China’s #OrganHarvesting be stopped?!

Sanctioning 28 companies may do!

According to a research report from this institute @ircc_research, China’s organ transplantation technology 92% relies on support from these 28 companies.… via @wordpressdotcom
As China is not self-sufficient at all when it comes to medical devices, and for example even in 2019 is massively dependent on the import of devices for organ preservation, and up to 92% of the medical equipment is being into China imported, based on the evidence found.
The organ harvesting in this case is quite similar to contract killing, except that the agreement is made with China, instead of directly the killer, and you don’t know the name of the victim – you just know that the killer will find a ‘suitable donor’ for you.
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Edinburgh Place is full for the #HK rally in solidarity w #Uighurs . In our nearly 800 protests since 6/9, this is only the 3rd to stand for others. There was a small 1 at CUHK for Uighur uni pres rumored sentenced to death & 1 for Catalunya.
Great to see the #EastTurkestan & #Tibet flags flying at the #HK solidarity rally for #Uighurs. Our fate is tied to theirs. We all have to fight together for our freedom & our rights.
Free #IlhamTohti , Free All Political Prisoners at #HK rally for #Uighurs . Ilham just received EU parliament’s #SakharovPrize this week. He’s serving life in prison in China on the entirely false charge of ‘separatism’. His daughter @JewherIlham accepted the award on his behalf.
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Fair warning... Get ready for a thread celebrating H.H. the @DalaiLama's 84th birthday 🎂! Performances included! Honored to join @IRF_Ambassador, @AmbDMitchell, @USAID & @officeoftibet @NgodupTsering7 on the visit of the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts to the U.S. & Canada.
First, a #quote. Whether #HongKongProtests or #girlseducation in South Asia, or a myriad of issues in #America, don't forget:

"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito." ~H.H. the Dalai Lama

Next: Get ready for some video! ⬇️
A beautiful evening begins w/ the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA), founded by the Dalai Lama in India, in exile from Tibet, in 1959. Then the Tibetan Music, Dance & Drama Society, it was established to preserve Tibetan artistic heritage, esp. opera, dance & music.
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