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A very interesting guest commentary by @UmlandAndreas in the @NZZ

The siren songs of the premature peacemakers - anyone who thinks Russia and Ukraine could soon



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find a compromise is ill-informed

Russia's aggression against Ukraine continues, and calls for a ceasefire between Moscow and Kiev are once again multiplying from "pacifists" or "pragmatists. " They include not only prominent political outsiders from Sahra Wagenknecht

on the far left to Donald Trump on the far right.
Established social scientists and political analysts are also pushing for negotiations. They all do not want to acknowledge or discuss some fundamental realities of this war.
The domestic political circumstance, for

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📚 “Hitler’s Willing Executioners” by Daniel Goldhagen

I was surprised when my [normally very politically correct] neuroscientist friend said I was right about all russians being complicit in #GenocideOfUkrainians

He recommended this book which I encourage everyone to read. Image
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In January 2022, a few weeks before the full-scale invasion began, I went to a demonstration against the russian aggression by the Ukrainian embassy to the UK.

It was organised for Ukrainians by the Georgian community in the UK.

There is a reason why they did it. Image
Here is one of those reasons:

#russianwarcrimes in Gagra, Georgia 1992-1993

Before Putin.
Tsisia, 30, raped in front of her parents and guests, all of them shot dead.

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Dr. Franziska Davies ist Osteuropa-Historikern und lehrt an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Ein Zitat im angehängten Thread 🧵 von @EFDavies


Mit angesprochenen Artikel von 2022
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Es ist nun ein gutes Jahr her, dass die staatliche russische Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti den Artikel „Was Russland mit der Ukraine machen muss des russischen Politikberaters
Timofej Sergejcev veröffentlichte.
Dort wurde in aller Deutlichkeit ausformuliert, worum es Russland in diesem Krieg geht und was sich hinter der Chiffre der „Denazifizierung“ eigentlich verbirgt: die Auslöschung der Ukraine als Staat und Nation. Die „Nazifizierung“ der
Read 27 tweets
Das RUSI-Institut hat detailliert die russische Planung für die Annexion der Ukraine recherchiert. Demnach wurde die ukrainische Bevölkerung von den Russen in fünf


Kernkategorien eingeteilt:

1. Diejenigen, die als Anführer des ukrainischen Nationalismus angesehen werden und die auf einer Zielliste mit hoher Priorität zur physischen Liquidierung oder zur Gefangennahme zur Ermöglichung von Schauprozessen bestimmt werden.
2. Personen, die der Absicht verdächtigt werden, Widerstandshandlungen zu unterstützen, einschließlich Personen, die mit ukrainischen Strafverfolgungsbehörden, lokalen Regierungen, dem Militär oder mit nicht aktiv zusammenarbeitenden Beamten in Verbindung stehen.
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Hello and welcome to the daily thread for Friday, with all the news on #Ukraine's defence of its homeland and indeed existence, against #Russia's aggression.

It's Day 401, with all the news you need!
Missed something on Thursday? Click and scroll here:

I'll start with #Russia's losses on the battlefield (as estimated by #Ukraine)

Numbers still well done on peaks. A number of factors: awful weather, and highly likely the invaders are short on cattle/soldiers and ammo meaning fewer attacks across the frontline.

Britain's Intel update for the last day of March shows another problem for #Russia because of the sanctions.

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Як все ідеально прописано в документах ООН, як все красиво виглядає в підсумках самітів. Відповідальність, зобов'язання попереджувати геноцид та етнічні чистки, зобов'язання інтервенції. Останнє не тільки тут, а ще й в CPPCG.

A/RES/60/1: a. 138; a. 139.
Чудово розписано те, як воно виглядає і певний механізм того, що станеться, якщо дії рф в Україні визнають геноцидом в матеріалі @TaraLaw27 для Time…. Трохи сіпається око від того, що про думку запитають в Amnesty International, а саме в Кривошеєва.
Типу, Кривошеєв, керівник відділу досліджень представництва Amnesty International у Східній Європі та Центральній Азії, каже, що поки "доказів недостатньо, аби назвати дії росії в Україні "злочином злочинів". Той самий Кривошеєв, який давав інтерв'ю Украина.ру.
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Dr. Timothy D. Snyder, 2017:

“So we ask, why all these basic points are not remembered?

Why is it not always remembered that Ukraine was the center of Hitler's ideology?”

“Why is it not always remembered that if you want to understand the Holocaust, we have to start with Ukraine?”

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Just had to find this article to explain to someone why not only it's totally ok to hate russians,

but it's absolutely necessary - for anyone who cares about their life, wherever they are.

We SHOULD discriminate against rape, torture, and genocide.

❗️We should stop asking ourselves if they are all guilty (they're, btw).

Let alone if there are "good russians". It's irrelevant.

What we need to ask instead:

❓Why the fuck do they NOT feel guilty?

Attaching the full version of @AlJazeera article + 🧵 on russian war crimes…… Image
I don't worry about becoming too hateful, no.

I'm scared of forgetting how much I need to hate them at some point after the Victory.

The russians who bleat about russophobia during genocide of Ukrainians are not “good” - they are actually the worst ones and should be shut down…… Image
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У п‘ятницю, 10 лютого у культурному центрі TUFA, що знаходиться в німецькому містечку Трір, відбулося відкриття проєкту «ГОЛОДОМОР: історія римується». ImageImageImageImage
В рамках цього проєкту експонується виставка Музею Голодомору «Незасуджений геноцид українців повторюється», виставка колажу від проєкту Cutout Collage Festival & Studio «Паралелі» та інсталяція «Обід, приготовлений росією» підготовлена нашим музеєм.
Ідея організувати виставку у культурному центрі TUFA Trier з’явилася після проведення акції «Uncounted 1932.2022. Food as a weapon of genocide».
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Exhibition project “HOLODOMOR: History rhymes” was presented in the German city of Trier ImageImageImageImage
On Friday, February 10, the TUFA cultural centre in the German city of Trier opened the project “HOLODOMOR: History rhymes”.
As a part of this project, the exhibition of the Holodomor Museum, “The Uncondemned Genocide of Ukrainians Repeats”, the collage exhibition from the CUTOUT COLLAGE project “Parallels,” and the installation “Lunch prepared by Russia” created by our museum are on display.
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If I publish the list of all the russian talking points pushed in the @GoncharenkoUa episode alone when he was platformed by @MriyaReport (why was he there, btw?), we will all cry.
Example 1:

🚩 “There isn’t any danger to the Ukrainian language” 🚩


During #GenocideOfUkrainians there is no danger to the Ukrainian language?
@GoncharenkoUa in @MriyaReport Space

🚩”russian will always be spoken in Ukraine" 🚩

❌ No, my guys. It won’t be.
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@imax9000 This thesis is blatantly pro-russia. It acknowledges Dugin's extremism, but advocates for another form of #russianColonialism:

"a Russian-led ‘big space’ is not only a preferable, but the only possible option for a successful future of the observed region."
@imax9000 At 64 pages long, you might feel uncomfortable at how often it raises russian talking points, like "NATO expansion". ImageImage
@imax9000 The author's made much of her interview with Dugin, and indeed his Nazi-esque extremism is noted. This was just before some of his most famous statements for the #genocideOfUkrainians but it was already clear what he was. ImageImageImageImage
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The Manhattan Project: The Birth of the Atomic Bomb and its Impact on the World"
How was a double-edged sword created that, if the wrong people were given control of it, would cause chaos in the world?
There was a time, in the middle of the 20th century, when war raged throughout the globe. Germany, Japan, and Italy, the Axis powers, were at war with the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom, the Allied powers.
It was evident that the Axis powers were gaining the upper hand as the war raged on. 

To change the course of the war,  the leaders of the Allied powers knew they needed to devise something innovative and potent.
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Russian aggression against Ukraine has a longer history. 2014 and 2022 are its peak, but not the beginning. I will try to highlight the main stages:
1992-2003 - Latent aggression
2003-2013- Preparation for war
2014-2022-Hybrid war.
2022 - now - Invasion and large-scale war. #NAFO
1992-2003-Latent aggression. This stage is characterized by manipulations, attempts to realize aggressive goals under the guise of settling disputes after the collapse of the USSR. The artificial question about the status of Crimea, division of the Black Sea Fleet,
the disarmament of Ukraine, the Budapest memorandum.
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@kamilkazani has a really interesting thread on the potenial breakup of the Russian Empire. You can find his thread here along with my supporting fires in the comments.
The thread however begs the questions, just how fast can empires unravel? Generally speaking, within a single lifetime. Most of us probably perceive the fall of empires as something that takes time as rot set in. History certainly has plenty of examples: Achaemenid Empire, Rome,
the Ottomans but despite being famous I think I can make a case that they are outliers. First, every empire everywhere wants to be a China. As one of the world's oldest civilizations China endures. Rulers, dynasties and forms of government come and go. She gets invaded but she
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I don't know how long this thread will go, or how many threads this topic will require its going to be lengthy. Before I begin, a bit of house keeping. @MontayBayBay for @curtmoss8
So lets dig into Ukrainian bravery. I am not going very far back into time. No talk about Viking heritage, facing the Mongols, Napoleon or Hitler. Those people are gone. They belong to the past. Our story starts in Nov 2013 when Yanukovich betrayed his nation and ignored the law
ordering him to turn towards Europe. Instead as a good lackey he attempted to prostrate Ukraine before Putin's feet. The people rallied against him and for their efforts had the security services turned on them. People were shot, kids were beaten but the protests only grew. One
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Apparently Engel-2 Airbase was hit with at least 2 aircraft damaged. Its likely though not confirmed that the aircraft would be either Tu-160 or T-95 strategic bombers.
Once again some Kremlin staffer has to tell Czar Pooptin that the thing they told him Ukraine couldn't do, they did. So some quick thoughts on the fall out. @wartranslated is already reporting Kleptogradian mil-bloggers are raging.
Threats of nuclear war and doomcasting aside there are four likely moves from Russia. First, consider it a one off and do nothing as too not disrupt the pace of operations. Given how stupid the Russian military is this can't be discounted even if it flies in the face of every
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This video shows some amazing Russian efforts at modernize their war fighting. Apparently, they are trying to move from a WWI style infantry-based army to a Winter War style infantry based army. This will be a generational leap in capabilities.
Russia lost WWI and ended up losing Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltics, Poland and several other areas. Things seem to be headed the same direction in 22. Hence the modernization campaign to Winter War Standards where Russia eventually gained Karelia from Finland. Though to honest
I am not sure the average Russian will be able to tell the difference. I guess I could list out 5 or so differences but given that they can't count since they lost their fingers to frostbite it would be pointless. More seriously though, we see hundreds of men marching in the snow
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How #Ukrainian people see the victory, what they are doing to achieve it, do they understand the limits of the possible in war, how do they see #Ukraine’s dependence on partners and allies.
A 🧵based on results of the several polls conducted by @dem_initiatives in 2022:
1. Nation is united than ever before to complete the mission of survival.
Amid heavy fighting in Donetsk region, before successful offensives in Kharkiv and Kherson region majoritu of Ukrainians expressed strong faith in victory (beginning of August 2022)
2. Russian missile attacks cannot break this faith.
The poll in #Mykolaiv (late August -early September) after five months of daily bombardments most residents showed confidence that #UkrainianArmy will liberate #Kherson
So, we can suggest that 🇷🇺 missile attacks won't succeed
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Let's talk casualty care. The UMOD has Russian deaths at 90K and if they are still tracking along with Russia's own MOD admissions that got leaked several months ago then this number is at least in the ball park or reality. It certainly squares with the images we see coming from
Bakhmut. Those types of trench based positional fights chew up men. The provision of the M30A1 MLRS rocket certainly won't help Russia stop the bleeding... On the other side there is the (corrected) claim that Ukraine has suffered 100K casualties: dead, wounded, missing, and KIA.
With later speculation that the real numbers are 10K dead and 40K seriously wounded. Now none of those numbers are real but they do offer insights. 90K Russian deaths begs a serious question: how many wounded. The traditional ratio of dead to wounded was 1:3. I think that might
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Why Bakhmut? Its a common question as people try to figure out what Russia hopes to gain from a battle that now resembles a WWI battlefield right down to the mud and unburied bodies. I am going to try and answer that question, or at least pose a reasonable explanation. Firstly
there are 3 battles you never want to fight, though all 3 are very common in military history. 1. The battle your enemy wants you to fight. 2. The battle where your enemy is. 3. The battle you have to win. All 3 require you to give up valuable tools like the initiative, room to
maneuver, and time. For the Russians Bakhmut has become all 3. The battle started for rather simple reasons. After the Russian breakthrough at Popasnaya Bakhmut was simply the next blocking position taken up by the Ukrainians. Thats where the enemy (of the Russians) was so that
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Good morning everyone. Today is Giving Tuesday! I jumped the gun a little bit last night (it was already Tuesday in Kyiv) to take advantage of Cyber Monday (in Arkansas) to send an IFAK to @UkraineAidOps. I am asking my readers to give something today to some organization that is
helping Ukraine resist the #GenocideOfUkrainians. @MriyaAid, @U24_gov_ua, @3xR_team, @Teoyaomiquu, @georgian_legion, @belwarriors of whatever outlet you use to support Ukraine. Especially as it looks like Russia was gearing up for another massive missile strike. Russian sends
hate, we can send love and defiance. At this point just about every trooper in the Ukrainian Army has something from the West. From government supplied aid to little "care packages" from people like us that could be a chest carrier, IFAK or radio. The Ukrainian people know there
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I've noticed that my observation comparing #Bakhmut to #Verdun and #Passchendaele are now pretty much the accepted comparisons, and they should be. What a nightmare battlefield. There are however some things that make it a very much 21st century war vs just WWI redux. First the
suffering is in some ways worse. The troops from late 1915-18 had become masters of trench warfare. Trenches were deep with duckboards to keep heads below the bullet line and feet above the mud. Dug outs were artillery resistant and could only be hit by happenstance and could
not be individually targeted. The night while full of terrors at least allowed movement behind the trenches and for raiding parties across no man's land. Well crewed and directed artillery in WWI could hit a fairly well-defined area but it had to be an area. It was not going to
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