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🚨THREAD: As we see ICE further escalating its violent and abusive behavior towards immigrant communities, here are some key #KnowYourRights resources currently available at Make the Road NY.

1. Workshops available at *ALL* our sites in March:…

Please RT!
2. Our Deportation Defense Manual w/ @ImmDefense available in English and Spanish.

This manual provides information, resources, and a guide to creating a plan of action to protect targeted communities against ongoing anti-immigrant attacks.

Download at:
3. Our 5-step Know Your Rights infographic!

We hope that this resource is able to help communities understand and assert their rights in the face of #ICEraids

Available in English and Spanish on our website:…
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White nationalists mourn the passing of their godfather, architect of the anti-immigrant movement, the guy who might as well have told Stephen Miller how to make America white again.

I've been fighting to unseal the #TantonPapers for 3 years. What don't they want us to see?
But there is some good news. Because Tanton died in July - the quarterly hate rag he launched called "The Social Contract" comes to an end.

That's one less white nationalist mouthpiece out there. Of course, one could argue it accomplished its purpose.
That being the creation of anti-immigrant language that Tanton Network people could use to push policies like the #MuslimBan, ramped up #ICERaids, criminalization of immigrants, #MPP, and the rest of the Hate Torrent spewing out of the White House.

Tanton Network infested it.
Read 8 tweets
#BREAKING @splcenter drops another bombshell report on Stephen Miller and his *extensive* connections with white nationalist hate group @CIS_org.

Why is this so important? Of course Stephen Miller is a white nationalist, right?…
Ramped up #ICERaids.
#TPS loss.
#DACA revocation.
#RemainInMexico protocols.
The #MuslimBan

Miller is often credited as architect of 45's immigration policies, but these policies didn't just appear in his mind overnight. He had lots of help, going back a long way.
The Center for Immigration Studies was founded by white nationalist/eugenicist John Tanton. If you follow me, you know I've been seeking to unseal the private #TantonPapers for 3 years.…
Read 8 tweets
EVERYONE needs to see this.

A wire map of white supremacy in the Trump administration on immigration.

Check out the link here:
If you've ever wondered, "Where do all these horrible policies come from?" like #KidsInCages, #MuslimBan, ramped up #ICERaids, #DACA revocation, etc - you might think the evil mind of Stephen Miller.

But Miller's no immigration guru. He's had a LOT of help.
Hover over the names. Read about the connections and you'll see: we're not fighting Trump or Miller.

We're fighting a *movement.* A defined, purposeful movement that thrives on a diet of white nationalism, deplorables, and bigotry.

And we're about 40 years behind them.
Read 10 tweets
A Chart: Fascist Attacks Against Immigrants Just in Past Two Months, as of September 14, 2019
There is a massive refugee/immigration crisis around the world. Tens of millions of people are desperately fleeing for their lives.
July 14
Trump unleashed barrage of racist, anti-immigrant tweets directed at 4 Democratic congresswomen of color. He demanded the 4 “go back to the crime-infested places from where they came.”…
“The Demonization, Criminalization and Deportations of Immigrants”
From Bob Avakian's speech "Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution"

Read 48 tweets
Over 40 workers arrested during 7 August 2019 Mississippi #ICERaids have now been charged in federal court for being in the country illegally but NO company, or corporate officer, director, manager, owner has been charged so far.
Wow! the details ...…
1/ As you may remember this was the largest single state #ICERaid ever conducted (and one of the biggest one in the last 5 years or so) which resulted in 638 noncitizens arrested at 7 food processing plants in MS. About 300 remain in ICE custody in Jena LA & in MS.
2/ The whole thing apparently started this last Feb with a pretty common occurrence: an informant who had previously provided "reliable info to LEA" told ICE officer that almost all the work force at P H Food was "illegal". What happened is anything but ordinary or common ...
Read 49 tweets
Ending a fact-finding trip on root causes of migration from the "Northern Triangle" – Guatemala, El Salvador & Honduras – Speaker Pelosi and her bipartisan delegation visited asylum seekers in the border city of McAllen, TX, and affirmed a MORAL RESPONSIBILITY to end this crisis.
On the heartbreak of traumatized children left on the street this week when their parents were taken in Mississippi #ICEraids, Speaker Pelosi recalled Trump's now broken promise to go after criminals only – saying his targeting of workplaces "undermines the character of America."
One week after 22 people were killed in #ElPaso, Speaker Pelosi also spoke with moral clarity on the URGENCY to come together as a nation to #DisarmHate:

"Xenophobia, white supremacy, and availability of guns are an explosive combination that we must disconnect."

Read 4 tweets
The fear I witnessed among Latino communities in Forest, Mississippi this weekend reminded me so much of the aura of terror in the days after 9/11. The isolation. The dark rumors of attacks at local stores & schools. The way any horror seemed plausible. 1/…
Days after 9/11, I remember a woman told an in-law’s mother that she had given an Arabic man money to pay for something at a store, & he’d returned the kindness by telling her Al Qaeda planned to poison the nation’s Coca Cola supply. It was all made up. 2/
Some family members reacted by pouring out 2-liter bottles of Coke.

It sounds crazy & like xenophobic hysteria now, but we’d just watched 2 planes fly into buildings we thought would safely stand forever. Nothing made sense. Anything seemed possible. We felt besieged. At war. 3/
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Notice the stampede of invisible American citizens eager to reclaim jobs undocumented immigrants “stole” from them outside the Koch Foods plant in Forest, Mississippi.

Koch had to stop operations in the town after last week’s #ICEraids, bc they don’t have enough employees now.
“No one is coming out”: Ice raids leave Latino community paralyzed with fear.

Communities in Mississippi are on edge after 700 immigrants were arrested in #ICEraids last week, with reports of more to follow. Latest for @guardian:…
Clarification: Koch cut back on operations in the area after a raid in the plant in neighboring Morton 10 miles away, where many immigrants from Forest worked; even immigrants who were not taken are afraid to return to work at either the Forest or Morton plants.
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ICE officials tell NBC that they did not alert schools or state agencies like Mississippi’s local Child Protections Services bc “we are a law enforcement agency, not a social services agency.”

That left schools & orgs clamoring to deal with children left parentless. #ICEraids
The result of ICE’s refusal to alert schools or CPS:

“Kids finished their 1st day of school w no parents to go home to tonight. Babie remained at daycare w no guardian to pick them up. A child vainly searched a workplace parking lot for missing parents.”…
Trump on why the raids were conducted in such a way that left schools & daycares scrambling to find a place for kids to go:
“You have to go in, you can't let anybody know, otherwise when you get there, nobody will be there.”
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This is Cynthia (9), Diego (6) and Esau (5). Their Mom, and only parent, was detained in Wednesday’s #ICERaids #ICERaidsMs. They’re staying with their Aunt (whose husband was also detained and has 6 kids of her own). They don’t know where their Mom is or if she’s ever coming back
Meet Stephanie (18)and her sister Ingrid(3). Their Dad and Aunt were taken right in front of Ingrid, who was sitting in the back seat of the car. She sat outside the car for two hrs until a friend could pick her up. Stephanie says Ingrid keeps asking “where’s Daddy?” #ICEraidsMS
The PH Food Inc. meatpacking plant in Morton #Mississippi After Wednesday’s #ICEraids #ICERaidsMS the plant is empty inside. One worker says those who weren’t detained are afraid to go back & they fear the plant will close w/out enough workers, so they’ll all be out of a job
Read 9 tweets
Yesterday, ICE arrested nearly 700 immigrants in a series of worksite raids across MS. Agents say the operation was being planned for months. But clearly they didn’t follow their own guidelines and make “plans” to reduce harm to kids. #ICEraids (1/10)
During worksite raids w/ 25+ workers, ICE agents are expected to identify & consider for release people who: are sole caregivers of children; have serious medical conditions; are pregnant or nursing; or are caretakers of disabled or seriously ill relatives. #ICEraids (2/10)
ICE is also expected to coordinate w/ state or local social service agencies to help identify people who qualify for humanitarian release. At minimum, ICE is supposed to notify the heads of state social service agencies that a worksite action is imminent. #ICEraids (3/10)
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I feel horrible for kids who had parents deported in #ICEraids but I think our media is being irresponsible using their pain as propaganda to allow illegal immigration.

If I broke the law & went to jail my kids would be inconsolably sad. That doesn’t mean I don’t go to jail.
Anytime traumatic events involve kids, it’s unquestionably sad but the parents knew this was a possibility when they didn’t comply with the law. It’s not heartless to enforce our laws. A guy embezzling money may be a great dad but they still have to answer for their actions.
American children are separated from their parents and even put into foster care where they’re at higher risk for abuse. This happens everyday for non-violent crimes. Media rarely talks about these kids. Why? Why is it okay for them to be separated but not illegal immigrants?
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Thread: There is a role for workplace enforcement policies to protect from unscrupulous and abusive employers. But let’s be clear here: ICE didn’t arrest the employers in this case and it surely knew that it was the first day of school and kids would be abandoned. #ICEraids 1/
In my experience, worksite enforcement is an essential tool because it’s the employers who are morally culpable. They take advantage of undocumented workers in terms of wages, hours, work conditions and abuse (esp against the women). Hello Trump resorts. 2/
So not arresting the employers here is telling. Do we really think that these employers were able to hire they many undocumenteds without being part of a larger scheme to feed their workforce needs? Come on. 3/
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Shocking inhumanity ripping Latino immigrant families apart: Children left devastated & alone after mass ICE raid arrested their undocumented parents working in Mississippi plants. Many have lived and worked here for over a decade, their children citizens.…
😰😡The cruelty IS the point >> After sweeping ICE raids arrested 680 immigrant workers, leaving 100s of immigrant children abandoned—‼️on their first day of school‼️—ICE is now working to “quickly reunite” many with their families if they identify “a child care issue”😡 via @CNN
I heard a CPB official on NPR defend dehumanizing mass #ICEraids that traumatize masses of immigrant children—like this girl crying that her dad isn’t a criminal—by saying ICE is obligated to carry out the laws on the books. That’s just what the Nazis said.
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At a Mississippi school, the children and family members of immigrants plucked out of their workplaces by federal agents in today’s historic #ICEraids weep, unsure when or if they’ll see their loved ones again. Their back to school week. Shared with permission from Miriam Sanchez
Stories of today’s #ICEraids: “Children finished their first day of school with no parents to go home to tonight. Babies & toddlers remained at daycare with no guardian to pick them up. A child vainly searched a workplace parking lot for missing parents.”…
While all this is going on, thousands of refugees and asylum seekers are now languishing in private prisons in Mississippi—including one where a deadly riot broke out in 2012 in protest of insufficient food and medical care.…
Read 7 tweets
Today ICE agents arrested 680 people in Mississippi in the largest single-state raid in their history. 600 agents swept up hundreds at food processing plants in several cities. That which so many dreaded is coming to pass. Don't look away.…
#ICEraids Image
"About 600 agents fanned out across the plants involving several companies, surrounding the perimeters to prevent workers from fleeing." Workers are now being held in a military hangar.… Image
What about the kids?
"bus drivers have been given strict instructions to have a "visual reference to a parent or guardian" before they drop the student off. If there is not a parent home, the child will be taken back to school"…
#ICEraidsMS #Mississippi Image
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Today’s ICE raids in Mississippi were the *single largest one-day worksite raids on immigrants in U.S. history.* ICE raided workplaces where they rounded up 680 immigrant workers in six Mississippi cities. #MSICEraids #ICEraids…
“Workers filled 3 buses—two for men & one for women—at a Koch Foods Inc. plant in tiny Morton. They were taken to a military hangar to be processed for immigration violations. About 70 family, friends and residents waved goodbye and shouted, "Let them go! Let them go!" #ICEraids
“A tearful 13-year-old boy whose parents are from Guatemala waved goodbye to his mother, a Koch worker, as he stood beside his father. Some employees tried to flee on foot but were captured in the parking lot.”
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Yes, #ICERaids do bring up “all sorts of emotions” like terror and chaos, because that’s exactly what ICE does. ICE officials have said they only expect to arrest 10-20 percent of their targets and instead make “collateral” arrests of those who happen to be there.
ICE only rarely arrests criminals: “...The latest data from the Immigration Courts through June 2019 shows only 2.8 percent of recent Department of Homeland Security (DHS) filings based deportability claims on any alleged criminal activity.”…
And also, the acting deputy director should probably check out the @MerriamWebster definition for raid. The public, including immigrants, their neighbors, journalists, attorneys, and other human rights defenders, are using the term accurately. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Image
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Today is the day when Trump will foster abject fear & terror with #ICEraids
DO NOT succumb. Today, we need to stand together.
If you see someone in trouble PLEASE don't be afraid to stand & help them.
Let's keep each other safe! #SundayMorning…
2-"They are helped by the fact that ICE agents cannot forcibly enter the homes of their targets under the law. But if past tactics are any measure, agents are likely to come to the operation armed with ruses to coax people outside. They will likely have new strategies that might
3-"help to counteract the preparations that undocumented immigrants have been making with the help of their lawyers. Anticipating that they will not manage to block all of the arrests through preventive strategies, immigration lawyers and advocates across the country have been
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We need everyone to spread the word. Tomorrow, #ICERaids will begin—with the goal of deporting and terrorizing immigrants across our country. If YOU need help during these raids, this thread tells you who to call in YOUR city. (h/t @AILANational)
Read 11 tweets
This weekend, ICE plans to target immigrant homes to round them up on deportation lists. The best way to protect yourself & others from these #ICEraids is to stay informed and to know your rights! Call Immigrant Defense Project hotline 212-725-6422 if you witness a Raid @thenyic
في نهاية هذا الأسبوع ، تخطط ICE لاستهداف منازل المهاجرين لجمعهم من قوائم الترحيل. احسن طريقة لحماية نفسك والآخرين من هذه #ICERaids هي تعريف على حقوقك! اتصل بالخط الساخن لمشروع الدفاع عن المهاجرين 212-725-6422 إذا شاهدت ظلم
В эти выходные ICE планирует нацелиться на дома иммигрантов, чтобы забрать их из списков депортации. Лучший способ защитить себя и других от этих #ICERaids - определить свои права! Если вы видите несправедливость, свяжитесь с горячей линией проекта защиты иммигрантов 212-725-6422
Read 4 tweets
With #ICERaids looming, here are a few things everyone should know:

-open your door to ICE
-sign anything
-lie to an ICE agent

-ask to see a warrant signed by a judge
-insist on your right to remain silent
-have someone document the interaction
-ask for a lawyer Image
If you or a loved one have a vulnerable immigration status, it's best to make a plan in case you encounter ICE.

Here are @UNITEDWEDREAM's recommendations on how to prep:
The @ACLU has other essential information about your rights and what to expect when interacting with ICE in different settings:…
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